Seohyun's Friday

Fake or Real?



The short semester break is just around the corner and Seohyun is still cursing. She cursed in the class, in her room, in a shopping mall. Basically everywhere. She tried to lessen her cursing as the time goes on but with Luhan around, she just can’t. And that is an unchangeable fact.

It was a fine Friday, with a clear blue sky.

It’s also a day where she was freed from the daily boring routine. No boring classes, no dozing teachers, not even babblings or gossips from her dorky friends that would haunted her ears. That’s a really serene, particularly perfect day for her, until Luhan snaps it away like peeling a banana.

Putting the matter aside, she limped herself towards the campus’ field and took a vacant seat with her hunched back. She took out her phone and thinks about life for a moment before tapping the flappy bird icon.

There’s a reason why she came to the field. There’s a bloody reason. Do you think she will sit at the football field playing flappy bird with the noisy people around? Bloody no. She was forced to.




Seohyun was all happy from the Friday morning, eating two servings of pancakes, watching some Keroro episodes, she even watched a Ban Ki Moon interview but suddenly everything turns wrong when Luhan, who’s suddenly stood right beside her drags her out and shoves her into his car. 

The bodyguards doesn’t even bothered to help her because they know that he is officially her boyfriend and they can’t touch him. And this absurd rule came from Seohyun’s mother, who’s practically spying on them.

Seohyun glared at him with her arms crossed, looking so pissed off. “What the hell are you doing?” Seohyun huffed.

Luhan who just sat down on his seat starts the car and gave her a look. “Don’t you see, I’m kidnapping you,” he simply says.

“ Luhan! I’m serious! Where are you taking me?! Hell? Your room? Your parents’ house?!” she bursts out making the latter explodes in to a laugher. She’s really trying hard not to curse.

“I can take to you to the second option, if you insisted.” He teased with a little chuckle at the end.

She rolled her eyes and takes a quick look on the guy. “Wear your seatbelt,” she says. Luhan obediently pulls his seatbelt on without any further argument. 

An awkward silence were with them along the journey making Luhan feels annoyed in some way. He can’t stand the quiet Seohyun. “I extended my games.” He broke the silence barrier. She looks up with her widen eyes. “You’re joking, right?”

Luhan gives out a smile and innocently shake his head like a pure baby. “Of course I’m not honey. I only extended for one day, it couldn’t be so hard,” he said. She can’t help but to roll her eyes again.

“Being with you for one minute already feels like hell. I rather choose Jongin than you,” she mumbled. He turns over his attention to the stone-faced girl, looking so pure at a first glimpse. “What did you just say?”

“I said that I really hate you for being such a dickhead,” she retorts, without trying to make people feel less offended. He just let out a chuckle. He doesn’t gets offended easily and that’s because he had many experience of getting cursed at. He’s a playboy for god sake.

The ride continues on with another silence as the girl slowly fell asleep. As they reaches he took a glimpse on the girl as he parked the car near the campus’ field. His lips unknowingly formed a smile as he tucks a strand of her brownish hair that covers her face. Despite her outstanding appearance, he still can’t believe the fact that she’s a foul-mouthed.

“Yah! Wake up!” he shook her shoulder vigorously, definitely not in a gentleman-kind-of-way. She groaned before she could open her eyes any bigger.

“Wake up,” he demands and set a flick on her forehead making the latter groaned for the second time.

She rubs her forehead and attempts another sleep. He heaved a long sigh. He only have 30 minutes to prepare for the game. He have to win. He slammed his door and open Seohyun’s. He took a look on his watch and carries by putting her body on his shoulder.

“Yah! Yah! What the heck are you doing?! Put me down!! Put me down right now!!”


End of Flashback


She took a deep breath after reminiscing the scene in her head. She forced herself to let out a smile. She’s Seo Joohyun. She wouldn’t feel humiliated about a teeny tiny matter.

She focused back on the flappy bird and fiercely tapped the bird, getting so fed up with the blue bird and Luhan at the same time. “When the hell are you going to come out Luhan?! When?!”

She heaved another long sigh. A minute seems like an hour. Waiting for the guy to show up with his jersey seems like forever.

She placed her chin above her palms, staring at the clean-cut grass field with no one on it. Instead of listening to some pointless conversation, she put on her white earphones and tap her favorite sonata piece.

