The First Time

Love Awakening - {Repost} Completed
Days went by and soon ,it is time for their Mid-Term exam and Rainie was able to pass it with the help from Jiro.They become really closer as the day goes by.She have never been happier in her life.Jiro was always there for her,for the first time she felt loved by what who really is.

Hebe and Arron are now together.Hebe is now exclusively dating Arron.Although,they have their differences,they were able to iron it out and able to cope whatever troubles they are in.

A few months before graduation,Jiro and Arron were busy with there studies and were busy applying for further studies after graduation.Jiro is applying in med school and Arron in law school,they have to maintain their high marks in school,so both of them can be accepted to a refutable school.

Meanwhile,Rainie and Hebe have a lot of time on their hands,since they are graduating,and the teacher are quite lax to them.Rainie's grade has been good with constant tutoring from Jiro.But jiro being busy with exams and applications,their only time together is when Jiro tutors Rainie.Sometimes,Rainie thought that Jiro is so serious on his studies that he does not have time to relax and enjoy himself.

It was one of those afternoons when Jiro have to tutor Rainie and Jiro seems to be preoccupied with something.Actually,Rainie does not need to be tutored anymore,but she just went there so that she can spend time with Jiro,with seems to be lesser and lesser these past few days.

"Is there something wrong?" Rainie asked."You seem to be thinking of something else"

"No,I am just anxious for my interview tomorrow for my application in med school." Jiro said

"OH,I am sure you are going to pass it with flying colors." Rainie said.She was disappointed,thinking ,she can cox him to go out tonight,for they have not gone out together for weeks now.And she have been missing their time together alone.No more passionate kisses,now they are acting like old married couples,it is just a peck on the lips here and there.And coming over to Jiro's house afforded them with no privacy at all,with his Mom and the maids always lurking around.

"You don't have to study or do anything for tomorrow do you?" Rainie asked.

"Yeah,I really have to read something,why?" Jiro asked.he felt sorry for Rainie,for he barely have time for her nowadays.He promised himself,he is going to make it up to her once this is over.

"Oh ,nothing,I just want us to out together,just the two of us."Rainie said.He sensed the longing in her voice,and he have been battling within himself whether to go out with her or study,and he felt guilty not being able to spend some time with her lately.

"Alright,we'll go out tonight,but we have to go home early,so I will be fresh and rested tomorrow morning for my interview." Jiro said,as he flashed a smile on her.

They went out and have a dinner in a nice restaurant,and then they have a couple of drinks before heading home.Rainie was so happy to be with Jiro.

On the way home,they kissed each other passionately,Jiro now realized,how much he have been missing Rainie these last few days.Her kisses was intoxicating,like a vintage wine,as he wants more and more of her.His pressure from his studies and the stress that have been building up,finally have afforded a released from his system.

Kisses after kisses,becoming more passionate each time,and Rainie was just giving ,giving in to what Jiro's his body responds to her.He got to have her tonight.His mind could not think,he can only think of her kisses and her body responding to his own need.Before,he knew it,they were heading to a nearby hotel to satisfy their need for each other.

As they went to their room and Jiro pulled Rainie to his arms,and started kissing her,their kiss was deep and proving,tasting each other,until they were short of breath as they pulled out for a breather,and laughed,as they kissed again,this time Jiro's hand is on the works,as it moved to touch her ,as she moans on each touches that he makes.

Then as they lay in bed,their eyes not leaving each other,both are like as they were born,as Jiro came to Rainie,and as he entered her,and Rainie let out a moan,and hurt,and Jiro realized that this is her first time.he was so consumed with his needs and he never thought about Rainie's feelings.But that is only for a moment and then Rainie is now asking for a response for her own needs.They clung to each other ,until their body becomes they reached for the sky in unison...

"I am sorry.Did I hurt you,I forgot." Jiro said.

"What are you being sorry about?"Rainie said.

"I could have made our first time very special." Jiro said.

"Why,is this not special enough for you? I am hurt." Rainie said in a pout.

"No,that is not what I mean." Jiro said as she pulled her body close to her,and as his hand touched her face."I love you Rainie,I love you a lot more than you think."

"I love you too Jiro.I have never loved any man like this." Rainie said,and as they touched again,and made love the second time around,this time,there is no more pain but a pure they said their name aloud to each other...Rainie...Jiro...reaching new heights with their love for each other....

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
<3 iloveit
wow! this story made me smile.. made me teary-eyed.. and then smile again.. not that i'ved lost my sanity--this is just so touching! thanks anne ;)
lowblue #6
i like this story, seems like a drama=)