a glimpse of you

***..DRAWN TO YOU...*** (on HIATUS..sorry)
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*Ding!*, the bell on the doorway chimmed as it opened.

7AM, right on time, and 4 gorgeous men bustled into the cafe.

Aside from their jackets, they were wearing the cafe's uniform, a baby blue t-shirt with the name of the shop printed across the chest part of it, paired with black jeans.

"Annyeonghaseyo, hyungs!", they all greeted in unison.

"Annyeong!", said Xiumin and Kai, both smiling.

Then Xiumin added, with a cheery smile,"Let's do our best today too!"

" Hwaiting!", they all cheered.

And they busied themselves with their assigned jobs.

And in not time, after opening the doors, the cafe was buzzing with costumers coming in and out.

Lay, a gorgeous guy with a deep dimple to boot, was assigned at the reception area.

Receiving guests and ensuring costumers to come back again and again is his area of responsiblity.

And he does this well, it's one of the reasons why costumers favor them over the other cafes.

Who wouldn't, right? hehe..

Now then, let's move on to our next staff. ^_^

Luhan, a boy who's always mistakenly taken for a girl because of his beautiful facial features and petite body structure, is the one assigned at the bubbletea station.

All the flavors of the bubbletea served in the cafe were all invented by him.

Making it is his passion.

A relaxing smile will always be shown on his face whenever he makes one.

So getting in line just to see that smile is totally worth it, especially when you're dead tired after a day's work.

Moving on with the introductions:the next one, the one at the coffee station, *hint: you already 'met' him awhile ago,hehe*, is Xiumin, our Baozi, he always wanted to become a barista.

He makes the best coffee you ever tasted, topped with love and care by him, as shown on the different coffee art on every serving.

Lines of people will always be seen in his station, so there's little, or sometimes none at all, time to rest.

But the happiness at fulfilling his dream is worth it.

So, yeah, he's living his dream now, and enjoying it! (.*o*.)

Then there's the "sweets' duo", i say sweet because they're in charged of the cakes, cookies and stuff. *wink!*

 There's Tao, a tall, cute, and slender panda, *you know what i mean, tehee*.

*surprising? hehe, i think it's cute! a manly-looking person like him in charged of that station,.wheew! H.O.T. ^-^*

And the other one is Chen, a handsome man with a great voice, who, when not with Tao at their station, is up on the mini stage of the cafe to entertain customers with his singing.

Serenading them with songs, accepting requests and favors from the costumers.

So, yeah, it's a dream cafe!

The people consisting it are all dreamy and always there to serve you.

And, what about Kai?, you ask?, He's the manager, but he also helps in every way he can at every station.

He's an all around guy.

And he should, as the manager, know every nooks and cranies of his business.

*****mmm, if your asking: why is it that there's no waiters or something? answer: it's a self-service cafe, and they're understaffed. wahaha! just joking! it's just that they're all gorgeous in my eyes, they don't fit the image of waiting on someone, ahm, atleast for me ^_^'' miane..let's just assume that in this particular cafe, the costumers are all disciplined and they bring the dirty dishes to the heart-shaped shaft which will contain those until it's time for washing them, and that this cafe have unlimited stock of dinning utensils, hehe, am i going to far? and all there's left to do for the staff is to wipe the tables after each costumer's use, *whoever was free*,and wash those dishes at the end of their shifts,***

*So, we're finished now with the staffs' intro and on how the cafe works*

***skip to: Lunch time!*

*at lunch time, the shop will be closed, it's a rule that all the staff should eat nutritious food together and eat it in a relaxed pace, and the costumers "amazingly" respect this rule,***just go with me on this one, ok? it is a fanfic  after all,hehe***

*they open the cafe at 2pm again and stay open until 5 in the evening.*

**it's great to take care of your health, so, two-thumbs up guys!**

Xiumin, holding his phone, asked all of them to tell him what they wanted for lunch.

"Beef!" they simultaneously shouted.

"Hahah, ok kids"..and he proceeded with ordering just that, adding a serving of rice, vegetables and a  whole chicken for Kai, over the phone.

And in no time at all, the food arrived, and they all helped in setting the table.

Moving harmoniously, as if in perfect unison with each other.

From setting the plates to arranging their seats around the table, you'd think they're dancing. @o@

After setting the table, Xiumin, who was the oldest among them *but you wouldn't have guessed that from his cute looks*, gestured to them to have a seat and said: "let's eat" after saying grace.

***pause!!!!*let me squeeze this tiny bit of detail in,hehe*seating arrangement: kai-xiumin-chen-tao-luhan-lay***back to the story:**

"Ok!", cheered Tao and Luhan who looked really hungry and they started digging at the food before them, chewing like there's no tomorrow.

The rest are taking their time to eat.

Chen: Hey! Children, slow down, manners!

Tao and Luhan looked like scolded kids, and slowed down.

Kai: Haha! geez, you sound just like a mom Chen!

Chen: What? No way!