After a long, long wait, a girl with a short hair beside her suddenly gave out a crazy loud chant. She frowned and take a look on the field and finally spotted the guy coming out. That bloody guy. Luhan also noticed her glaring but he just replied it with a somehow-gorgeous smile and waved making the fans go insane.

The crowd shrieked upon seeing Luhan waved his hand. Fanatic fans you can say. 80% from the crowd are his fan. It can’t be more obvious. With Luhan printed t-shirt, banners. Just what on earth had happened?

Seohyun observed him warming up with his squad. For the first time, he looks really enthusiastic. The other guys are like joking around and keep playing with each other even though the coach looks like he already cursed at them but Luhan, he looks serious. Like it’s a final game for him. And it looks cool in her eyes.

She gave out a slight smile before she could even realized she’s smiling. She hits vigorously. She wasn’t supposed to smile.


Before the game starts, Luhan goes up to the crowd, doing a little fan service before he could head his way towards Seohyun.

“Here,” he handed out something right in front of her face making the lad startled. She took a glimpse on the brownish-headed guy and looked at his right hand. It’s likely to be a pink placard, with ‘Luhan oppa fighting! Saranghae!’ on it.

She stares at the placard emotionlessly. “Do you want me to throw this , perhaps?”

The guy looks around and gave out a pure smile to the fans before he could glare at the latter with an electrifying eyes. “Do you want to wear the panda mascot instead?” he threatened.

She quickly snatched away the placard without saying another protestation. He chuckled and give a soft pat on her head, “Seohyun, I’ve got to say you’re the cutest little piglet I ever met.”

She gave a long stare with a still expressionless face. “You know that I ing hate you right?”

He shook his head. “No, but I do know that you keep mentioning how handsome I am in your mind.”

She rolled her eyes in annoyed, “I think an orangutan is a lot more handsome than you,” she mocked, sending a big teasing laughter to the guy. He smirked and ready with his arms crossed.

“Then you must be crazy for not knowing how to differentiate an animal and a human,” the guy fired back, trying to be a little bit smart for once in a lifetime. That’s probably the coolest and the smartest line he ever could say.

Before she could encounter his words with curses or an evil spell, the coach whistled, a remark to the players to get ready for the game.  “So, what are your last word?” he coolly said making a fan girl who’s clearly watching them squeaks her lungs out.

Seohyun gave a brief glare. “Go to hell, your game is starting,” she pushes him and trying to change the topic at the same time. Even though his back is facing her, she can clearly hear him snickering.

“I hope you lose,” she said cheerfully as possible. Luhan replied her with a blunt smile. “Thanks for the helpful cheer. You’re going to get your panda costume in the next game,” he said, showing his gratitude with full of sincerity.

Seohyun just gave out a quick middle finger show making the guy laughs more.

“Make sure I see that placard!!”


After 90 passed away, the final whistle were blew by a referee. With 3 goals that were shoot by Luhan and his team, Dongguk University officially defeated the opposite team. The crowd cheers with excitement for the winning team. Some were booing, some were shouting, some were out of their mind because of Luhan, while Seohyun, she doesn’t gives one . It’s clearly stated on her expression.

Seohyun pull out her earphones as people start to quieten down. After the spectators start to leave to their own perspective ways, Seohyun went out to wait as she was told to. With a sigh, she sat on a nearby wooden bench.

She takes out a book from her bag titled ‘Do It Yourself’. She opens to the page where she had insert a free bookmark that she got from buying tons of books.

“Seohyun?!” suddenly a girl from behind her voiced out. Seohyun slowly turns her head. Yoona, with her slender body. She raised her eyebrows. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

“I watched my old friend’s game,” Yoona simple answered. “What are you doing here?”

Seohyun put back her book in her bag. “I’m doing my punishment.” She bluntly answered. The latter frowned, not understanding at her friend’s words.

“What do you– “

“Yoona!” someone cut off her question. Seohyun glanced behind Yoona and there he was. Walking with a bright smile, like some kind of gay man.

Yoona turns around and waved her hand towards the guy. They gave a big hug to each other and smiled sneakily making the left-out girl frowned. “Since when do you two get so close?”

Yoona crossed her arms in a proud way. “Since he’s going out with you. You know Seohyun, I have to give him a lot of advice,” she said making the guy gave a nod.

