Entry 7: October 10, 2012

The Curse of Innamorata

We were about to begin our afternoon class that day, October 10, 2012, when I saw him walking towards the school library. I knew he never was the one who would attend his afternoon classes and somehow it made me jealous. I wanted to be that brave, too, to be able to just ditch class and read away.

Luhan and I weren’t that close, but we’ve talked to each other a few times. He was our club president. He’d always have that smile which wrinkled the sides of his eyes, that grin that made me want to.. kiss him. Somehow that voice of him would play in my dreams and I’d wake up to a morning wanting to see him.

That’s when I realized that I liked him. I liked him a lot.

You may imagine the shock I was in when one day Sehun introduced me to Luhan. I learned that he was our senior. We were in junior year that time, and Luhan was like the Holy Grail for the girls at school. Luhan smiled at me that day, that smile that was later on the reason why I wanted to be close to him.

Believe it or not, we did. We did grow close. Whenever Sehun asked me out for lunch, Luhan would patiently be waiting in the cafeteria saving us seats. Whenever Sehun asked me out for a movie marathon at his house, Luhan would be on Sehun’s bed fast asleep because of school works.

I had never wanted to be on the same bed with someone as much as I did when I saw Luhan asleep.

Luhan was a kind person, you could actually tell by his face. When at school, he wasn’t like Sehun who was quiet and reserved, though. He wanted to be out there. Sehun was the type to stay in. Though they’re both smart in their own ways, you wouldn’t have a hard time differentiating one from the other. They may look alike the first time you meet them but there’s actually a lot of what’s there and what’s not in their personalities and faces. I was one of those who actually knew who Sehun and who Luhan really were.

Sehun was the boisterous one outside the school. He’d always smack Luhan on the shoulder when he won a game, or even when he’d lost. Luhan was the one patiently just sitting there and smiling at his friend. I learned they’d been friends since kindergarten. Their families were always away – Luhan’s family moved back to China, Sehun was the only child so it didn’t actually shock me when I learned that his parents were always out of town. They’d send him a rather big amount to cover up for allowances, but I think somehow we both knew that the amount was a replacement for them being there as his parents.

I had never heard him complain. For that I admired him. That’s when I realized how mature Sehun actually was.

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