Boy Friend

Fake or Real?



Days after days, the time flew by just like that without any notice and the semester break had also came to an end indicating Seohyun’s full schedules. Chinese class, biology, calculus, theater. The classes that she took were related except for drama course. A cold, sometimes emotionless girl like her chose theatre course as her major course, isn't that just weird? 

She once was told by a kid her age that music is the weirdest thing ever. It can be entertaining and depressing at the same time. It feels stupid at first but that kid made her play piano and since then, music is somewhat her passion and that what brought her to the theater course.


Seohyun sighed as her eyes stuck on the white ceiling just above her after her brain refreshed. Her body insisted her from moving from the lovely comfy queen-sized bed but she's going to be kicked if she skipped the class. 

Seohyun grunted at the thoughts of having to go to the cold, noisy theatre that she abhorred so much, meeting with the same lame faces and hitting the same creature. She let out another heavy sigh before kicking her white blanket away.

She walked to the bathroom and prepared herself for the hot shower.

As soon as she prepared with basically everything, she brought herself to the kitchen and her gloomy-self changed into a bright little girl after seeing breakfast that were already set on the table. She took a seat and chomped her scrambled eggs along with a sip of her caramel latte.

She always ate her breakfast as it's one of her priority. There was only a time where she skipped breakfast and that was because of she over-slept after reading a novel until late night but now with her caramel latte next to her there's no way she's going to skip her breakfast.

She took a quick look on her watch and rushed out after giving a cute heart to the maids and just she was about to open the gate, she saw someone leaning against on the other gate. Her smile immediately disappeared after seeing the back of her boyfriend. Fake boyfriend.

She opened the gate and looked straight at him. “What is your business Mr. Luhan?” she asked politely with a wicked glare. The corner of his lips curved upwards, showing off his gorgeous smile that did not gave any effects on her.

“I’m here to protect you princess Seohyun,” he said, putting his one hand on his chest.

Seohyun rolled her eyes at her and started to walk away, abandoning him. His eyes followed her and automatically brought his body along with a chuckle.

 “Yah, do you know that I waited for you like an hour plus shouldn’t you call me oppa?” he complained. She shot a glare and flipped her hair fabulously.

“Firstly, I didn’t ‘demand’ you to do that. Secondly, I rather do the mascot thing than calling you oppa because you’re more like a dickhead,” she reasoned with that heartless face. Luhan just calmly responded with an insincere smile even though he wants to punch her so badly.

“Ok I let you go away with that but like you said, you’re going to wear the mascot in each of my games and I probably give you the pig one this week.” He said with a satisfied smile.

Seohyun’s eyes automatically averted on him. She opened but stopped. It’s bloody enough. One word, it could be bloodier.

She fiercely pulled out her earphone from her white backpack and put on her ears while the latter quietly became an observant and just watched her actions. Even that small actions seems interesting to him. Like, he never seen someone so gorgeous yet kind of weird.

He stares and pulled her earphones away from his grasp making the latter growled.

“What do you want exactly?” she asked calmly. Her calm tone yet fierce makes him feel the joy of being around her. He flashed a wicked smile.

“We should have a little chit-chat, don’t you think?”

She groaned and silently pray that he could shut up just for a moment for her peace sake. “If you want to know what do I like or whatever then you shouldn’t. After my mom gave up on the marriage you should just go hunt another bish ( in a good way).”

He let out a snigger. “How can you be so stern? You should be more, you know, feminine.”

Seohyun shot him a smirk. “You know what? You should be more masculine but I knew it’s impossible, since, you have that feminine face.” she said, leaving the guy stunted and continue to strode her way with a satisfied smile.

“Yah Seo Joohyun! You’re going to stick with me all day!”

“No! I’m going to avoid you dickhead!”

“I’m going to hunt you! You fat little pig!”

The argument lasted for 10 minutes and they fell into a dead silence after Luhan gave in. Taking their time to create a calm, serene face. The silence only lasted for 1 minute after Luhan cleared his throat to regain her attention.

