Chapter 3


"Wear thick clothes when you go out okay?" 

"I know, auntie! I went to the mall yesterday and bought new sweaters. Oh! And I also bought one for you!" I said. I was talking to my aunt on the phone and walking around the house in my pajamas. It's currently lunchtime, so I was planning on changing into some other clothes to go to the supermarket for food, until auntie called me. 

"Really? You didn't have to, sweetie! I'll sent you some money tonight, okay?" 

"No no, use that money to go on lots of dates with uncle. I still have some left, and besides, I still have my job," I said. I honestly did not need any more money from her. I don't shop that much, I just mainly use the money to buy groceries and eat food. I know my uncle and aunt aren't that well off, so I don't want any money from them. They usually leave money in my room and leave, but I try to not use it. I do have a part-time job, which is at a sushi restaurant near our house, and it's enough to live off. Most students that are my age go out every weekend, shop a lot and spent their money on lots of other stuff, but I'm actually pretty responsible with my money, unless it comes to food. If someone asks me to go out to eat with them, I'll most definitely say yes, because.. well, no explanation needed. 

"I'll let you eat your lunch now! And I'm still gonna sent you money, bye Spring. I love you!" My aunt said and hung up. I groaned and put my phone on my bed. I changed into comfortable clothes, put my hair in a ponytail and quickly left with some money, my phone and my housekeys. I didn't know what to eat for lunch, but I was just gonna buy some groceries for the whole week. 

I noticed it was a lot warmer in the supermarket when I went in. There weren't many people, which I was quite relieved of. I went to the fruit section of the supermarket first and picked up apples, bananas, oranges and strawberries, my favorite fruits! I bought some other things such as bread, vegetables, meat, chicken and the list goes on. I checked out and went back home. I took everything out of the bags at home and made a sandwich. 

My phone suddenly rang, so I put my sandwich down to pick it up.


"Spring! Want to hang out today?" 

"I'm sorry Alex.. I think I need a day at home. I'm really tired," I said and went back to my sandwich, which was in the living room. I sat down, turned the volume of the tv down and grabbed my sandwich.

"Aw, really? That's too bad then.. have fun hanging out at home then! Can I come over tomorrow?"

"Of course you can! I just needed a day alone, that's all~ see you tomorrow!" 

"See you tomorrow Spring! I miss you, byee~" Alex said and hung up. I put my phone down beside me on the couch and continued eating and watching tv. I got startled when my phone made a sound. I unlocked it and checked my texts. I had one from my school friend, in which she asked if I wanted to go out with her. 

I thought for a while and decided to agree, because 1. I haven't seen any school friends this break and 2. I didn't have anything else to do. 

"Sure! Are we meeting up somewhere before going there?" I texted back and sat there, waiting for her to reply to me.

"Yeah, come to my house at 10.30 and others will also come! I know you have y dresses, so wear one of those! See you later~" I chuckled at her text and put my phone away. I haven't gone out in a while and I don't like it that much, but if it's to spent some time with my friends, I'm okay with it. I've never been one to go out, but I do once in a while when my friends ask me to.

I spent the rest of the day doing literally nothing. I watched 'My Lovely Girl' until it was time for me to go upstairs, take a quick shower and pick out a dress. I have a few dresses that are tight, but I didn't buy them myself. If I would see one of those dresses hanging in a store, I'd never pick it up. I don't like tight dresses, because it makes me feel very selfconscious. At the end, I still chose a pretty tight dress. One of my friends at school once gave it to me because she couldn't fit in it anymore, but I've never worn it. I folded the dress and put it in a plastic bag and went to the bathroom to get my make up. I looked for my make up bag and put bb cream, mascara, eyeliner, an eyeshadow palette and a lipstick in the bag. I also threw a pair of black pumps in the bag and took a quick shower. I changed into a pair of jeans and a sweater and took a glance at the clock, it was almost 10, so time to leave the house and take a bus to my friend's house. Oh, right.. I didn't mention her name. Her name is Ally and she's one year older than me. I've known her the longest from all my friends at school. She's really nice and caring, but when she's influenced by alcohol, she can get very flirty, even with girls. 

