
Turning Back

Lee Howon. Better know as Hoya, part of the infamous gang called Infinite. They were infinite amounts of trouble. They disrupted the peace of this town, causing scenes and even hurting innocent people. No one knows why they suddenly showed up, seeing they were dressed as if they lived in the city. Yet, no one had the nerve to ask them directly.

Back to Hoya, he was different from the others, at least in her eyes. He was annoying and irritable. Once in a while, she would see him actually smiling genuinely. Although it never lasted long, it happened. She will see him from time to time, some times on the street by himself, or sleeping on a bench. She knew he was part of the group from his tattoo on his neck, and the way he carried himself. 

The look in his eyes...

She had met another member of the gang once. He was surprisingly sweet to her, and it made her bubbly inside. His name was unknown and he was probably never going to be seen again, since Hoya took him away.

A finger snapped in front of her face and she blinked, seeing a good looking boy in front of her. He was glaring, and looking impatient.

"Are you deaf? Do you not understand anything I'm saying?" He slammed his hand onto the counter, causing everyone in the restaurant to jump in fear.

Jiwoo bowed her head. "I'm so sorry, I must have made a mistake. Can you please repeat youself."

"Repeat myself?" He growled lowly, reaching for her. "Let's see if we can hear your screams from underground."


They both turned after he had a hold of her apron. An even more handsome man walked over, placing his hand on her attackers shoulder. It was him. The one who made her heart go out of control.

"Let her go."

The man reluctantly pushed her away, crossing his arms and glaring at her. "Damn you."

"I'm sorry, but could we please hurry this up?" The second man spoke harshly, but wore a smile.

She nodded, looking back at Dongwoo. "What can I get you?"

He scoffed and walked away, leaving her annoyed. "Damn you too, Sunggyu."

"I'm sorry, just give me seven of your best sandwiches." He smiled again, and she had to stop from swooning.

Feeling her cheeks flare up, she nodded and rang it up while the other workers made the order. She wrapped them and handed him the bags, and he gave her the money. He winked as he walked away, causing her heart to jump.

The two men left and she felt she could relax, as well as everyone else. The women beside her were whispering about something.

"They are handsome, but I have seen them before."

"So scary!"

"Wasn't that Infinite's leader? But why were they in here?"

Infinite? Oh, that's right. The gang of gorgeous looking men who fight and are the cause of the end of humanity. Yeah, she's heard it all.

The bell rang and she perked up, smiling and greeting the customer. He had dark hair that was shaved underneath and a 'OBEY' snapback placed on top. His hands were shoved into his pockets as he sauntered his way to the counter.

"Hello, what can I get for you?"

He looked her over and back up to her face. "What was the question?"

She repeated and blinked, knowing he heard her. He chuckled and leaned forward, holding out his hand. She glanced at him and raised an eyebrow.

"I want you."

Her expression didn't change and she typed something into the computer. "Sorry, I am not on the menu. Please order or leave."

He laughed but glared, leaning closer. "Do you know who I am?"


He grew angry and he slapped his hands onto the counter, sneering. "I am flirting with you, why are you being so stubborn!? When men flirt with you, you're supposed to giggle and be shy! What is wrong with your head?"

Jiwoo rolled her eyes and looked at her watch. "You're the one yelling at me for not giving into your horrible attempt at flirting. What is wrong with your head?"

She removed her apron and hung it up and walked from behind the counter. She waved and left the building, pulling at her shirt. It was hot out.

"Yah!" A voice called, that voice. He ran out looking furious and he grabbed her arm. "I wasn't done talking to you!"

"What do you want then? I don't even know you!" Taking deep breaths, she ripped away from him.

He sighed and stuck his hands back into his pants. "My name is Hoya."

"I don't care!" She huffed and started walking away again.

Suddenly a man stepped in front of her, smiling. "Hoya, are you picking on women again?" Another man was beside him, rolling is eyes.

"Woohyun, Sungyeol, go away." Hoya scoffed and turned his head away.

Trying to get away, two more boys stopped her, smirking. "Oh, have I met you before?" One of them held out their hands but she stepped back.

"Myungsoo, Sungjong. Why the hell did you show up?" Howon spat, grabbing her shoulders. Sunggyu and Dongwoo walked over, looking confused.

Jiwoo spun, pushing him back. "What do you want? I don't want to be involved with you."

"Once someone has taken a liking to you, you're involved." Woohyun chuckled.

What? She crinkled her nose and looked around at them, her heart speeding up. "What... are you saying? Just leave me alone." She hurried away, and was relieved when they didn't follow.

They we're awful and she needed to stay clear of them. Especially Lee Howon. The last thing on her mind was to get hurt. If only they would leave on their own, but Hoya didn't act like he was going anywhere, anytime soon. She looked behind her, and his eyes watched her, causing a chill to run down her spine. 

He was the enemy. He was not to be trusted. 

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