“I don’t know that you’re good at piano.” He said.

She shot a hateful glare and made him fell into a world of silence.

She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it. She looked at the latter; walking with his head facing the front with his once clutching his backpack strap.

“I played it since I was 6. My parents kind of forced me and I hate it. But then, I came to like it after my dad bought me my own piano,” she said with a smile formed on her cherry lips as her mind reminiscing the time when she stuck to her piano for hours back then.

Luhan was intrigued. Not because of her story, her smile, it was different.

“Wait,” she stopped. She gasped. “You’re wicked Luhan.” she said with a betrayed look.

Luhan stared at her, puzzled. “What the heck did I do?”

“You’re trying to flirt with me!” she roared. He stood at his place looking more puzzled.

“I did not.”

She looked at him with a hate feeling that had been ruining her heart and without a further argument, she calmed herself and continued her walk along with serene facial expression, slowly running away at the same time.

“Yah! Why are you running away?!”

She glanced at her back and faster her pace, leaving the guy behind.

They almost ended up chasing each other until they reached the campus compound. She knew it was childish for her to run from him but that guy is just dangerous at the moment. She walks ahead and bumped into someone making her wobbled. Just she was about to curse she found a chance. Jongin, her destiny.

She rushed herself behind him. His eyes followed her with a confused look. “What exactly are you doing?”

She ignored him and saw Luhan shooting a glare looking barely alive. “He’s trying to me!” she accused resulting the two’s stare. Jongin who hasn’t been told anything shot his pure friend a dirty glare. A glare that signaling either you-are-surprisingly-good or you-are-total-crazy.

Luhan shook of his head vigorously, denying himself till the end with an innocent look and shooting the wicked creature with you-are-so-ed look. “When the hell did I do that?!”

Seohyun just stood at her place staring at the hater with her wicked eyes and suddenly turned her head and sprint off to the theater before he could fought back leaving him, stunted.

He pointed to her direction to Jongin who still remained his calm and cool pose.

“Did you see that ? She just ran away when she was about to lose!” he raged.

Jongin chuckled at his immature actions.

“Well, she’s sure hot.” Luhan gave him an unbelievable look and walked into the hall without a further protestation from both parties.

As they stepped in the main door, a noisy sound could already be heard. Some of them are scattered around the stage and some of them chit chatting on the spectators seat.

Luhan and Jongin walked down the stairs slowly to waste the time, same as everyone.

“Honey!” A girl shouted in joy towards them. Luhan covered his face while Jongin just gave out his smirk towards the girl.

The girl naturally cling herself on Luhan with her infamous eye-smile. “Why are you late? I waited for you,” she said with a soft, melodious voice. Luhan stared at the girl with an insincere smile.

“I thought you knew that we broke up.” They stared at each other till she broke out into a smile. “Yah, we’re the same age. What’s wrong if I want to be your friend?” she said with that clingy tone. Jongin who still standing between them just stands at the place, not trying to be someone who give their friends a little bit of privacy.

“I’m fine with it and for your information I already have a girlfriend so you should be more careful.”

“Oh, of-of course. Who’s she?”

“The evilest girl in the Earth.”


Seohyun’s POV

I came in the theatre after finished satisfying myself. Haha. That is indeed satisfying and I feel a lot better. As I step down the bloody stairs, Yoona and Yuri ran towards me with their derpy face that could ruin their percentage for marrying that dark imp.

“Seororo, we’re sorry that we couldn’t fetched you this morning,” says the Alligator Yoong, attacking me with her cuteness that is so not working on me. I looked at the two. I couldn’t really say a thing about it.

They both seems busy. I mean, both of them have many works. College, that dancing class that I never understood why they like it so much and photoshoots. There’s one time when Yoona slept during the orientation day and Yuri have that panda kind of eyes. Plus, they even have the ability to sleep during the national anthem was played.

