Chapter 23

Love Awakening - {Repost} Completed
The weeks that followed was like a blur to Jiro.he was so lost since Rainie left him.He went to talk to Hebe but she seems to be lost like him.But the way she looked at it,it is more than meets the eyes.Still Hebe's mouth was sealed about the sudden disappearance of Rainie.And yes Rainie is gone,and it seems like she vanished from the face of this earth.

Jiro stayed in his room not going out.He tried to cover up his lost from his parents,but they eventually learned the truth,about the break up.His mom showed most concern for she knows how much her son loves Rainie.But still she does not know what really transpired between Rainie and Jiro,sh she was not of help.She likes Rainie for Jiro because she can see that she really loves her son.She sighed at the outcome,how can two people who love each other so much,will let something come between them.

Jiro cries and cries his heart out until he can cry no more.He tried to think over what could he have done to make her go away.The feeling of love that he have for Rainie turned into anger and hatred.He have to in order to survive in this ordeal.He hated her for hurting him so much.He have to hate her for loving her is not compatible with living and existing.He have to forget her and and get her out of his system before,he crumpled into pieces.

Weeks and months that followed,Jiro barely made it each day without thoughts of Rainie.He focused his attention in his studies.he buried himself to books and books and loads of them.He never looked at any other girl,like he look at Rainie,to him girls are not a part of his world anymore.

Four years has passed,Rainie just arrived at the airport ,as she got out of the car and looked at their old house.Things have changed a lot,she is a lot older now and yes a lot wiser.Life in the states was never easy,saddled up with responsibility at a young age,without being ready for it,is like a quick course for realities of life.Now she knew why the older people keep reminding the young people to not to hurry to grow up.Yes,the little girl have grown.

"Mommy is this our new house?" as the little eagerly jumped out of the car and hug her leg.

"Yes,Jared our new home." Rainie replied as she ruffled his hair."Come grandma and grandpa are waiting for for us." as she took his hand and lead him inside.

"Mom,Dad." Rainie greeted her parents with a kiss on their cheeks and hugged them tightly.."Jared,this is your Grandma and Grandpa,come on and give them a hug."

"Oh,he is so big now." Rainie's Mom said as she hug the little boy tightly.She looked at the young boy's face and there was no trace of Rainie in them.He looked just like the father he never knew,she thought.Although rainie never openly admitted who is the father,nobody can mistaken that Jiro is not the father of this little boy.Everything in him speak of Jiro.It must be hard on Rainie,but she took everything in without much of a complain.She took care of this little boy that become her life and the reason for her existence.Rainie is tougher than she took her for and she is proud of her daughter.

"come on let the maids bring your luggages after and then rest up." her Mom said."I saw Hebe yesterday and told her you are coming home today,so she will be calling you soon."

Rainie stopped for a while,hebe,she wondered if she is still in touch with Jiro,for she knows that she is engaged to Arron now.Sooner or later she knows ,she will bumped into Jiro,and suddenly she doesn't know why suddenly she is excited and afraid at the same time.

Hebe called Rainie the next day.They are so happy to be talking to each other once again.Hebe is excited to see Rainie and the baby.He must be a young boy now.

"Rainie,I really would like to see you today" Hebe said."But I have to work and me and Arron have to attend..." Hebe stopped realizing what she is about to say.

"It is okay,I'll just see you tomorrow then." Rainie said."You should see him ,he is so cute."

"Who?" hebe asked."You got a husband now or a boyfriend?"

No,no." Rainie laughed at Hebe."My little boy ,jared,he is so excited to see you.he wants to see his Aunt Hebe."

"You brought your baby with you?" Hebe said as she screamed.

"Yes,we will be probably staying here for now." Rainie said.

"What if he knows...what if Jiro find out about the baby?" Hebe's voice in alarm.

"I don't know,I think it is about time that he knows the truth." Rainie said.

"Rainie,you don't understand,he was miserable when you left.I could not even mention your name in front of him.He will be furious once he finds out.he hated you for leaving him." Hebe explained.

Rainie did not notice that her tears started falling."i was expecting that." as she agreed.

"The reason too,that I can't see you today is that me and Arron are going to to his graduation ceremony this afternoon." Hebe added.

"Yeah,I am glad he made it." Rainie said,as she wiped away her tears and smiled.

"Did you ever doubt it?He is so smart and he is going to give the valedictory address." Hebe added.

"Where is the ceremony?" Rainie asked.

"I don't think it is a good idea Rainie.You might get hurt." Hebe said.

"No I just want to know,so I can avoid the place." Rainie said.

"It is going to be in the recreation and sports center of the school." Hebe said.

"Okay,I'll see you tomorrow." as Rainie hung up.I have got to see him,Rainie told herself.I have not seen him for four years,as she run upstairs to get ready.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
<3 iloveit
wow! this story made me smile.. made me teary-eyed.. and then smile again.. not that i'ved lost my sanity--this is just so touching! thanks anne ;)
lowblue #6
i like this story, seems like a drama=)