Viva: Christmas Edition [2/4]


Changmin doesn't regret his outburst, and he continues to eat now without even looking at his father. It's ridiculous, really, that Yunho has always been more of a father to him than the King, but he isn't even allowed to join them at the table for the simple fact that he isn't royalty.

And what did being royalty even mean?

Changmin manages to say nothing for two more courses, and he is stabbing at his scallop rather moodily and hopes that the dinner would end quickly. He reaches for his glass of wine and is taking a sip when his father looks up at him.

"I had my secretary set up a meeting for you and Miss Song, Changmin, for next week."

Changmin splutters.

And to his dismay, Changmin actually spills a drop or two of the wine onto his shirt and coughs.

"Prince Changmin!" shouts his father, and Changmin cringes while his sisters shift in their seats uncomfortably.

"Yes, father," responds Changmin, trying to gather himself. He puts his glass down and reaches for his napkin while his mother touches the King's shoulder softly. Changmin sees that his father visibly softens at the touch, and he suddenly feels so very complex, because he's sure that Victoria couldn't be to him what his mother is to his father.

He can't decide if he's jealous of his father or just dismayed that he's never going to find a wife like that.

"Changmin, why don't you excuse yourself for the rest of this dinner," says the Queen. The King in a breath to say something, but she touches his arm and he lets it out.

"Yes... Yes," says Changmin. He stands and stops trying to wipe off the wine droplet from his white shirt and places the napkin back down onto the table. "Please excuse me."

Changmin doesn't bother bowing or otherwise recognizing his father as he turns and walks out.



It isn't long until Yunho finds Changmin.

Changmin's walking upstairs into his room, and his shoulders are sagging slightly. Yunho quickens his steps to catch up with him.

"Your Highness."

Changmin turns his head and upon seeing Yunho, swallows. "Mr. Jung," he says. "I thought you would already be upstairs."

"I was eating as well," says Yunho.

"I'm sorry, I interrupted you."

"I was finished anyway."

Changmin nods and turns his head away a bit. As he does, Yunho notices a wine stain on Changmin's shirt, and he holds back a sigh.

Yunho should probably be chastising the prince, but he can't. Not today.

Instead, he bravely wraps an arm around Changmin's waist to comfort him properly and smiles instead.

"I'm glad the dinner finished early," says Yunho encouragingly. "It leaves more time for us to spend at Mr. Cho's."

Changmin leans almost imperceptively into Yunho as they reach Changmin's room.

"I'm really sorry, Yunho," says Changmin quietly. "I know you worked hard so that this won't happen."

Yunho does look up at the prince. "What happened?"

Changmin sighs. "My father informed me that he set up a date for Victoria and me."

"Victoria? Who's Vic -"

It hits Yunho. Minister of Finance. His daughter.

The King has mentioned her a couple of times, and Yunho has seen her once or twice as well.

Yunho feels a lump come up in his throat inexplicably. He swallows.

"Keep an open mind," says Yunho, but for some reason, those words take so much effort to say. "I think you'll like her more than you think you will."

"Probably," mutters Changmin, "since I think I won't like her much."

"I've seen her. She's very pretty, and from what I hear, very intelligent. She'll fit well as a princess," manages Yunho.

Changmin winces, but nods. "Yes," he whispers. "I'm sure she will."

Yunho forces a smile and pats Changmin's hair. Unfortunately, he doesn't have much else to say to comfort the prince.

"Let's get ready for Mr. Cho's now. I'm going to pick up the food from the kitchens while you get dressed."

Changmin complies, although it's not with much enthusiasm.



Yunho is properly nervous.

Yunho is cornered by a very out-of-breath Xiumin on his way back from the kitchens and is informed that the King wanted to see him in his office right away.

Yunho forgets to ask Xiumin to take the cookies upstairs for him before walking into the King's office.

And as the King's gaze travels from Yunho's face down to the box of cookies that Yunho is holding, Yunho barely holds his head up.

The King's disapproval doesn't need to be voiced.

However, to Yunho's surprise, the King doesn't say anything.

"Thank you for coming."

Yunho nods slightly. "Always at your service, Your Majesty."

The King regards Yunho for a slight second, obviously judging, but then his expression changes.

"You've done a fantastic job in teaching Changmin, Mr. Jung," says the King. "Certainly much better than I ever could have done with a boy who is as defiant and uninterested as Changmin."

