
Country Roads, Take Me Home

Baekhyun stared straight ahead, focusing on the line of yellow paint in the middle of the road. This has got to be one of the longest awkwardest silences I have ever experienced, he thought. He had been in Chen's beat up red truck for about fourty minutes and neither boy had said anything since the initial greeting. 

"So," Chen began and Baekhyun jumped, "How old are you?"

"...uh...I'm nineteen," Baekhyun said slowly. 

"No way! Me too, man!"

"Yeah," Baekhyun tried to keep the conversation going but failed epically; it had been so long since he had conversed with people properly. He really was quite disappointed with himself; he used to be such a big social butterfly and he could talk your head off if he wanted. Although, Chanyeol would talk people's heads off without even realizing and he'd always say the dumbest things. Baekhyun shook his head sadly with the memory. 

"So," Chen tried again, this time Baekhyun only started a little bit, "What were you doing by the forest in the middle of nowhere?"

"Uh...it's...that is...uh," Baekhyun didn't want Chen to reject right off the bat becuase he thought Baekhyun was weird to have lived in the wild for three years, "it's...uh...well...personnal."

"Oh! I see, man," Chen raised his eyebrows suggestively, "I wouldn't want my folks to suspect me sneaking off with my girl either...that is, if I had one."

"Oh! No! That's not, " Baekhyun began before deciding better to live that white lie then tell the truth, "Yeah, that's exactly it."

The truck's occupants descended into awkward silence yet again and Baekhyun went back to focusing on the yellow paint. A song came on the radio - the radio had been playing the whole time but was turned down quite low, Chen had explained that the volume was broken when Baek first got into the truck - it was a song Baekhyun remembered as being popular in Korea, three years back. He started to sing along unconsiously, slowly increasing his volume as his subconcious recalled the lyrics. Suddenly, the truck swerved towards the side of the road. 

"YOU SING?!?!?" Chen nearly screamed in Baekhyun's ear.

"...uh...I guess," Baekhyun cowered away from Chen who was glaring at him.


"Um, ok," Baekhyun picked up the song from where he left off,

Softly you whisper you're so sincere/ how could our love be so blind

We sailed on together, we drifted apart/ and here you are by my side

Baek took a breath and just as he was about to keep singing Chen joined in:

So now I come to you/ with open arms

Chen stopped letting Baekhyun since the next line.

Nothing to hide/ believe what I say

Then he came back in. Singing an octave higher than Baekhyun.

So here I am/ with open arms 

Hoping you'll see/ what your love means to me

Open arms

Hoping you'll see/ what your love means to me

And to finish it off, Chen added some crazy ad libs to "open arms"

Op-en arms 

Baekhyun and Chen breathed hard, grinning at each other.

"That was really cool," Baekhyun whispered.

"OH MY GOD! IT WAS FANTASTIC, THAT'S WHAT IT WAS!!!!" Chen screamed, "you have a wonderful voice."

Baekhyun blushed, "You do, too."

"Is that why you're going to JN ent?"

"Yeah, I need to make some money and the seda - er - the guy who gave me this card said I had a good singing voice and that they needed talent like mine."

"No kidding! Have you ever been trained?"

"Not really, I sometimes went to music lessons with my - " He paused, he was going to say boyfriend but then he couldn't do that. Right? "Uh, with my friend. He took drumming and guitar and sometimes I would sing along and his teacher would correct me."

"Oh my god! This is so great. I hope we get to work together at JN! This will be so perfect," Chen was so excited that Baekhyun was scared he would drive off the road...again. And, for the rest of the three hour drive, Baekhyun and Chen talked like they had known each other for years - well, ok, Chen did most of the talking but each new song that came on the radio meant them singing at the top of their lungs, with no shame. Baekhyun was so happy that he had taken the chance hitch hiking in Chen's truck and that Chen had turned out not to be a ert but a potential friend.

"What is that?" Baekhyun cried as he saw a city with huge Skyrises in the distance. 

"That, my friend," Chen exclaimed dramtically, "is our new home!"





(A/N I love Baek and Chen's version of Open Arms by Journey! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKr9GU9emfg And, I must really try my best to make Baek much sassier! I hope the grammar and spelling doesn't kill you too much >< Saranghae!)

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lonerforever #1
Chapter 4: Hi, your story is really good:))
Chapter 2: I will definitely be subscribing~ its really good so far!
anonymousaerie #3
Its really unique and interesting~Keep it up!