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Theme Song: Day By Day - Tara 

“Victoria, can we talk a little?” asked Nichkhun politely.

“Yes” replied Victoria calmly. It’s been almost 3 weeks that they became friends and they became closer and closer than before.

“Let’s talk in the back yard” he suggested and Victoria agreed following him from behind. Unknown to them, when they were passing the hallway, G.O who was sitting with SoAh on a bench saw them.

“Don’t follow me” commanded G.O standing up and went after Victoria.

“So what do you want to talk about?” asked Victoria directly.

“I love you, Victoria. Can you be my girlfriend?” confessed Nichkhun before hugging her tightly and kissing her on lips. Victoria was shocked when she listened to his confession and his action made her more stiffed. However, the kiss didn’t last long as someone grabbed his neck and separated them.

“WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?” shouted G.O punching straight at Nichkhun’s cheekbone causing the latter fall on the ground in a blink. He quickly climbed on the loser and punched the latter a few time while Nichkhun crossed his arms to cover his face.

“G.O, STOP!!!” commanded Victoria holding her boyfriend’s shoulder as soon as her brain processed what was going on at that time. However, he didn’t listen to her but kept hitting Nichkhun who had a hard time to defend.

“Didn’t I ask you not to come near her again, bastard?” stated G.O sternly throwing another punch into the handsome face.

“YAH, STOP, G.O” ordered Victoria pushing him off her friend causing him fall lamely. She immediately helped Nichkhun up and checked whether he’s okay. “Are you alright? Your face is bleeding” told Victoria holding his arm around her shoulder to help him walk.

“You’re not going with him” claimed G.O angrily pulling her back by holding her elbow.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Victoria shook his hand off her forcefully before glaring at him.

“Didn’t I tell you not to come near him? Why don’t you listen to me?” argued G.O with his blood boiling inside. He was extremely furious right now and her talking back to him didn’t help the situation at all.

“Why do I have to listen to you? He is my FRIEND” emphasized Victoria upsettingly. After those days he abandoned her to go with SoAh, now he stuck his nose in her business.

“I protect you now. He is not as good as you think. He will do bad---” a slap threw strongly at his cheek. Victoria couldn’t control herself anymore.

“Stop accusing my friend again? You know nothing about him. You’ve ignored me these days to be with SoAh, then why now act like you care about me?” claimed Victoria in anger.

“I didn’t. You’re the one ignore me. You’re always with him” G.O stated the fact.

“You’re also with your ex, aniyo, with your girlfriend all the time. Then why blame me as if I’m the one who is wrong? You’re effortless to approach me, G.O” reminded Victoria sadly throwing him a fierce look. “I’m tired. I can’t understand you al all, G.O. Let’s stop seeing each other for a while to refresh our mind before we decide what to do with our relationship” she said those last words before walking to Nichkhun and put his arm around her shoulders while wrapping her arm around his waist to keep him balance.

When they passed by the stiffed G.O, Nichkhun showed him a satisfied smirk and mouthed ‘Loser’ while winking playfully to the latter. He was delight which what he got today. Separate them and destroy their relationship. It’s much easier to continue his plan after this. It’s not that Nichkhun couldn’t fight back but he was pretending so that he could get Victoria’s sympathy. Finally, he succeeded.

His action only put oil into a fire. G.O quickly grabbed Nichkhun’s collar and pinned him against the tree before punching the latter’s stomach. Victoria quickly pushed him away in panic and stood in front of her friend to shield him.

“Go away” shouted G.O angrier while he gripped her shoulder and threw her to the side but Victoria returned back and shield Nichkhun again. “Don’t you hear me?” asked G.O gritting his teeth while staring intense at Victoria.

“If you beat him, then hit me first” stated Victoria bravely.

“Don’t think that I don’t dare to hit you” claimed G.O firmly. He was really mad right now. “Stay away NOW” he commanded furiously.

“No” replied Victoria being stubborn.

“I count to three. If you don’t stay away, I’ll also hit you” threatened G.O certainly “One. Two. There” but Victoria stood still protecting her friend. His hand clenched into fist and rose up to the air and started moving to her beautiful face. Victoria shut her eyes tightly in fear when the punch almost reached her. However, a moment passed but she felt nothing but heard a ‘crack’ sound. She opened her eye and saw G.O’s muscular arm was next to her face. He looked at her painfully.

“Fine, remember you choose this. Don’t come crying to me later on if something happens to you” warned G.O coldly before turning around. When he walked away, he punched the white wall one more time to release his anger leaving there a stain of red mark. Looking at his back, a tear escaped her eyes but then she quickly wiped it away and spun around to check Nichkhun.

“Are you okay? I’ll take you to the nursery room” told Victoria helping him walking. She noticed the hole on the trunk next to Nichkhun’s head. G.O must cause it instead of hitting her. She wondered whether his hand injured because of this. “Let’s go” told Victoria helping Nichkhun to walk. Once she passed by, she saw a stain of blood there. Is it from G.O’s hand?

“So sorry. Because of me, you and your boyfriend fought” apologized Nichkhun making a face when Victoria treated his bruised cheek.

“I should be the one say sorry. He is bad-tempered. Because of me, you got hit” said Victoria feeling guilty.

“Gwenchana. I’m really happy because you’re by my side instead of his. Does that mean you accept my c

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gonna update next weekend. Promise!


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Chapter 1: 2018 and just start reading. What a rough start! (?) Let's see where this goes...
Hudanaly #2
Chapter 15: This story is so so so so good .I don't know how to describe
riskawidayanti #3
Chapter 5: I love Vic G.O couple..please make more story about them
Chapter 3: thanks for always make good story for victoria., hope you can continue make story about her, btw i like siwon and victoria pairing the most but G.O is ok too :D
Chapter 2: Sorry to bother but the pic at the begining of chap 2 is of G.O and who? Is it Vic?
Rizkary #6
Chapter 34: Oh my god, i cry after reading this chapter :'(
Please don't make vic feel bad again :'(
Rizkary #7
Chapter 4: Daebaaak!! Really love your story :))
alhanmobaathara #8
do you know it's the third time I read you story .. and every time I read it I like it more .. great story
Eowynn #9
Chapter 60: Great story!!!! ♥
iamyunin #10
Chapter 26: I just can't stop reading this fic everywhere,hehehe..

Good job ! :)
Can you explain me the other fanfic of you?