6:30 AM

6:30 AM

Jimin was awoken by the sound of classical music. He rubbed his eyes, slowly opening them and staring up at the ceiling. Swimming back to full consciousness, he shifted his gaze to the alarm clock on his nightstand. The red numbers stared back, having no sympathy for him as he read the ungodly hour.

"6:30... On a Saturday... God dammit Taehyung..." He groaned. He sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed, reached  his arms up over his head and stretched. The joints in his back popped several times with a satisfying snap. He slumped back down, allowing his hair to fall into his eyes.
Taehyung was his roommate. Quirky, to say the least. Often getting up early to greet the sunrise with his bright smile. Jimin never understood why Taehyung was always so cheerful. No matter what hard times befell the two of them, Taehyung always had that goofy smile plastered on his face and was able to laugh in the face of adversity. Jimin had tried to be more optimistic like Taehyung, but he decided that too much optimism was bad for the household. Maybe he just used it as an excuse to pity himself all the time, who knows.
Clearing his head of thought, Jimin stood up and opened the top drawer of his dresser. He grabbed some socks and slipped them on his feet. He glanced over to the pile of clothes on the floor. It was a sizeable pile, but he never did find the time to do laundry that week. 'Taehyung will do it eventually...' he thought as he selected a semi-clean tank top from the top of the pile. He slipped the tank top over his body, giving it a sniff for good measure, and exited his room.
Jimin searched the apartment for the source of the classical music, hoping to find Taehyung in the process. As he neared the kitchen, the smell of sizzling bacon tickled his nose, and the sound of clashing pots and pans rang rather loudly through his ears. He peeked around the corner to see Taehyung cooking up a storm while humming along to Beethoven. 
Taehyung pranced around the small kitchen, flipping eggs and pancakes, and leaving quite the mess in his wake. Jimin knew that he would eventually clean it up, Taehyung hates when things aren't clean.  
Taehyung serves the food onto two plates, setting the pans on an ever-growing pile in the sink where they tipped into a precarious position. He finally turned around and looked in Jimin's direction. His expression turned to one of mild surprise as he set the plates onto the table. 
"Jiminie~ Good morning~!" He said in a sing-song voice. Jimin slouched over and groaned.
"Taehyung... Do you know what time it is...?" Taehyung looked away and sighed. He walked over to the radio and switched it off, turning back to Jimin with an apologetic look.
"Oh did I wake you...? I'm sorry... I made breakfast, does that make up for it?" He half smiled and cocked his head to the side. Jimin smiled slightly. Taehyung may be strange and mildly annoying, but Jimin never could stay mad at him for very long. He shrugged cooly.
"I guess so... But it had better be good." He sat down in his chair and picked up his fork. Taehyung giggled as he sat down across from Jimin. He flashed a bright smile and picked up his fork.
"Enjoy~! I made it with love!" Taehyung giggled between mouthfuls. Jimin chuckled at the other boy's enthusiasm. The two ate in silence, save for Taehyung's uncontrollable giggling and positive comments on his own cooking. Jimin finished, thanking Taehyung for the meal, and went back to his room. He heard more clanging and the sound of water rushing from the tap as Taehyung prepared to do the dishes. No longer tired, Jimin laid back on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. 'It's too early to do anything...' He concluded.
Roughly ten minutes later, Jimin heard a soft knock on his door. He grunted in acknowledgement and shifted his body into a sitting position. Taehyung opened the door and popped his head inside. He looked slightly embarrassed as he beheld the mess of the older boy's room. He shifted his gaze back to Jimin and asked in a quiet voice, "Were you sleeping...?" Jimin shook his head.
"No... I'm not tired anymore." Taehyung seemed to take this as some sort of positive confirmation of Jimin's approval to a plan he had concocted. His eyes lit up as he opened the door wider. 
"Do you want to come to the park for a morning walk?" He asked.
"This early...?" Jimin replied, wondering why Taehyung would ever dare ask him such a question.
"Come on! It will be fun!" Taehyung exclaimed, bouncing up and down on his heels in anticipation.
"It's the middle of winter... The sun is barely up to warm the ground!" Jimin flopped back down onto his bed and turned away from Taehyung, a sour look developing on his face.
"You can wear my scarf!" Taehyung grabbed Jimin's wrist, and effectively pulled him out of bed. Jimin protested, but eventually gave in to Taehyung's iron grip. Once Jimin was in a standing position, Taehyung skipped over to his dresser and sifted through its contents. He picked out a long sleeved sweater, and some jeans and threw them at Jimin. They deflected off his chest and pooled at his feet. "Put these on! I'll go get changed!" Taehyung hurried out of Jimin's room and slammed the door behind him. 
"You've got to be kidding me..." Jimin picked up the sweater and inspected it. It was the type of thing he left at the bottom of his drawer with no intention of ever wearing. He gingerly lifted one sleeve with his thumb and forefinger, extending it to its full length. He hated long sleeves. He liked showing his arms off after long days at the gym, and this was not the type of clothing that allowed him to do so. "Why am I going along with this..."
He threw the sweater onto his bed and peeled off the white tank top he was currently wearing. Picking the sweater back up, he pulled it over his head and turned to face the mirror. He immediately felt uncomfortable as he noticed how it made his arms look smaller, and how tightly it hugged his torso. Trying not to make himself feel worse, he pulled his jeans on and went to wash up. 
Jimin exited the bathroom only to come face to face with a beaming Taehyung. Jimin's eyes widened and he jumped slightly, startled by Taehyung's sudden presence.