Seohyun rolled her eyes for the 209th times. “Ok, I don’t have any interest left so bye. Hope you two have a good time,” she said and slowly trying to run away.

  “Wait,” he said as he yanked her wrist before she could go any further. “I’m not done with you yet.”

Yoona lips formed into a smile and covered it as she the smile turns into a big laughter. How can she remained her poker face when she can see a drama up close?

“Yoona, do you think I’m cool?” he asked, making Seohyun slaps his hand hard. Yoona nods vigorously and shows two thumbs up. “You’re the coolest guy I ever met!” sending laughers to the guy.

Seohyun growls in madness and ends up smacking the guy much more. “Ouch! Ouch! That hurts!” he groaned in pains.

  “Yah, can you be more like Yoona?” he says, receiving a glare with that sharp eyes of hers. “Do you seriously want me to kick you in your ?”

Her retort finally makes the guy shuts off his mouth.

“How about I treat you guys for a dinner?” Yoona interrupts, obtaining the two’s attention almost immediately.

Luhan puts his hands his jeans pockets, trying to act like he’s not hungry while the girl trying looks ok when she looks dying. “Oh come on,” Yoona persuades, looking desperate somehow.

Seohyun tries to remain her poker face but she still can’t hide the dilemma she’s having. “Stop doing that face you look ugly,” Luhan remarked who’s obviously making an observation on her. Seohyun can’t help but to roll her eyes for the 210th as it was the only way to prevent herself from cursing.

Yoona gave a little giggle and slides herself between the two and slings her arms on their shoulders. “Seohyun, I just think that you possibly fall for Luhan,” she remarked making the guy snickered.

“No way, I wouldn’t possibly fall for an idiot who have a girly looking face and looks gay simultaneously,” she said, highlighting the last part and giving him the look.

Luhan coolly shrugged her words. “Can you just admit that you’re already falling for me?”

Her face cringed in disgust. “No I’m not.”

“Yes, you love me.”

“No, I don’t.”

“Yes you are.”



“Oh you Luhan!”


Yoona brought the two to a beef restaurant and obviously there must be a legit reason why she do that. The beef restaurant is really famous around the campus’ area for its variety. The popular one is ‘The Wrap’. Well, it just beefs wrapped with some kind of veggies. The second reason is because of their beer. That’s the only place that is near that sells soju, beer, whatever alcoholic beverages you want. Anything. Abracadabra

Luhan pushed the glass door and let the girls in, sending a gentleman gesture that makes Seohyun rolled her eyes again.

As everything were settled down, Yoona cleared ; stealing the two’s attentions. “I want you two to help me tomorrow.”

Seohyun heaved a sigh and shook her head. “I can’t. I’m busy tomorrow.”

Yoona laughs hysterically. “What work do you have?”

“Sleeping, feeding myself. That’s considered as a work too. It needs efforts and energy,” she reasoned and takes a sip on her water. Yoona bluntly stares at her friends, choked in words.

“Can you continue your words?” Luhan interrupts, seemingly interested. It’s not like he have a thing to do. All he did is probably go to an arcade and sleep and sleep again.

Yoona nods. “Thank you Luhan. My mom told me that she doesn’t have enough workers at her restaurant for tomorrow so I need you guys to help her,” she explained. Luhan nods in understanding while Seohyun doesn’t looks like she was affected.

Yoona gave them her twinkling eyes attack. “Please.”

Seohyun crossed her arms and heaved another sigh. It’s not like she doesn’t want to help but she just want to sleep. It’s the only time where she gets to sleep 12 hours a day. She glanced at her friend’s face; begging with her hands clasped together.



The next day~


Seohyun and Luhan gather at Yoona’s place as promised but the situation gets worst when Yuri and Jongin suddenly appeared.

“What are you doing here?” Luhan asked, appointing to the uninvited Jongin featuring Yuri. Jongin takes a seat on a pink fluffy sofa like a boss; ignoring the latter’s question simultaneously.

Seohyun just stood at the side, ready with her hands face palming her forehead. “I should teach myself how to say no.”

As Yoona came out from her room with her summer dress, the journey begins without a word. Yoona and Yuri forced Luhan drive Jongin’s car while Seohyun were forced to sit at the front seat beside Luhan. The queens sat at the back with Jongin squashed in the middle.

The journey continue with silence accompanying them. The only voice that can be heard is Yoona’s, showing direction to Luhan the driver while the others are completely into their own fantasies of dreams.

