Chapter 17

Love Awakening - {Repost} Completed
Jiro woke up with Rainie beside him.He smiled and kissed her cheeks,as he remembered the night before,waking up every morning with Rainie by his side is not bad at all.He will be the happiest guy in town,if ever.Then he remembered that ,he have an interview scheduled that morning ,as he checked on the clock by the bedside table,and he was so surprised to see,it is already half hour past seven and he have an interview at nine.

Jiro rushed to wake up Rainie and got dressed.They quickly left the hotel and Jiro rushed to go home after dropping Rainie in her house.They barely say their goodbyes.

As expected,Jiro was late in his interview.The Dean frown upon tardiness.He frowned the idea that Jiro was late suggesting that he is not that interested to get accepted,and the consequences of being late in an appointments and schedules,which could mean life and death to some people.

But he noted the excellent grades that Jiro have,And he also noticed the quick,intelligent answers that he have.And putting aside his tardiness,he seems to be dedicated to his chosen career.But he have to screen some thousands of applicant still.

"We will just notify you in the mail if you got accepted or not."the Dean said."And next time don't be late,you are still lucky that I gave the chance,even if you are late."

Jiro smiled and scratched his head.But the Dean look so strict and unsmiling and Jiro have a hard time to discern whether he made an impression or not.

Rainie called Jiro after the interview,and Jiro does not sounds optimistic about the outcomes.And told her that being late added to his negatives side.And he voiced that he really want to get in this medical school for it is the top medical school in the country.

Hearing this, Rainie felt guilty that because of her Jiro was late in his interview and now she will be the reason why he will not be going to his dream school.She felt bad and does not know what to do.She felt so selfish for luring him to go out on the eve of his interview.She promised herself that she will be more supportive in Jiro's and will not be that selfish anymore.And then she remembered their night together and a smile cross her face.

Jiro took the MCAT and hot a high mark.he also got the letter that he got accepted on the medical school.he was so happy and called Rainie to tell her the good news.He wants to share with Rainie the good news.

He went to pick her up from school and took her to a romantic dinner.They later met up with Arron and Hebe who are like wise celebrating for Arron got accepted too in law school.They have a drink and catch up what is the latest in their life.They have not seen each other in weeks because both are so busy trying for their higher education.

Rainie watched how Jiro is so happy that night.Now his dream is unfolding one by one,and she is so happy for him.This must be true love,she told herself,now she is not thinking about herself,but she was thinking more of Jiro,how to make him happy.She promised herself that night,that she is going to support him and she will be by his side until he reach his dream.

"hey,let us all toast for our dreams." Arron said as he lifted up his glass,as he stared at Hebe."And thanks for your support and understanding."

Hebe smiled back at Arron.She was happy that one by one his dreams are coming true.She just wants to be with him and yes she will be willing to wait forever,if it is Arron in the end.

"Yes,and let us toast for the the person beside us ,who have been very understanding and patient with us." Jiro said,as he looked at Rainie.As both of the guys hugged on to heir respective partners.

"Wouldn't it be nice if after let say five years from now,we will be sitting in the same table toasting for our graduation,and of course having the same girl on our side," Arron said.

"Hey,don't you dare Mr Arron Yan to fool around.It's better be that the girls on your side are me and Rainie for both of you will be a dead meat." Hebe said.

Jiro laughed at Hebe."You've met your match Arron.i don't know any other girl,who have stood up at Arron as you are." he said."But then I can say that my friend is now a changed man because of you."

"You know,you got me now Honey." Arron said,as he gave Hebe a kiss on the lips.Jiro like wise hugged Rainie closer.

Drinks after drinks,when they finally said their goodbyes,as Arron took Hebe home,but jiro have planned something else for Rainie.He reserved a suite in a hotel for them.

"I have to make it up to you." Jiro said with a naughty grin."Our first time is not planned,now tonight is for you,for being so understanding and patient ."

Rainie could only laughed,when Jiro carried her to their room like a newly wed.They kiss and kiss like there was no tomorrow.Every kiss building up like a wild fire raging in their body.he wants her and she wants him.

"Oh wait a minute." Jiro halted as they were about."is it safe?We were not that careful the last time."

"yeah,it is don't worry about it."Rainie said.

"We don't want any accident." Jiro said."It is not time yet,not for another ten years."

"Gee that long." Rainie said as she tried to be cute and start making faces,trying to be funny."I'll be an old hen then,and i may not lay the golden egg anymore,as she laughed out loud.Jiro tried to spank her back.Then Rainie remembered,she didn't have her period yet,she was due last week.But she brushed the thought aside,maybe she just miscalculated the date,she thought.I don't have to tell Jiro,I don't want him to worry for nothing,and I don't want to spoil our evening together,Rainie thought as she responded to Jiro's kisses.

Later as Jiro claimed her body,and she could not think anymore,but just the warm feeling when she is with her thoughts are only for Jiro....Jiro...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
<3 iloveit
wow! this story made me smile.. made me teary-eyed.. and then smile again.. not that i'ved lost my sanity--this is just so touching! thanks anne ;)
lowblue #6
i like this story, seems like a drama=)