
Turning Back

There. Table five down by the wall. The lonely table that everyone moved away from. There he was. His eyes watching her every move and his unchanging expression was making her uncomfortable.

Jiwoo turned her head, smiling at the next customer in line. Taking his order, he say down at a table and a new customer came forward.

She made the drinks and served them. Taking a deep breath, she glances back over at the man. He was still watching her, tapping a finger against his cheek. She wanted to turn around and walk away, but she also wanted to tell him to stop.

"Jiwoo!" A man yelled, and she jumped, turning quickly. "Get back to work! What is your problem!?"

Nodding quickly, she went back behind the counter, cleaning and taking orders. Someone cleared their throat and she looked up, smiling.

"Oppa. What are you doing here?"

The boy chuckled, reaching over and patting her head. "I was in the area, and I thought I should surprise you."

Jiwoo giggled and nodded, asking him what he wants. Her brother was always so kind to her, and wondered if he would be staying tonight, but she didn't ask.

Glancing back at Hoya, he was glaring now, his lips pulled in a sneer and his eyes on her. He reached for his phone, quickly dialing or typing.

As she was preparing her brothers sandwich, the front door opened and she jumped as it slammed into the wall. "Oi!"

"What's going on in here!?" Her boss stormed out, only to have a baseball bat pointed at his face.

"Lee Howon!" Jiwoo snapped, focusing her gaze on him. He stood up and shrugged, stuffing his hands into his pockets and walking towards the rest of the boys.

Her brother stood up and quickly moved to her, whispering in her ear. "I need to go, I'm sorry."

She tried to grab him but he moved away too fast. "Go to my house! I'll be there when I get off work." He gave her a thumbs up as he went out the door.

"Who was that? Talking to other guys now?" Dongwoo leaned over the counter, startling her.

"What are you talking about?" She rolled her eyes.

Myungsoo sat on the counter, playing with her hair. "What about Hoya? Don't forget about him."

She pushed him away, huffing and ripping off her apron. "And what about him? It's not like we are dating. I'm leaving now."

Sungyeol slid over the counter and blocked her way. She tried to move away but he just laughed and grabbed her arm. "That's not very nice. You should be punished."

"Hoya! Give this girl a punishment!" Woohyun shouted, causing all of them to laugh.

They dragged her out of the shop and shoved her against the hood of a car. Myungsoo and Dongwoo held her arms down, chuckling and waving someone over.

"Knock it off you guys! I'm not going to give her any punishment." She couldn't see him, but she heard his voice clearly.

Hoya pulled her back up by her arm, yet he still looked angry. "At least, not this kind of punishment. Tell me why you were so close with that guy."

"That guy?" She spat, ripping herself from his grip. "I don't need to explain myself to you!"

Woohyun hit the car hood with the bat, startling her. He moved towards her and grabbed the front of her shirt. She stared into his eyes, not letting her seemed frightened.

"Come on." Sunggyu grabbed her hand, moving her from the mans grasp. He led her away from them, taking her to a bench.

As much as she found him irresistible, she couldn't trust him. Jiwoo sat down, playing with her fingers nervously. He sat down as well, glancing over at her.

"I'm sorry that happened. But, can I ask?"

Jiwoo looked up, meeting his gaze. "Ask what? If it's about Hoya, I don't want to hear it. We aren't together, I wish he would stop this-"

Sunggyu held his hand against , sighing. Shaking his head, he removed it and grew serious. "What is your relationship to the guy back there?"

They were both silent, watching one another. She blinked before scoffing and standing up. He didn't protest, he only sat there.

"I can't believe this. I can't believe I actually expected anything from you." Jiwoo stormed back, passing by the others without making eye contact. There was no point being around them, and she didn't like their company anyways.

She was almost to her house when she sensed someone behind her. If it was one of those bastards, she wasn't going to be nice.

Yet, when she looked back, no one was there. Letting out a breath, she turned, only to be startled by a man standing in her way. "Hello, Jiwoo~"

"Taekwoon!" She yelled, hitting his chest. "Don't do that to me."

He moved beside her and draped his arm over her shoulders. "Aish- I told you to call me Leo!"

She giggled and pushed him off. "Yes yes, you big baby."

"Yah! Cha Jiwoo, do you want to die!?"

Rolling her eyes, he huffed and wrapped his arms around her, spinning. "We all missed you. Did you miss your oppa?"

"What oppa?!" She laughed, shoving him away. "Did Wonsik come back with you guys as well?"

Leo raised his eyebrow with a smirk, and she raised one as well, but feeling embarrassed. He didn't speak, but he chuckled lightly and began walking again. She followed slightly, confused.

"So it's Ravi that you like, huh?"

Jiwoo's eyes widened and dropped, cheeks heating up. "What are you saying!?"

He laughed again and she followed him angrily to her home. She looked behind her again, still feeling the sense of someone watching her. Yet, just like before, no one was there and she sighed.

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