Seeing You Again

Love Awakening - {Repost} Completed
There was a crowd already when Rainie arrived.She have sunglasses in place making sure that no one recognizes her.She waited until all the people are ushered inside before she ventured inside.She forget that she did not have a ticket to get inside,as she made excuses that her family are inside and waiting for her.They looked at her and let her inside,she looked too pretty and too innocent to do anything that will result chaos or commotion inside.

It was timely that when she went inside,they just called out Jiro's name to deliver the valedictory address.He got up and Rainie can see his tall frame as he walked to the stage.He looked like he lost some weight,the face is still the same,but no more thick eyeglasses now.He must wearing a contact lenses now.The sharp eyes,the high bridge nose and the pouty lips that she love to kiss is still very much Jiro.Tears started falling again.Two days back home and she have been crying like crazy already.Somehow the idea of going home is not a very good one on her nerves and emotions.Maybe she will regret this later on.But she knows she have to correct the mistakes that she made before.For Jared sake,a boy needs to know his Father.Jared needs his Father.

Jiro looked out at the crowd as he was delivering his speech.He noticed a face of somebody from a time not so long ago.A face that he wants to forget but have never happened.He tried to look away from her direction but he was drawn to her as always.She always have the power that make him go against his will.He tried to look at her face if it is really Rainie,he wants to see the details of her face for everything seems to be a blur now but she was too far away.Before he knew it ,his speech is finished and he have to leave the stage.When he looked back again,she was gone,like she was gone before.he bit his lips and clenched his fist,again the tears that has been long gone came back as he tried to fight it,he fought but it is a losing battle.Rainie still have a power on him.

Arron and Hebe came over to Jiro after the ceremony was over to congratulate him.They have remained close throughout this years.Calvin came later by himself and Danson and Genie will join them later at the restaurant to celebrate.Jiro's parent are out of the country for an important business trip.In as much as they want to be there for him,it is something that can't be help and jiro understood it and told them to go ahead as planned.They will have their own celebration when they come back from their trip.

Jiro was so quiet on the way to the restaurant and it did not escaped Arron.

"Uhmm,what happened you seem to be so quiet all of a sudden?" Arron asked

"Nothing ,I am just thinking of something." Jiro answered.he wanted to ask Hebe about Rainie but stopped himself.Maybe it is not even her,and it just be a mistake on his part`.She is gone and it will be better to leave it at that.

At home,Rainie found her parents and her brother waiting for her,as they were playing with Jared.They have planned for a family dinner tonight and they are going to take Jared with them.Her brother already made a reservation,in as much as Rainie is not in the mood to get out tonight,she have no choice but to go with them.She does not want to spoil their evening,as she dress up for the night.As she looked at the mirror,she found herself appreciating her looks and making her feel better after today.

Rainie and her family are halfway to their dinner when she noticed a group of people came in the restaurant.They were going on the other end,and she knew from the stance that it was him.It is a good thing that he did see her and their table for the place was huge.Rainie was restless after that.She needs to get out before they 'll meet each other eye to eye.Jared sensing his Mom discomposure became restless too so they hurry up not wanting to catch any attention and causing chaos to the place.They end up forgoing dessert and as they were about to leave.Jared forgot his favorite toy on the table and Rainie have to come back for it.

She grabbed the toy and stuffed it in her bag,as she wants to leave the place in a hurry and before she knew it she bumped into somebody,and when she looked up,there he is the man that she have been longing to see all these years right in front of her.

He did not show any recognition in his face.he looks like he does not know her at all.He have this dark look in his eyes,as she tried to steady herself and avoid his touch.he does not want to touch her anyway,and he doesn't have any intention.before he can say something,Rainie ran out,she was short of breath and out of air when she reached their car.She never looked back.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
<3 iloveit
wow! this story made me smile.. made me teary-eyed.. and then smile again.. not that i'ved lost my sanity--this is just so touching! thanks anne ;)
lowblue #6
i like this story, seems like a drama=)