Tao: yah ah! *nodding in agreement*

Luhan: do too, 'eomma'! XP

Chen: NOT! XP

Xiumin: Hahah, not taking their side Chen but, you do act like one you know. (a teasing tone evident in his voice)

Chen--shocked : No0o0o0! Not my Baozi toooooooo....!!!!  (with frustration in his voice, facepalmed, and hanged his head in defeat)

And they all laughed at Chen's reaction.

Lay: Ah! I think you'd rather prefer that your the "appa".....?..(purposely letting his voice trail off) ...and Xiumin the "eomma"...?

Chen, lifted his head suddenly and smiled widely, his eyes shaped like a cresent moon.

He gave Lay a thumbs up! XD

Kai looked at his hyung, and laughed uncontrollably.

Xiumin, who was beside him and Chen, was all red in the face and dumbfounded.

The rest noticed this and joined in the laughter, except for Xiumin and Chen.

Chen (the prince for the rescue?): Hey! Stop it, your making my Jagiya blush!

Which only made them laugh harder.

Xiumin hit him in the ribs with his elbow and pouted at Chen at the same time.

Chen: Ouch! What was tha---?

And realizing his statement only made it worse, he said, with the most serious expression that he could muster:

Chen: Hey, seriously, stop now.

And they did.

"Huh", Chen thought, "that's surprising! they actually listened!"

Then Kai spoke up.

Kai: Kids, say sorry.

Luhan: What? You're included! (pointing at Kai)

Kai: I know! But who would've said it otherwise?

Luhan: O-oh! Right! hahah.

K.L.T.L. (mischievously looked at each other before saying): Mianeyo Appa! Eomma! (and bowed their heads at the same time)

Chen, taking this as an opportunity, rested his arm around Xiumin's shoulder and said: Araso, don't do it again. (he said with a fatherly voice).

Making Xiumin blush all the way up to his ears!

Controlled laughter can be heard coming from the "kids", still with heads hanging low, sticking to their charade.

Xiumin, knowing that he can't win against the kids, said: Ok, stop your foolishness now, and eat! Or else, omma, will get angry ( putting one hand on a hip and with the other hand, he waved his pointing finger at them,like a mom would, for added effect).

Now, it's Chen's turn to blush.

They all raised their heads, and seeing the reaction from Chen, laughter rose from all of them once again.

Lay: Ok, now that that's settled, eomma/appa, let's settle my hungie stomach, it's growling already! Let's eat!

Kai: ay ay! Captain! hehe,

Luhan and Tao: Yes! Digging in!

And the merry lunch time went on with all of them chattering happily.

An occassional teasing here and there.

Then, it's time to open up the cafe again.

And its business as usual at the cafe.


A red maserati parked infront of the art gallery.

The door from the driver's side opened up and someone came out,stepping onto the street's pavement.

He walked towards the gallery's glass window, and gazed inside.

Then his brows slowly knitted together.

Great! Hyung! You're gonna pay for this!

And he stormed into the gallery, startling the people inside with his angry gaze.

The senior staff of that establishment, recognizing him at once, hurried to greet him.

"Annyeonghaseyo, *do-ryeon-nim", and he bowed with utmost respect. *"young master"

D.O., taught from a young age to mind his manners, no matter how he's pissed of right now, returned the greeting.

"Hyung?", he then asked, containing his anger for the said sibling.

"He's in his office right now. Right this way, do-ryeon-nim", he gestured for D.O. to follow him.

Then they walked further into the vast art gallery towards the office situated in the back center.

On the walls hung the works of the most reviered artists, and the glass display cases contained fascinating sculptures made by masters of their crafts.

Not that D.O. noticed at all.

His thoughts were all directed to the man behind the walls of the office.

He just saw his face displayed for the whole nation to see! And not only that! It was there for more than 3 months now!

What was that all about?!

Reaching the doorway, the senior staff stopped and announced his presence after softly knocking at the door.

The man raised his head from the papers he was studying and smiled.

Undeterred from the angry aura D.O. was emitting.

He stood, and dismissed the staff, who bowed and gladly exited the office, closing the door behind him.

"So,.." turning to his brother who was fuming with anger.

"Hyung! You really did it this time!", D.O. shouted, anger laced in his tone.

"Huh? What did i do?", and pretended not to know the reason his cute little brother was throwing tantrums.

D.O.'s face turned bright red from anger, "What! Suho hyung! And now you're going to pretend that you did just not flashed my face for the public to see, but displayed it for more than 3 mos. now? (.0v0.)?".

"Your what?", teased Suho,a smile tugging at his lips.

"AHHHH!!", bawled a frustrated D.O., now almost close to tears.

"Hahah,ok ok. Miane chibi-tan, but i missed that expression of yours, laughter just doesn't seem to cross your face these days ever since.....", Suho trailed off.

Stopping himself just in time, as he saw his brother's eyes clouded in memory.

"Ah,..", he tried to clear his throat, and went beside his brother and embraced him saying sorry again.

"Sorry hyung, that boy is gone now", D.O. uttered, "Can't seem to find a reason to smile like that anymore."

Suho smiled b

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Chapter 5: You're hilarious!!! More so at the introduction part!!! Hahaha.... i have the feelings that we can get along very well!! Hohoho... love you.. ~chuu~