After a 10 minute ride on the bus, I arrived at the bus stop near Ally's house. I knocked on the door and was greeted by Ally.

"Spring! You're early," she said and smiled. She gave me a hug and invited me in. We went upstairs immediately and started getting ready. Some of my other friends were also there; Ye Eun, Maddison, Nara, Mina and Sam. 

I started with blowdrying my hair, while Ally still had to take a shower. The others were already starting on their make up. I think we were all going for a quite dark look, but not too dark. After I finished blowdrying my hair, I also started on my make up. I started with primer and then bb cream. I didn't want to do a look that was too dark, so I stayed quite neutral; not too light but also not too dark, just enough. 

"I'm done," I smiled and looked for my bag between all the other bags. I finally found it and grabbed my dress, "Turn around," I told my friends and waited for them to turn around before taking my clothes off. They laughed and just did as I asked. They knew I wasn't comfortable with changing around others, so they didn't judge me on that.


"Wow, girl, you look hot," Ye Eun said and winked at me. I pulled a disgusted face at her, which made all of them laugh. 

"Your booty is extra big with that thing on," Ally said, while entering the room. 

"Yah, erts," I joked and laughed. We had 25 minutes left before we had to go, and the others were still doing their make up. I put everything on my face in 10 minutes, while they took ages, but as long as they're not the reason we're late, I'm fine with it. Luckily, Ally is just as fast as me, so she finished blowdrying her hair and doing her make up in only 10 minutes. The others already had their dress on when Ally was putting her dress on. We looked at each other in the mirror and smiled. 

"We look presentable," Sam joked and looked for her heels. I handed my money and housekeys to Nara, so she could put it in her clutch and we all went downstairs with our heels in our hands. We put them on and put our coats on. 

"We're gonna freeze to death," I said and looked at our bare legs. 

"Better to die pretty than ugly, right?" Maddison said, which made us all laugh. I applied my lipstick and waited for the others to finish putting their lipstick, coats and heels on. Fortunately, Ally had called a cab an hour ago. When we stepped out of the door, the taxi was already there. It was a big one where 8 people could fit in. We all got in and told the driver the address. The driver drove off and we all pulled our phones out. Some of us taking selcas, others just texting. I also pulled my phone out and checked for texts.

"Spring, I can't come to the park tonight, I'm sorry! - Hanbin" I smiled at the message and thought of a reply. It's nice that he told me beforehand. 

"It's okay, Hanbin. I also can't come, so I'll see you another time." I pressed "sent". I totally forgot about what happened yesterday.. My heart suddenly started beating super fast when I thought about it. I didn't think much of it, because I've never had this feeling before. Maybe it was just because I was nervous? I don't know, it's probably just because I've never experienced it before. Just the heart acting weird. 

"Oeh, who you texting?" 

"Huh? Oh, just a friend," I answered and put my phone away. She looked at me, as if suspecting me from something, but later just shrugged it off. We soon arrived in front of the club and got out, paying the driver on our way out. We thanked him and closed the door. Music was blasting and even without going in, I already knew it was going to be very crowded. We stood in line, got our IDs checked and went in. We sat down first and drank a few shots before going on the dance floor. Ally stood up after 20 minutes of sitting at the bar.

"Spring, let's go," Ally said and grabbed my hand, dragging me on the dance floor. The others followed us and we were now dancing in between sweaty people, which was kinda gross, but nothing we can do about it. I could slowly feel the alcohol doing its work. 

"Yah yah yah, don't touch her." I turned around and saw Mina slapping some guy's hand away from me. She whispered something in his ear, which made him walk away immediately. She smiled at me and continued dancing. We spent the rest of the night together, which was a relief, because I didn't want to lose anyone throughout the night. Some of us might have drank too much alcohol, but it didn't come to the point that we had to throw up. 

"Let's go hooooome!~" Ye Eun yelled and sat down on the ground outside. 

"Ye Eun stand up, people are gonna see your underwear," I said and pulled her up. She put her arms around me and leaned her whole body weight on me. Ally was pinching Nara's cheeks, Maddison was sitting down on the ground and hugging Mina's leg and Sam was talking to someone on her phone. We were waiting for our taxi on the sidewalk. We didn't have to wait that long, luckily. We told the driver Ally's address and drove off to her house. When we arrived, I went in to grab my stuff and left after. 

