JN entertainment: the audtion

Country Roads, Take Me Home

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! I'm so nervous," Baekhyun rolled his eyes, Chen had been jittering on for the past ten minutes, "What if we don't get in? What will we do? Oh my god! And what am I going to do about my hair???"

"We'll be fine! Seriously, Chen, you have an amazing voice. You're prepared and you look fine. That messy look is in style, right now," Baekhyun emphasized, with a bit of edge in his voice. 

"What would you know? You look like you've spent the past few years living under a rock," Chen rebuttled.

Little did Chen know that that was basically what Baek had been doing for the past three years, still, Baekhyun felt offened since Chen had practically called him ugly, he opened his mouth to diss Chen when they were interrupted by a very formal looking woman, with a clipboard and her hair in an extremely tight bun.

"You're here for the auditions?" She asked without looking up from her clipboard or waiting for an answer, "Here are your numbers, please go wait in line."

"Tha-" Chen began but the woman had already disappeared. He stared down at the peice of paper with the number 134 on it.

"I'm cuter," Baekhyun whispered in Chen's ear making him jump in surprise. Baekhyun stuck his tounge out and headed towards the line.

"And to think a few hours ago he wouldn't even look me in the eye," Chen muttered as he ran to catch up with the brunette.

Baekhyun stood in line waiting for Chen, at first he felt satisfied that he had become so comfortable with the man from the red truck but soon his thoughts turned to memories from when he used to be social. When Chanyeol had come up with his big puppy dog eyes glinting and had introduced him to Kai, He dances so wellChanyeol had said, he's also studying law at my school! that had been all Baekhyun needed to strike up conversation with the younger male and they were best friends by the end of the week. And, Baekhyun remembered how he and Chanyeol and Kai would go out clubbing every Friday night after the boys had finished class for that day. He remembered how Chanyeol would get jealous as Baekhyun entered the dance floor and attracted male and female "followers" to come and dance right up agaisnt him. And he remembered the day Kai had met Kyungsoo, or D.O as his friends so fondly called him. And he remembered - 

"Dude! Don't be so nervous," Chen had arrived next to Baek in the line.

"I'm not, what makes you think I'm nervous?"

"You looked like you were about to cry, man, I mean it's okay to cry and all but you don't have anything to cry about! Just sing your heart out!"

Baekhyun didn't say anything but he bit his lip to prevent his chin from quivering and tears from spilling. Now was not the time. He had to think of his dad and his mom. They needed him to get through this audition and he had to get them the money for the hospital. 

"Number 134, please." Came the voice. Baekhyun pushed Chen towards the audition room. The brunette held up his fist, giving the "fighting" sign. Chen gave a quick thumbs up before taking a deep breath and entering the room, closing the door behind him. 

All but 5 minutes later, "Number 135, please". Baekhyun straightened his hair, took a deep breath and pushed open the door in front of him.


"Number 135. Please tell us a bit about yourself," a lady with long, straight black hair, said in a sort of bored tone.

"Uh, alright," Baekhyun started, "My name is Byun Baekhyun, I'm nineteen years old and I, uh, I - "

"Why are you here, Mr. Byun?" A man, who Baekhyun istantly recognized as the Sedan man from the other day, asked. He was sitting in the middle of a long table.

"Well, I guess I'm here to sing."

"No, no, I mean, why are you auditioning?"

"Oh, I'm," Baekhyun gulped, the man's eyes were glued to him, "I'm here because I need to pay for my parents medical care."

The sedan man nodded and Baekhyun swore he saw the man give another man at the table a wink.

"What will you sing for us, Mr. Byun?" A woman with brown curls asked him.

"Yes. Right. Well, I just thought I'd go for it."

"No - " The black haired woman began but she was cut off by the sedan man.

"Just go for it, Baekhyun," Baekhyun thought the man had put a little too much emphasis on his name but he shook it off and opened his mouth to sing the first song that came to mind. His heart was beating increadibly fast...

Heat beats fast

Colours and Promises

How to be brave?

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall

That was as far as Baekhyun got because the Sedan Man cut him off. Baekhyun stared at him. Eyes wide, waiting to hear what he would say.





(A/N so much procrastination is going into me writing this TT.TT The song was Christina Perrie's A Thousand Years...it's been stuck in my head recently...Chen and Baek are like my ultimate brotp! I freaking love those trolls! Anyway, forgive all grammar and spelling errors, por favor! Saranghae <3)



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lonerforever #1
Chapter 4: Hi, your story is really good:))
Chapter 2: I will definitely be subscribing~ its really good so far!
anonymousaerie #3
Its really unique and interesting~Keep it up!