crossing paths

***..DRAWN TO YOU...*** (on HIATUS..sorry)
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Kai just stood there, dumbfounded.

Left with not knowing what to do next.

Then a passing car blew its horn as it skid past the intersection, pulling him back to reality.

'Kai! At the entrance!', he screamed at himself, running as fast as his feet could take him, dodging people as he ran towards the cafe's entrance.

'Pls. pls. pls. be there!' Praying as he rushed inside the cafe, searching the doorway. And finding nothing there, he purposely headed towards the far end corner of the cafe where he spotted them. Heartbeat racing.

"Annyeong! How was---" started Lay, who was at the moment chatting with a costumer at the counter when Kai burtsed in.

"Hey?" he called out to Kai, who seemed not to hear him.

Lay raised his brow in wonder, 'what is it now?', he thought to himself.

Then he turned his attention back to the new customer he just met that day and continued their conversation before.

Suho: Who was that?

Lay: Our boss.

Suho: Oh, really? He looks young!

D.O., coming back from the rest room: I didn't get to see his face, he was rushing in. Did something happen?

Lay: Ah, i don't know. But don't mind him, he usually get around to whatever troubles him in the end, so no worries. *smile*

'Ah,..' said the two, nodding.

Kai reached the now vacant table, 'you know it was empty!, yet you rushed in still!' he chided with himself.

"Aish!", he quietly muttered. He searched frantically around the cafe.

Costumers chatting happily all around him, but the one he was searching for was not in sight.

He felt like the world was playing a joke on him.

He felt his knees weaken, but controlled himself.

'Well, its not as if i know that that was him!,..but! he resembles it, an uncanny resemblance! i just got to,"...talking to himself,and all the staff witnessed his expression.

And they were eyeing him,concerned, but unable to ask him what was wrong because they're all still attending to their own costumers.

Lay, still talking to his new found friends, also spotted Kai and his detached expression.

He excused himself for a moment to the two, and rushed to Kai's

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Chapter 5: You're hilarious!!! More so at the introduction part!!! Hahaha.... i have the feelings that we can get along very well!! Hohoho... love you.. ~chuu~