Yunho thumbs at the edge of the cookie box. He isn't about to talk badly about Changmin behind his back. "The Prince has always been everything I could ever have asked for in a student."

"I'm glad," says the King, and on any other day, he would be half-hearted. But today, he is actually listening intently to Yunho.

Paradoxically, it's not a good feeling.

In fact, Yunho has to clench his teeth to prepare himself for what might be coming next.

"You have certainly exceeded expectations, Mr. Jung, and so has Prince Changmin, thanks to your hard work."

Yunho swallows. "Thank you."

"And Mr. Jung..." says the King. He waits until Yunho is looking up into his eyes to continue. "...I believe now that your job has been completed."

 It takes Yunho a few moments to understand what he's saying. Yunho opens his mouth to say something, but all that leaves his mouth is a soft, "Oh."

It is so like the King to fire him on Christmas Day.

"You are relieved of all of your duties regarding Prince Changmin, effective immediately. I think it would be best for both you and the Prince if you would leave as soon as you can. Perhaps tomorrow morning would be appropriate."

"I -"

Yunho can't find the next words to say.

"I appreciate that it will be difficult for you to arrange to move so soon. The royal office will provide you with an apartment downtown for a year, and we'll also help move your things out of your room at the palace."

Yunho still doesn't speak.

"Do you need anything else from us, Mr. Jung?" asks the King. "The royal office would be happy to help you find another job. After all, you have done great work for the Royal Family."

Yunho had imagined this moment many times, especially since he knew this was coming. Of course Changmin doesn't need a tutor forever, and knowing how much the King dislikes Yunho, Yunho always knew that this was coming. So he had been afraid that when he got the news of his dismissal, that he would break down, that he would start crying, in front of the king, no less.

Not being able to see Changmin anymore has always been a devastating prospect, and it still is.

But he's feeling quite well -- almost unbelievably so.

His mind is working, but not in ways that he thought it would.

In fact, he's just thinking of all the things that he'd always wanted to do, but couldn't.

Travel. Write. Start that charity he's always wanted to start.

He looks up at the King and, miraculously, manages a smile.

"That won't be necessary," says Yunho calmly. "It has been a pleasure to serve the Prince."

The King also smiles -- a rare one for Yunho. Maybe even the very first. And evidently, last. "Thank you for your help over the years."

"Thank you for having me. It was my honour."

Yunho stands, and with the box of cookies still in his hands, leaves the King's office more gracefully than he'd ever expected to.

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Chapter 7: Does this have an sequel? Because istg I feel so bad for the both of them :(
HominYC #2
Chapter 7: It's a very sad ending!! , I do not want it T-T
Chapter 7: HUAAAAAAA THIS IS SO SAD OMG NO D'x but the again, I understand that in real life you don't always get what you want. And you just have to accept it. Thank you for writing such a good story. I couldn't help but felt the joy that Changmin felt even though its just for a short amount of time in his life.
midnight #4
Chapter 7: Janie! How can that be the end?? You are just playing with us right? Changmin is gonna come back and they are going to be happy and have a family right? Real life is dumb ..fanfics should be happy! Grrrrrrr I hate when you do this. Changmin baby. How can HoMin be apart? How????

This was awesome tho. Give us a second epilogue!
Anashim #5
Chapter 7: janieee... it is end????? why separate yunho and changmin??? i know the real life just like that.. but my delulu ship, want them to be together ㅠ.ㅠ
cassiopcassie #6
Chapter 7: what the f......................

awesome! always such a great story when it comes from you, but still..

what the f......
Chapter 5: Ahhh!! I reached the end far too soon! D: I want to keep reading so much! I love the complex relationship between yunho and changmin and how it compares with the straightforward friendship between changmin and kyu. It's really clever because if changmin hadn't met kyu he wouldn't have realized what he feels for yunho is different than with a regular friend... awww I have so many feels and I can't wait to read more, really love the subtle style. Thank you for sharing!
HominYC #8
Chapter 5: No no no no
This can not be!! They will not be able see each other ever again TT_TT
I'm wondering how it will be the reaction of changmin After yunho will tell him?
lunanegra #9
Chapter 5: Oh no, the king dismissed yunho. What would changmin do without him?
ohnoona #10
Chapter 5: Yunho will leave?poor changmin.. Hope they will be together again..please update asap