After another 20 minutes of driving, they finally reached at her restaurant. Luhan looks out in the window, gaping at the restaurant. It was big and it have a third floor. He can see many people come in and out.

“I don’t know that your family is this rich,” he remarked, appointing to the daughter. Yoona just gives him a wide smile and wakes up the others.

Four of them stepped in amazement. It looks like a café in the inside, with vintage and a little bit of western theme can be easily recognized. The bright flower wallpaper brighten up the place, making the café looks more cheerful. It has a texture that suits for teenagers and at the same time families. The restaurant was also decorated with the vintage telephones that have dangling wires, flowers that were put in a ceramic vase.

Yoona brought the others in to the kitchen; feeling proud of her family’s restaurant. As soon as they walked in, they can smell the food that instantly making their stomachs grumble.

“Mom!” Yoona ran out to her mom who’s cutting the meat with a tight hug. “You did come, I thought you were lazy,” her mom mocked making her cringed. “What do you mean? Of course I’ll come. I brought some helpers too,” she said, pointing to the others who just stand still with their nervous face.

Her mom walked to them and grinned. “You must be her friends. I’m her mother. You can call me Aunty if you want,” she said as the others bowed to her and give an obviously-awkward smile.

“As you know, I need some workers for today so I’m glad that you guys came. Even if you’re my daughter’s friends I have to be strict. You have to work till 12 am, I only give you guys a break when I said so. There will be three cooks and two waiters. You guys also have to change your clothes. Remember to always behave yourself in front of customers if not, I may give you a punishment,” she explained making Yoona giggled towards her friends’ face.

With a yes from everyone’s sides, they start to change into their uniforms that is a white shirt and black pants, no accessories allowed. Seohyun and Yuri are going to the waiters while the others will be in the kitchen. It’s the daughter’s order; no protestation.


“Order please.”

Seohyun and Yuri who’s sitting behind the counter heaved a sigh. It had been 2 hours since they started but the customers wouldn’t lessen.

Yuri suddenly gave a nudge on the passed-out girl. “Go,” she demanded. Seohyun heaved a long sigh before she could take the orders. For the sake of Yoona’s mother.

She walks out, ready with her small notepad. “Your orders please,” she said bluntly at a bunch of guys in her age, staring at her with a flirty smile. “Seems like you’re new here,” one of them said.

“Your orders please,” she said, ignoring his remark. The guy laughed hysterically and ends up ordering the menu without a word.

Seohyun takes the menu and one of them suddenly grasped her wrist. “You’re beautiful,” and finally let her wrist go. Seohyun gave out an insincere smile. “Thanks. You’re ugly.”


“No, I’m not going to do this anymore, no way,” Seohyun shook her head vigorously, walking back and forth in the gourmet. Yuri who sat beside her gave out a smile. “How about I changed with Luhan?” she commented. Seohyun looks at her with the what-are-you-saying look.

“He’s a guy, maybe he can protects you from the animals plus trust me you can’t cook,” she assured. Seohyun gave an understanding look.

Seohyun secretly goes to the kitchen, tip toeing so that the boss wouldn’t know. She hides behind a wall and hunts for Luhan.

“Yah,” she murmured, patting his shoulder. Luhan puts away his knife and turns around along with a smile.


Seohyun gives him a long blunt stare. “You know that I wouldn’t fall for your smile right?” her remarked making him fell into a dead silence. “I thought that you will fall for it,” he mumbled and busy himself with chopping the vegetables.

Seohyun rolled her eyes and went for Yuri instead. “Yah, can I switch with you?” she asked, interrupting the master chef who’s hardly finished chopping the chickens.

“Even though this is hard, I’m still going to be with my oppa,” she confidently said with a hand gesture, eyes plastered on the guy. “Can you see? He’s so perfect. That perfect face. That perfect body. Oh my, I think I’m going to faint,” she put the back of her hand on her head, shutting her eyes with rated things in her mind.

Seohyun taken back her words. She shouldn’t thought about switching. She limps herself after getting caught with the boss.

Slowly, minutes passed by followed by hours. “Dding.”

Seohyun who just sat down for a rest gives a long sigh. She was about to stand up to take the orders, but Luhan suddenly grasped her wrist. She looks at him from the upper to the lower body. “Why are wearing the same thing as mine?”