I shook my head. “It’s ok, Luhan waited for me this morning.” Ok I don’t even know why I just said that. They shot each other a look and burst into a wide grin. Not good.

“You totally fell for him,” Yuri remarked, clapping her hands like some kind of animal that just got her liberty or something. “I’m not.”

“Oh don’t deny it. You like him,” Yoona insisted. I glared at both of them. They’re so annoying. Probably the most annoying humans I ever met.  

I ignored them until Yoona suddenly yelled out Jongin as her ‘husband’. It was clearly loud to the point that the others focused on us with their dumb faces for at least 2 seconds.

I looked at Jongin. He’s with that guy. That bloody guy. Ugh. Each time I saw his face, I feel like my mind tells me to kick his .

A girl suddenly run towards them and cling her arm on Luhan. It’s her again. His ex. From the start of the semester and from what I knew, she definitely hates me. I keep sensing her dark aura from the start. That sounds lame but I’m being serious.

I pushed away my thoughts and look at them again. My mom is going to get nuts if she saw them being lovey-dovey. Ok this is dumb. It’s his business and I just have to stop my mom from marrying me to some that I didn’t even know and that’s the end.

The toad teacher finally make an appearance and the class start like usual. My eyes were roaming around and they stopped it when I saw Luhan rushing down and coming towards me. My face suddenly feels hot as he walks closer. Oh, I’m totally ed.

“Today we’re going to create new groups for a new activity. One group two people. So, disperse,” he said care-freely.

Seriously? Who am I going to choose? I look at the others who are frantically running and make a chaos, searching for the partner. Luhan was about to sit beside me but his ex-girl pulled him away. Well, not like I care anyway.

I look at Jongin. He’s alone. My destiny! I walk to him and nudge his shoulder with my elbow. “Partner?” He hesitated at first but eventually agreed to be my partner after receiving my glare. Such a friend.

After the couples were hardly created, Mr. Toad gave us a script from some kind of dramas and I was like what the hell is this? There’s even a scene where the girl have to cry! Oh I’m so doomed. But whatever it is, I love this one part whereas the girl got mad and slap the guy 2 times. I glance at Jongin who’s already looking at me.

“You’re not going to slap me that hard, are you?”

I chuckled. “Depends.”


Since we only have 5 minutes I took the time to memorize the scripts while Jongin practiced his lines. He’s a lot better than me. He can memorized it within 2 minutes and he can even expressed the lines with emotions that easily. How can someone be good at everything? These scripts are too stressing to even read.

Mr. Toad clapped his hands together, claiming our attention. “Ok, since there are 5 scenes, I’m going to call each group one by one to act the scene that I chose. The groups that fail will get a punishment. So, who wants to volunteer?”

The stage was so quiet all of a sudden. I look at the others who are obviously trying to avoid eye contact with the teacher and trying to do something else.

“I volunteer!” says Tiffany with such enthusiasm. I can’t but rolled my eyes after seeing such a FAKE cherish creature. I look at Luhan who looks like he was forced to put his hand up. Obviously.

“Good! You guys should be like her!” the toad complimented. By that, he probably meant to be like a lady who’s like so fake that there’s not one thing about her is real. 

She confidently stepped to the front with her chin held high while Luhan, he clearly is dying. I just don’t understand this guy. Even though he’s a playboy, there’re seriously a lot better girls out there somewhere who weren’t, you know, complicating.

“Ok, you’re going to do scene 2 where the girl will make the confession. Ready action!”

Tiffany walked towards the teacher’s bench and sat on it with a quiet, nervous face? I don’t know. Luhan joined her.

“What is it?” he asked, with that mad looking face. Oh, he’s so going to fail. He have no feelings.

“Op-oppa,” she stuttered, fiddling with her dress. “I-I like you.”

Luhan stared at her, not so much feelings I see.

“When you saved me from the bullies, I feel so grateful but my feelings changed, because you keep appearing when I’m having a hard time. I-I fell for you,” she went on. Luhan remained silent. , they’re good.