"Did I scare you?" Taehyung giggled, taking Jimin's hand and leading him to the front door. Jimin followed him without protest. 
"A bit..." Jimin sighed. Once the two arrived at the door, Taehyung grabbed Jimin's shoulders, turning him to face him. He met Jimin's gaze for a moment and his lips curled into a smile.
"Oh don't be so grouchy... We'll have fun! Plus, lunch is on me." He turned away, and opened the closet to his right. He fished around until he found his favourite scarf. "This will keep you nice and warm." Taehyung reached behind Jimin's head, holding one end of the scarf in each hand. He gently wrapped the woollen fabric around Jimin's neck, pulling it up over his face so it covered to just below his nose. Jimin was grateful for the cover, as it hid his blush from Taehyung's sudden closeness.
Normally Jimin did not let people get as close to him as Taehyung currently was. Normally it would make him feel uncomfortable, but he had to make an exception as Taehyung knew nothing of personal space. However, living with Taehyung had made Jimin realize just how much he craved to be close to someone, how much warmth was missing from his cold existence. Jimin found this warmth within Taehyung. His enthusiasm, his zest for life, all things he felt like he was missing, Taehyung added to him. 
It was at that moment that Jimin realized he had fallen for his roommate. He realized that no one would ever complete him the way Taehyung did. These feelings felt like a slap to the face, leaving him stunned.
"Is something wrong, Jimin?" Taehyung inquired, pausing halfway through the action of putting on his coat. Jimin shook his head as he was snapped from his thoughts.
"N-nothing... Nothing is wrong." He stammered, grabbing his coat and pulling it on, quickly slipping his shoes on also. He tried his best to keep turned away from Taehyung. He didn't want him to notice his darkening blush. Taehyung didn't seem to notice, putting his own shoes on and opening the door. 
"Well okay. If you say so." Taehyung grabbed Jimin's hand again, smiling as he led him to the park.
The air was crisp and the tree branches still had clumps of white decorating their tips from the last snow fall. Jimin felt grateful for the warmth of Taehyung's scarf, along with his hand, which had not left his since they left the apartment. He looked down at their joined hands, wishing he could entwine his fingers with Taehyung's and hold his hand forever. Seemingly against his unspoken wishes, Taehyung loosened his grip, and retracted his hand to the cavern of his jacket pocket.
"Sure is cold today! Maybe we should get some hot chocolate!" Taehyung said while sinking further into his coat, closely resembling a turtle. Jimin grunted in acknowledgement, trying to hide his crestfallen look as he shoved his hand into his own pocket. Although Taehyung hardly pays attention to detail, he seemed to notice this action. "Okay, what's wrong Jimin? Please tell me. I'm your roommate, I deserve to know."
Without thinking, Jimin stepped in front of Taehyung and grabbed his shoulders, holding him firmly in place. He became aware of his sudden action and loosened his grip slightly, adverting his gaze so he didn't meet Taehyung's eyes. He could imagine the look of shock and confusion on Taehyung's face. He wanted nothing more than to confess his feelings to Taehyung, and now that he had captured his attention, he felt that he had no choice.
"T-Taehyung, I-" He paused, trying to find the right words to say. "I think... I think I'm in love with you." He removed his hands from Taehyung's shoulders, closing his eyes and turning away, preparing to be rejected.
Jimin felt heat creeping back into his fingers. He cracked open his eyes, peering down to his hand, only to see it enveloped in Taehyung's. His eyes snapped open fully. He angled his head up and locked his gaze with Taehyung's. There was a smile growing on his face, along with a small blush. Jimin was the opposite, his face etched with disbelief. 
"I never thought you would be the one to confess first Jiminie~" He laughed. "I accept your feelings, and I want to show you some of my own." He yanks Jimin closer, wrapping one arm around his waist while cupping his chin with his other hand. He tilted Jimin's head up until their eyes met once again. Taehyung pushed the scarf down until Jimin's mouth was exposed. He kissed him softly, moving his hand down to join the other one at Jimin's waist. Jimin's eyes widened even more, feeling as though they would pop out of their sockets. The kiss sent him reeling, but he soon began to relish in it. Long awaited warmth spread through his body as he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's slender frame. 
Taehyung was the first to pull away. Jimin followed his retreat, not wanting the moment to end. He paused and opened his eyes, looking up into Taehyung's face. Taehyung returned his gaze with a bright smile, pulling Jimin into a a tight hug.
"I think I'm in love with you too Jimin."
Jimin hugged back tightly. He finally understood why Taehyung enjoyed getting up early. It allowed him to spend more time with the people he loved. Jimin decided from now on, he would set his alarm to wake up early more often. 'Hey... Maybe waking up at 6:30 on a Saturday isn't so bad...'
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my heart is melting
Pikapandalien #2
Chapter 1: Oh my gawd it's so adorable T^T I luv it so so much thank youu~~ ♡
Chapter 1: OMG my heart is... OMG
So warm and so wintery, too sweet for me to handle ~
chocochanbaek #4
Jiminssi-Tae #5
I've read this about 10 times (or more) and it's still my favorite I think I'll always love this one the best it's so PERFECT <333
Chapter 1: ahhh so cute :D i loved reading this :D
bubble-tae-and-jams #7
Chapter 1: Oh my God, the fluff, I can't
My heart can't take this cutenesssssss
Shy Jiminie is the cutest thing and hyper Tae is really adorable too
y u do diiiiiiiiiissssssss to meeeeeeee--
FluffyTae #8
Chapter 1: this is so cute! so sweet! vmin is so adorable >w< love them<3
KpopWednesdayite #10
Chapter 1: i love this! vmin are just too cute! ^^ <33333