
Turning Back

Jiwoo stared up at the ceiling after shutting off her alarm. Her boss had stopped by last night and scolded her badly. She had to beg to keep her job, as embarrassing as it was to have Leo watch. She was just thankful he didn't jump in.

She shuffled out of her room, pulling on her coat. Leo walked out of his room, quickly picking up where she was headed.

"Let me walk you to work! I promise, I'll come back home right after." He pulled on a shirt over his tank and pushed her out the door.

Maybe, she didn't have to deal with those boys today. Yet, she doubted it so much and her spirits sank immediately. She glanced to her friend, pursing her lips.

They were silent the whole way, and she wondered if he had something on his mind. When they reached the store, she stopped him. "Taekwoon," She dug into her coat pocket and pulled out her card from her wallet. "I don't have a lot of food at home, so if you want, go to the store."

He hesitantly took it and smiled. "Thanks. When do you want me to come pick you up?"

She shook her head and laughed softly. "I'll call you before I'm done." She smiled and hurried inside, afraid to be scolded again. Luckily, she opened today so she didn't have to see the thugs. Rolling eyes, she began her morning duties and looked up to the sound of the bell. Of course, she wasn't pleased with who it was.

He casually walked in, a mischievous smirk played on his lips. "Well, you're the only one today? Good, I need to talk to you."

Dongwoo slammed her against a table, gripping her shirt and holding her there. "What are you doing?!" She yelled, trying to hit him.

"Tell me who those guys were. And you seem close with them, why?" His voice was low to the point it briefly scared her.

She pushed him off, glaring. "I don't have to tell you anything. Back off." Then it hit her, and she stepped back. "How do you know? Were you following me?"

He smiled and grabbed her shirt again. "Just doing a check, and I found something good. Tell me, now."

There was a commotion from the managers office and they turned. Her boss walked out, looking as if he was going to explode. "Jiwoo! What is going on out here?"

"Nothing, sir! He was just leaving." She got the mans hands off her again and tried to push him towards the door, but he grabbed her wrist.

"I'm not going anywhere."

Her boss pointed at them, his eyes showing seriousness in them she was too afraid to argue. "I'm going to fire you if this doesn't stop."

Jiwoo wanted to scream and her heart was hurting. "Dongwoo!" She yelled, causing him to look at her in surprise. "Get out!"


He was shocked as he walked out of the store. As he went down a little ways, he frowned and shook his head. Dongwoo met up with the rest of his group, stopping in front of Sunggyu. "She won't tell me."

The man sighed, gazing up for a minute before putting on a small smile. "What to do." His voice was a whisper.

"Aish, stupid girl has guts. All I know, are the names Leo and Ravi. She went home with Leo, and then five guys walked out later. Leo stayed."

Everyone stopped and stared at him. Hoya's expression turned sour and he scoffed, turning away. 
"And she won't tell you anything? Maybe Hoya should go ask, you aren't very persuasive." Myungsoo chuckled, smirking.

Hoya shook his head. "I don't have anything to say to her." He looked towards the shop and froze. "What the hell is she doing?" They all looked as well, whispering among themselves.

Jiwoo was walking quickly towards them. She went straight to Dongwoo, cursing loudly. "Yah! What is your problem, ? I have to work so I can eat, do you even understand that?! What am I supposed to do now?!" Tears were streaming down her cheeks, and she was hitting him with her bag.

"What are you talking about? I left after that!" He grabbed her arms, pushing her back.

Hoya tried to hold her back, wrapping his arms around her. She fought against him, but it seemed her strength was running out. "Calm down and talk like a human being."

"He told me to quit, and it's all your fault. All of you!" She was crying, pushing against him. "Let me go!" He did and tried to look her over, his throat tightening. When he reached out to her, she slapped his hand away and glared, wiping her tears. "Don't even." She fixed her bag strap over her shoulder and turned to walk away, but Sunggyu grabbed her arm.

Turning, her eyes were wide and she looked down at his hand. "I'm sorry, Jiwoo. But we have to talk. We only care about your safety."

"Says who?" Dongwoo and Myungsoo mumbled, scoffing and rolling their eyes. 

Jiwoo looked at Howon and then looked away. "I don't know what you're talking aboout. I'm not in any danger. And why would you care anyways?" She crossed her arms, not making eye contact with anyone but the ground.

There was a long silence, and the two standing before her gave each other a glance. Howon sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "We need to know who your friends are. They could be using you, and I just want you to be safe."

"What?" Now she looked at them, huffing and she tilted her head. "My brother and his friends, they aren't dangerous. Who are you to tell me something like that, when you obviously know nothing at all. I want you guys to stay out of my life." Her phone started to go off and she pulled it out, but Sungjong quickly snatched it from her.

Yet, none of them tried to help her get it back. Hoya groaned and racked his brain for anything. He didn't have a clue about her having a brother. Was he the one who stayed back, Leo? "What is your brother's name?"

"Why should I tell you?" She snapped, but he just stared her down. "Hakyeon."

Sunggyu tensed up and lightly hit him, a serious expression on his face. "Cha Hakyeon. Vixx." Hoya frowned, looking over at Jiwoo, who was suddenly confused and curious about their conversation.

"Jiwoo!" She spun around and grabbed the man's arm as he hurried over. "Are you alright? Why aren't you working?" His eyes gazed over the Infinite members and he slowly tried to pull her away. "Let's go home, come on."

Gripping his sleeve, she looked between them. "Leo," Nodding quickly, she went to Sungjong and took her phone, and slowed as she walked by the other two. Sunggyu gave a soft smile but she ignored it and hurried on. Leo wrapped his arm around her and they made their way back down the road.

"Did you get her number?" Sunggyu sighed, gazing over at Sungjong. 

The boy chuckled and was quickly typing on his own. "Yes. And I got Leo's."

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