“Can you-you be my boyfriend?”

“Sure.” He simply replied. It wasn’t supposed to be ‘simply’. He should be a bit more loving. Their eyes met, staring at each other and slowly leaning their face and –

“Cut!!” Mr. Toad yelled. All of the students awed in disappointment for not seeing the kiss part. I stared at Tiffany in hatred. I think I need to be alert.

“I know you guys are disappointed but no, there wouldn’t be kiss among us and I wouldn’t allowed you guys to take the advantage plus you young man should have a little bit of feelings,” he remarked. I just said that. I’m going to be a great director, I knew it.

The groups were called one by one as he said and some of them were like, they’re like a stone but there was this one group that got the cry scene and they did great. I mean, how the hell did they do that? Is that even possible?

I cried once in a lifetime and that because my mom woke me up from my princess dream and I got mad after that. I distanced myself since kindergarten, no one or nothing can makes me cry. It’s like a sickness. I always saw my schoolmates getting excited about their boy groups’ concerts and all but that what made me more emotionless.

The last group was Yoona’s with this geeky guy and the class finished. I didn’t get to act and that was such a relief because I’m not ready to slap Jongin. That sounds dumb but I know I’m nice.

About the so-called sickness I know that each people have their own weaknesses but I don’t understand why mine is complicating. I can’t cry, drink and hit a stranger. I can hit someone like that Luhan . It was a joke and that’s definitely a different matter. I can’t hit someone that I’m not close to.

There’s a tragedy that made me had some kind of trauma. My parents were so busy to pick me up from my piano class so they sent a driver but he never came. I waited for 2 hours and I gave up and took the courage. It was far and I got lost so like in a movie, a stranger suddenly came to me asking for money. More like demanding.

I was 7, how the am I supposed to have money? I said I didn’t have any so he assaulted me. I was slapped and got hit a few times but fortunately, I’m still alive es. I ran as fast as I could and asked for directions and got home.

The main point is, I never told anyone. Not even Yoona. Not even Yuri. I can’t.                                                                                        


I heaved another sighed as everyone rushed out from the hall to continue their own respective life. Mr. Toad gave an assignment before we dismissed. We have to create a lyric with our current partner and it must be about love. That couldn’t be more obvious. Seriously why is he doing this to me? Creating a lyric is probably one of my-weaknesses-list. I think I should just pay Jongin to create it.

As I packed my notebook, Yuri and Yoona came to me after giving their winks to Jongin. “Can you guys stop torturing him?” That’s what I was longing to say but I think it will offended them so better not give any . Jongin just ignored them as he obviously used to the winks and all. I, Seo Joohyun, somehow feel sorry for him.

I looked over Jongin waiting for Luhan who’s struggling with that Tiffany. Ugh. I’m so out of here.

Wait. I shouldn’t left him with this girl. My mom’s agent must be in this building. There must be someone who’s taking picture.

“Luhan! You promised that you will bring me for a date!” I shouted. Luhan looks at me with a puzzled look but finally got the signal. Yoona nudged my shoulder with a sneaky look. “Going on a date I see.”

I rolled my eyes as Luhan suddenly took me by the hand leaving the two surprised. He brings me outside with his hand clasped onto mine. Ok this is weird. Why do I feel weird?

He stopped. “I think the good place for a date is at the amusement park, don’t you think?”

“Oh no. We’re not going for a date. It was called as hang-out for your information.” He shook his head.

“Let’s go eat.” 

He took my hand again and dragged me to a sweet potato café. I can’t help but to look at our hands when we walked. They were clasped together. His hand and mine. What does this supposed to mean? And why didn’t I stop him?

He willingly spent money on me so I just ordered anything without that much of thinking. I knew he was flustered but it’s not like I care that much.

“Tell me about Tiffany.” I said. It just came out. He stares at me and gives me a smirk.

“Curious much?”