"Are you gonna survive on your own? I can take you home," Ally said. 

"I'm okay," I said, "It's not that far." I obviously lied, because taking the bus to Ally's house may take like 10 minutes, but it's pretty far to walk. I don't mind going home alone, though. I wanted to go to the park, and none of my friends know about the park, which I wanted to keep like that. I don't want too many people to know about it, because I like the peace it gives me.

"Hmm, okay. Bye Spring~" Ally said and gave me a peck on my cheek. No, she's not like this normally, it's the alcohol. 

"Bye Spring!" The others yelled in unison and saw me off at the door. I made my way to the park, which was a 15 minute walk from Ally's house. I'm lucky I never meet any erted people while taking my walks. So just as usual, I wasn't bothered by any people. When I arrived at the park, I sat down on one of the benches in the middle of the park and put my bag next to me. I looked at all the lights that were hung up. It reminded me of last year's Christmas. The christmastree was still there, of course, and the lights were super bright. Another good thing about all these lights is that I can actually see where I'm going while walking around this park. There's usually not a single street light in this park, which makes it pretty scary at night, but since I absolutely love this park, I don't really mind.

"Turn around." I put my phone away and turned around. 

"Oh my god!" I yelled, when Hanbin's face suddenly popped up behind me. He smiled and walked around the bench to sit next to me.

"Hey, I thought you wouldn't come tonight," he said.

"I wasn't planning on coming, to be honest. Didn't you also say you wouldn't come?" I asked and looked at him.

"I just hoped to somehow see you here and luckily I did," he said and smiled, "Yah, what are you wearing?"

"Huh? Oh, I went out with some friends and just got back.." I answered and looked down at my legs. To be honest, I was freezing, but I didn't feel like going home yet..

"You're gonna be sick if you stay here any longer," he said and stood up.

"Where are you going?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Taking you home, let's go," he said and put his hand in front of me.

"But I don't want to go home yet.." I said, "Can't we stay a bit longer?" I asked, fidgeting with my fingers.

"What if you get sick? I wouldn't be able to be there for you if you do, and I want to see you again tomorrow," he said and sighed. He sat back down and took his jacket off. He put it on my lap, "Here, use this to keep yourself warm."

I looked at the jacket and then back at him, "No, I'm not cold, take it back. You're gonna die without your jacket." 

"Then give me your hand," he said. Not this again.. my heart starting beating super fast again and all the blood went to my cheeks, so I was blushing. I was hoping that he wouldn't see it.

I was taken back to reality again, when I felt someone holding my hand. I looked to my side and saw he was smiling at me, which didn't help my heartbeat slow down, at all.. 

"Why are you so red?" He asked and smiled. I took my hand back and covered my cheeks with both hands.

"N-no reason.." I wanted to punch myself for stuttering. He took my left hand back and held it again. We sat in silence for a while. I looked everywhere, except at him and I'm not sure where he was looking at. I decided to speak up after a while.

"How was filming? I asked. 

"It went okay. We danced together and performed songs in 3 teams," he said, "Want to see the dance?" I nodded and smiled. He looks like someone that dances well. He handed me his phone and told me to click play when he stood in the right position. "Play!" He said and waited for me to click it. I excitingly sat there and looked at him very carefully. Every move he did was on point and he had so much control over his body. He occasionally glanced at me and smirked. I was quite caught off guard when he smirked, because it's the first time I've ever seen him smirk, and it was pretty weird, but also very hot (which I don't want to admit). 

The song ended and he sat down next to me again, "And? How was it?"

"Do you really need my opinion? You probably already know how good you are. I can't believe you can rap, compose and dance.." 

"Of course I need your opinion," he said and took my hand in his, "I can't believe I'm falling for you.." He mumbled and started playing with my hand while looking up at the sky. I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. 

"Why do you think our paths decided to collide?" He suddenly asked.

"I don't know.. I really don't.." I said. Why would he ask me that in such a poetic way? I really have no idea why we suddenly met. I'm glad we did, though. 

