
Turning Back

"Oppa~!" She giggled as she walked through the door, hugging the tall boy. He wasn't much taller, but it was noticeable. He chuckled and petted her hair, pulling her into the living room.

Jiwoo froze her smile fading but shyly forming again. Wonsik was sitting on her couch, but when he saw her, he stood up. "Hi, Jiwoo."

"Hello, Wonsik. How are you?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling. Leo stepped in and grumbled. "Get a room. I'm raiding your kitchen, you mind?"

"I do mind!" She shouted, excusing herself to stop him. Anything to get her out of embarrassing herself.

Yet, she was soon pulled back, and her brother was giving her a stern look. "What happened back there?" He set her down on a chair.

"Oh.." It took her a moment, but she realized what he was talking about. "Just some idiots that moved in. Don't worry about it, I can handle it."

He huffed, looking at his friends. "You sure? We can talk to them."

"No! Hakyeon, it's fine." She had to come up with an excuse, and quick. Her brother and the rest were known to get into fights. "One of them has this huge crush on me, so I'll handle it."

Maybe that wasn't the right one. "What?!" They all yelled, making her yell of fright as well.

She didn't dare look at them, only her brother. "As before, it's nothing I can't handle. It's not as if I like him back." She laughed, thinking how ridiculous it would be.

"You better not!" Leo blurted out. He cleared his throat and looked away. "Well because Ravi here, right?"

They all seemed confused and she grabbed an object closest to her. Without hesitation, she chucked a cup at his head, which he fortunately moved away from. Of course she didn't actually want him hurt.

"Okay, everyone chill out." Ken sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Remember, we have something to do, but I also don't want to leave Jiwoo here alone."

They all exchanged glances and Taekwoon grumbled as if he was being burdened. "Aish- fine. I'll stay back and watch over our lovely Jiwoo."

"Ew, why you?" She hissed, still mad about him almost revealing her feelings.

Ravi stepped forward, punching his friend lightly. "Yeah, why you? N, I could stay back if you need me to."

Leo laughed and winked at her. "I don't know if that'll be a good move. We'd come back and they'd be sharing a bed and planning a wedding date-"

"Taekwoon! Shut up!" Jiwoo screamed, jumping up and covering the boys mouth. He chuckled and tried to move away, teasing her. He grabbed her arms, holding her back, as he was taller than her.

Hakyeon sighed and shook his head. "I trust you, Wonsik, but I can't have you stay. I need you to come with us."

"So that settles it." Leo clapped his hands together, smiling like he won. "I'll stay back."

They all looked at him, sighing in defeat. Her older brother took her hand and smiled. "Hongbin, you think that will be alright?"

The other boy nodded. "If you trust him, then Leo can stay. Everyone else has something important to do."

Everyone stood up and waved them goodbye. She frantically tried to pull Hakyeon back, and when she succeeded, she frowned. "You're leaving already? But you just got here."

He kissed her forehead and petted her hair. "Don't worry, I'll be back." All of the boys left, leaving her with Taekwoon.

He was about to walk into her guest room, but she ran over and blocked his way. He gave her a surprised look and blinked. "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" She huffed, glaring at him. He couldn't just go wherever he wanted.

He laughed and tried to move her. "I'm going to stay here. You have a guest room for a reason."

"Not for you. No, you can't stay here."

His eyebrow shot up and he stepped back. "Are you hiding something? Or do you just not want me to stay? I could sleep in your room with you if you want."

Of course she wasn't hiding anything, but it was weird for him to sleep at her house. When it's just the two of them. But he seemed set on staying and she sighed, stepping away.

"Fine, just don't make a mess." Jiwoo went into the living and flopped onto the couch.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door, and they both tensed up and stared at it. If it was one of them, they were dead.

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