He leaned closer to me and smiled. “You should find it yourself.”

I rolled my eyes for a gazillion of time. “I think that my mom’s agent was in the hall so you should be more careful with Tiffany.” He shifted his eyes on me with a sly look. “You’re not jealous are you?”

“Me? No way in hell. I’m just warning you for my own good,” I remarked, crossing my arms. He stares at me with his doe eyes with his corner of his lips slightly smirked. I turned my head away looking outside the window where there was nothing particularly interesting.

“When are you going start to diet? You look like the fattest pig ever.” He insulted me.

“Oh wow. You look like a piece of that came out from a cow’s .” I smiled as he looked at me with his offended face. “I’m going to have you all day for tomorrow.”

“Oh come on, I was just joking!” I defend my rights to be freed from his clutch. Ok that just sounds cool doesn’t it? I glare at him. “I’m going to tell the police that you me.”

“Hey I did not!”

“Take back your words and your rules,” I threatened.

“No.” I glared at him.

“Fine. I take it back.”

We finished out desserts in no time and he brought me to a park where it was specially used for roller skates. There’re so many people especially, couples. Please, this gay guy is so not my type.

He rented me a pair of roller skate and yanked my sneakers without my permission. He pushed me to sit down and shoved the skates in to my feet but I quickly jerked my precious feet.

“I don’t want to!” I yelled, struggling with the skates.

“Just wear it!” Luhan shouted back at me and held on my feet and successfully put them as he tighten the strings around my feet. He wears it for himself and skates around the park like a professional. He’s just making himself looks pathetic. I should meet Jongin first. I’m totally regretting for talking to him.

I force myself to stand up and skate myself like everyone does. I frequently skate with Yoona and Yuri. They were the one who taught me to skate. It was hard even now.

Luhan hollered at me and I ignored his hollering. He came to me and reach for my hand making me stop moving. I yanked my hand. “We’re not close.”

“Oh come on, we’re a couple.”

“No way. I will not allowed any skin ships from now on until I told you to.” He looks devastated. I chuckled and distanced myself from him.

I skate away from him and someone caught my eyes. I can see a camera on his hand and the direction is directly on me hiding his body behind a tree. My mom wouldn’t gave up. I don’t understand her. I walked to the bench and tossed the roller skates from my feet.

I gave it back to the owner without Luhan knowing. The thunder suddenly and the rain slowly pours down, alarming the skaters. All of the skaters dispersed, running frantically to find a shelter. Luhan ran to and slung his hand on my shoulder pushing me to run with his sweater over my head.

My eyes were so focused on him that I’m only moving because his steps. I don’t know that he have a sharp jaw. He is completely drenched and for 1 second, he looked charming.



good news. i'm still alive. sorry for the late update. really. they're many problems lately, and i'm busy and lazy so yeah. i know this chapter is kind of but pls, just bear with it at the moment. i'm going to finish my other story so this FoR is in hiatus at the moment.

*sorry for the lame message.

FOR THE NEW READERS (if i even have one)



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I corrected the age n all so mind if u check it again?


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Fresh_Danishes #1
Chapter 14: Dear author , i've been missing your curse in the story . I miss the way you used , Sh*t , D*ck , *ssh*les .. In the future i hope you would make all the character cursing these explicit words . You should make the next chapter full of these words or more , if possible .. HahahahahahahahahahahahhAhaha
I love your story a lot! Especially when they curse . I can't stop laughing when i read your story.
watchamasoshi #2
Either Sehun or Kris is my guess for the blondie. Hahaha never saw that coming!
Yuri-Kai-Yoona are funny hahahaha
MedinaJoy #3
Chapter 13: Hahaha i thought the blondie was Sehun.
Chapter 12: hey, I wanna know who's the new guy... Ahh, new reader here hehehe ^^, pls update soon, I'm so in love with this couple <3
anazirahs6729 #5
Chapter 12: Thanks for updating! I wonder who is the new guy? It is Kris?