Tell Me Something Through Your Eyes

Wrong Reflection


As Kibum placed his hand onto the soft cloth, his heart sped up. “Who are you?”


His back ached, from sitting on the hospitals terrible bed.


His hands shook as he gripped onto the blanket. He was insane.


Lifting the blanket he stared into eyes that weren’t his.



Everything he knew was darkness. He didn’t exist.


At least that’s what he thought.


There once was a time when windows would surround him, they would be his lights in the dark.


That’s when the beautiful boy would stare back at him and he would follow. His actions were gentle and elegant. So easy to follow, but no matter what he did he still didn’t exist.



Kibum covered the mirror back up and turned away from it, he was still insane.


“Why can’t I see myself in any mirrors?” Kibum whimpered and got into his bed, wrapping himself in white sheets. In photos he looked like himself but never mirrors, he imaged the other male being a ghost. A ghost trapped but in the real world that seemed impossible. He was still insane. 






Testing out a knew idea, I don't know it it sounds good or not but I will leave it to you guys to say. What yeah think? I will make it longer if you like it.

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Chapter 2: I wasn't expecting that at all. Does he see Jjong?
Excited to see where this is headed :)