He just smiled. “Sit here, I’ll do it.”

Seohyun just sit on the stool, observing each of his actions bluntly.

Yoona switched off with when she told him about the incident, Seohyun was so immersed in her works to the point that she didn’t realized that they switched a long time ago. Of course with the permission of the madam.

“Oppa!!!” Yoona sprints off to the free Jongin, giving him a back hug with a tiny bit of shame. Yuri who’s just beside him immediately pushed her aside. “Yah! That’s not fair!”

Yoona points out her tongue and starts off her work with a black apron wrapped around her waist followed by the two after spending 5 minutes break sleeping.

As the daughter of a restaurant owner, cooking is number 1 in Yoona’s family. Everything is about cooking. Her mom taught her how to cook a fried rice when she was 8 and she can cook everything when she was 10. Her chopping and cutting skills are in professional level and that can’t be more obvious after Jongin and Yuri jaw dropped seeing her chopping the veggies and yawning.

“I don’t know that you can cook,” Jongin said in amazement making her feeling a bit offended. “Are you saying that I’m a fool that only knows to stalk you?” she remarked. He vigorously shook his head and continue his work before he could get a spank on his buttock.

Hours and hours continue to pass by. The customers lessen after the day reached the night. Seohyun and Luhan take a rest at the gourmet with the others. They gathered at a table with their dulled face. “Did you cut your finger?” Luhan asked, pointing at Yuri with her index finger wrapped with a bandage. She gave a sad nod and pout.

“But, it’s ok because Jongin oppa wrapped it for me,” she said as her cheeks turn crimson. “Why are you calling him an oppa when you’re older than him?!” Yoona said in annoyed tone.

“You’re the same! Why do you call him an oppa when you’re the same age as him?!” she fought back.

“Because he’s 4 months older!”

“That doesn’t count!”

“Yes it is!”


Jongin shook his head. “Yah, can you say these kind of ‘things’ when I’m not here? I’m going to leave you keep fighting.” His words completely sealed their mouths, giving a little bit of peace to the others. Luhan suddenly takes out his phone and show Jongin something that makes him laugh.

“Yah! Why do you have my picture sleeping on your phone?!” Seohyun shrieked after glancing at his phone.

“Because I took it,” he simply answered. “Delete it!” she tried to take it back but failed when he starts to be a ninja. “I’m going to call your mother,” he threatened.

“Ok, I wouldn’t take your phone!” he smiled as the girl sat back, looking defeated.

They changed their clothes back after Yoona’s mother offered them a fresh brewed coffee. They bid their farewells to everyone in the restaurant and walk to the car.

“Yah, do you guys want to have a drink?” Yuri asked as they were readily seated in the car. “Yes!” the unexpected Seohyun answered. While Jongin and Yoona agreed on the idea, Luhan objected.

“Why?” Yuri asked.

Luhan glanced off at Seohyun. “Because Seohyun can’t drink.”

“I can! I’m already 20!”


“Oh come on, I’m grown up!”

“Still no. One sip, I’m going to force you to wear the panda mascot for next week.”


“Yes and that’s final.”

“I hate you.”

“I like you too.”



Long time no see. 

I just want to say that im sorry for not updating for almost 4 months...

*giving u a new year bow. this one is extra longer but i dont know if it's good cuz im too lazy to read it


for the new ones, pls,


stay tuned or calm for the next update!!!



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I corrected the age n all so mind if u check it again?


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Fresh_Danishes #1
Chapter 14: Dear author , i've been missing your curse in the story . I miss the way you used , Sh*t , D*ck , *ssh*les .. In the future i hope you would make all the character cursing these explicit words . You should make the next chapter full of these words or more , if possible .. HahahahahahahahahahahahhAhaha
I love your story a lot! Especially when they curse . I can't stop laughing when i read your story.
watchamasoshi #2
Either Sehun or Kris is my guess for the blondie. Hahaha never saw that coming!
Yuri-Kai-Yoona are funny hahahaha
MedinaJoy #3
Chapter 13: Hahaha i thought the blondie was Sehun.
Chapter 12: hey, I wanna know who's the new guy... Ahh, new reader here hehehe ^^, pls update soon, I'm so in love with this couple <3
anazirahs6729 #5
Chapter 12: Thanks for updating! I wonder who is the new guy? It is Kris?