The Assassin and The Strawberry

Ichigo’s POV

“You’re scaring that Jinta kid,” I said with a ‘-_-’ face as Aimer and I walked home. “But I’m okay with it. He’s annoying. I didn’t know that you know them. I mean, Jinta, Ururu and Tessai-san.”

Aimer looked forward as we walked. “I knew them since I was little, but I haven’t seen them in ages.”

“Oh? Why?”

She didn’t reply. And I felt awkward for asking her that. Must be some personal stuff… best if I stop asking.

After a few minutes, we reached my house. Aimer then leaped up and landed perfectly on the window frame of my room. She went in and I heard Kon’s voice, “Aimer nee-san~” SQUEAK!

I sweat-dropped and walked into my house. Instantly, I dodged my dad’s surprise attack (thus he flew out the window) and strolled up the stairs to my room.

“Onii-chan!” Yuzu called after me. “Come down for dinner later.”

“Kay…” I said. I entered my room and placed my bag near the edge of my bed, where Aimer was sitting. Kon was lying in a corner with his head sizzling. Aimer then picked my bag up and started searching through it. “What are you doing?” I asked.

“I’m bored so I’m gonna do your homework,” she replied as she took out my English assignment.

“Okay, okay.” I picked out a set of my home clothes from the closet. I turned to Aimer and threw my blanket over her, which covered her whole body.

“What the hell…?” Aimer had a question mark as she poked her head out from under the blanket.

“I’m gonna change. Don’t look.” I pulled down the blanket over her head, causing her to lay down on my bed.

Aimer wriggled a bit under the blanket and muttered, “Like I would.” Then, she turned around to face the wall and stayed still. I quickly took off my school uniform and put on a set of clean clothes. “Are you done?” came Aimer’s muffled voice.

“No,” I said as I pulled down my shirt. Then, I pulled the blanket off of her. “Done.” Aimer came out from under the blanket and got off my bed. I walked towards the closet and took out another set of clothes. “Here,” I said and handed them to her. “Change here while I go down to take dinner.” Aimer nodded and I headed to the door.


I turned around just as Aimer threw Kon towards me. I opened the door and Kon flew out, hitting the wall outside. I walked out and closed the door behind me.

Aimer’s POV

I looked at the clothes Ichigo gave me: a plain sky blue shirt and loose black pants. Whatever. I quickly changed and looked around the room. A laundry basket was in the room. I threw the purple shirt in, but I kept the grey hoodie and white skinny jeans.
I should call Noah tonight to bring my stuff for me… I though as I laid down on Ichigo’s bed. I picked up a book which was on the desk and started reading it. A few minutes later, Ichigo came back, carrying a tray (again), with Kon trailing behind him. I sat up and noticed two bowls of rice and curry.

“You’re eating here?” I asked as Ichigo sat down at his desk.

“Yep.” Ichigo took one bowl and handed me the other one. He started eating and I looked at him. It took him five minutes for Ichigo to notice that I was staring at him. “What? Eat or else the food will get cold.”

“Hm.” I took some curry and ate some. “Your sister cooks?”

Ichigo nodded as he took a bite. “Ever since mom died, Yuzu had been doing all the household chores.”

 “… sorry,” I muttered as I held the chopsticks between my teeth. “For your mother, I mean.”

Ichigo looked up. “It’s okay. At least I still have my dad and sisters.” I nodded slowly and continued eating. “… so Aimer, what about yours? Your parents.”

“They’re dead.”

“Oh… sorry,” Ichigo apologized. Then, he looked at me. “So who were you living with before coming here?”

“My brothers.”

“I see… must be hard for you guys.”

“Not really. The OCA provided everything we need: clothes, food, money and room service. It’s just like living in a hotel.”

Ichigo had a ‘-_-’ face. “I’m sorry I asked that.”

“NOW!” Kon suddenly jumped on Ichigo. “IT’S MY TURN! Quit talking with Aimer nee-san, Ichigo!” Kon faced me. “Aimer nee-san, I’m Kon, the Mod Soul. Nice to meet you!”

I just stared at him with a blank look. Kon sweat-dropped.

“And introduction is over.” Ichigo swatted Kon away. “Sorry, Aimer. He’s always like that.”

“No, it’s okay,” I said. “It makes me feel at ease, actually.”

Ichigo was surprised. “Really?” Then, he looked away. “You’re weird.”

A small angry vein appeared on my head. “Well, you’re weirder.”

Ichigo looked at me. Then, a small smile formed on his face. “Whatever.” He finished his food and stood up. “You finished?”

I nodded as I helped him put all the plates and bowls back onto the tray. Ichigo walked out of the room and I continued reading the book I was previously reading.

(15 minutes later…)

“Oi, Aimer…” Ichigo looked at me with a T.T face. “You said you’ll help me with my homework.”

Ichigo was sitting at his desk, doing his homework, while I was sitting lying stomach-down on his bed, reading the book.
“But I don’t wanna,” I replied as I flipped a page.

Ichigo’s eyebrow twitched. “Teme…"

“I said no because if I did it for you, you won’t learn anything.”

“Wow, I didn’t know you are that smart,” Ichigo said sarcastically.

“Shaddup, stupid strawberry,” I muttered and continued reading the book. I looked at Kon, who was sleeping soundly beside me and snuggling my arm. I didn’t do anything.

“Hey.” Ichigo threw a book at me. “What’s the answer to question 5?”

I looked at the biological question. “… it’s probably ‘basal metabolism’,” I said as I handed him the book back.

“Oh, okay.” Ichigo wrote down the answer. “Aimer, do you go to school?”

An angry vein appeared on my head. “Of course, you idiot.”

“But, aren’t you an assassin or something?”

“Even assassins need knowledge to carry out their missions, you know. Anyway, when I’m at the OCA and there’s no mission, I’ll be having school like you too.”

“That’s amazing.”

Mostly, we assassins learn how to find the weaknesses of our opponents and to defeat them. Well, no point in telling that to the stupid strawberry. Anyway… I mentally sighed. It’s the second day already. I guess it’s time to carry out ‘The First Step’.

“Ichigo,” I said.

“What?” he replied without even looking at me.

“I just wanna say…” I paused. “Thanks.”

“Huh?” Ichigo turned around in his chair and looked at me.

“I mean, thanks for letting me stay here, even though you were reluctant, because… you know… I tried to kill you and all.”

To my surprise, Ichigo just smiled and turned back to his studies. “You should be more honest.”

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OtakuStefan #1
Chapter 20: Super awesome. Update soon.