"Do you think it's meant to be? Or is faith just playing a game with us?" He let out a breath and looked at the tree in front of us. 

"I don't know Hanbin.. Life is quite unexpected, isn't it? Let's hope it's not faith playing a game on us.. that would .." 

"Why?" He asked, now looking at me. 

"Well.. I want to know what the reason is behind my heart beating this fast whenever I'm with you," I said and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I would also want to know that.." He said and suddenly put my hand on his heart, "Does yours beat this fast?" 

"Yeah.." I pulled my head up and looked at his side profile. I got startled when he decided to turn his head to me, so I immediately looked away.

"Don't," he said and gently pulled my head back, so I was looking at him again. He leaned in closer and closer until he was only a few centimeters away from my face. He suddenly gave me a kiss on my forehead and smiled at me. 

"I like you," he suddenly confessed. 

"Hmm.. me too.." I whispered and looked away. We sat there, in a comfortable silence, staring ahead of us. I felt like a weight was suddenly lifted off my shoulders. I didn't know I liked him, but it felt right to say that out loud. I think I finally understood why my heart and body were acting like that.

"I'll walk you home, let's go," he said and stood up, looking at me. I stood up with him and we followed the path out of the park. I was walking very unevenly because the path was made out of tiny rocks and I was wearing heels. 

"Jump on my back," he said and stood in front of me with his arms ready.

"No, I can walk," I assured him, but he backed up and picked me up. I somehow ended up on his back. I really didn't want him to carry me, because I'm not that light and I could walk perfectly fine, just a little wobbly on that path. 

"You have no choice, now hold on tight before you fall," he said. I put my arms around his neck and sighed. 

"You really didn't have to, Hanbin.." I softly said. 

"Can I visit you tomorrow?" He asked. I thought for a while before answering.

"I already promised my friend to hang out.." I said and leaned my head on his shoulder. 

"Hmm.. even if I come really early?"

"Depends.. I also need my sleep, you know," I chuckled. 

"11? I'm only visiting for an hour or so, though," he said.

"Sure~ but don't set an alarm. If you can't make it on time, just visit another time," I said and pulled his beanie down, because it was slowly slipping off his head. We arrived in front of my house so he put me back down. 

"I won't, but expect me to come, okay? I'll call you when I get home~" He said and hugged me.

"Won't you wake up the other members, though?"

"No, most of them are still awake playing videogames," he said and my hair. He left a kiss on top of my head and then on my forehead.

"I always give you kisses, but isn't it time for you to also give me a kiss?" He asked. 

"I don't want to," I joked and stuck my tongue out. 

"Please?" He whined and faced his cheek towards me, waiting for me to give him a kiss. I gave in and quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled out of satisfaction and gave me one last hug before telling me to go inside.

"Be careful on your way home, Hanbin," I said and waited for him to turn around and leave. 

"I will. Get enough sleep, okay? I'll miss you," he said and flashed me a beautiful smile. 

"You too! Don't visit when you're still tired. I'll see you tomorrow or later~" I said, "Go, it's late." He nodded and waved before walking away. I smiled at his backside and closed the door. I quickly did my night routine and went to sleep. It's been a long but lovely day for me.

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JiLin1998 #1
Chapter 1: I‘ve Seen ‚mix and Match‘. I‘m so happy that fans gave Ikon The Chance to be a Boy group
Chapter 5: Awww... This is very cute :3
marissa23 #3
Chapter 5: i love it so much.............. <3
krishunxoxo #4
Chapter 5: loveeee it so muchh <3333
Chapter 5: That was seriously so cute! I really liked reading it~ :3
Chapter 5: luv it~ ^3^
angelic0605 #7
Chapter 4: my heart was beating sooooooooo fast while reading thi s story aigoo update soon Author-nim!! im enjoy reading
cathimeow #8
Chapter 5: wonderful story, thanks :)
Chapter 5: Honestly I'm probably a loyal reader here who doesnt care what you write, cause itll be amazing to me anyways :P
Chapter 3: You're seriously killing me on the inside right now, author-nim!! This is WAY TOO CUTE~ I love this fanfiction so freaking much! I loved this update~ :D <333