Can't Tell Anyone

Why Can't You Accept?

    At first I was mad because I thought he was toying with my emotions so I got up and went to my room to sit on my bed. I was crying. Again. Namjoon went to my room and sat across from me. "What's wrong Hoseok? I thought you would be happy?" Namjoon said confused. "Yep, I'm a big ol barrel of sunshine when you lie straight to my face!" I said accusingly. "No Hoseok I'm not lieing I swear! I really do like you and I can prove it! umm, tell me something you want me to do and I'll do it." He looked at me determined. "Are you s-sure Namjoon?" "Yes I'm sure! please I'll do anything to make you believe me." He looked at me while I thought in concentration. "Ok" I say, "kiss me." "WHAT are you serious Hyung?!? No way!" Namjoon yelled. "See I told you, you don't like me like that!" I yelled while shooting dagers at him with my eyes. I glared at him for what seems like forever.

    "FINE! I'll kiss you but you can't tell anyone! Understand?" "I promise," I half whispered. Namjoon came over and sat beside me. He puts one hand on shoulder and his other wraps around my hand. He inhaled and then he kisses me. His full soft lips pressed against mine, I let go of his hand and wrapped them behind his head. He moved his hands on my waist. We fall back on the bed, I press my body closer to his until there's no space between us. I run my hands up his shirt but this time he lets me, I trace his abs with my hand and he rolls me over so I'm on my back and he's on top of me, he pins back my hands as his lips get more rougher, kissing me desperatly. My head is spinning and it's hard to breathe. I feel his heart beat, beating faster. He stops kissing my lips and starts kissing my neck as I try to catch my breath and then he kisses me again. I hear a noise in the kitchen and I suddenly remember the other guys are still here. I try to push him off me but he dosen't budge, he just keeps kissing me until I finally say, "Namjoon you have to stop! The guys are still here." Once when I say that he rolls off me and lookes away bashfully. We both quickly look up to the door and see a grinning V leaning up against the door frame.

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x_Huang_Mei_Li_x #1
Jst ran across ur story cuz i saw the title n its supposed to be "accept" not "except"