Chapter 3

The Classy or The Badass [[ON HOLD]]

It begins


“Did you see the way he flipped his hair? Can it be any hotter?”

 “Did you see the way L.Joe stared into our class? Can it be any creepier?”

“Kya! I’m going to faint!”

 “Oh God! I’m going to die. It might be one of us!”

“I wish he was looking for me!”

“I wish he’s not looking for me!”

The boys in the class were trying to figure out who was Teen Top’s next target while the girls burst out laughing and continued fangirling over a guy they barely know. Most of the girls in the class was fangirling over L.Joe’s looks while Shira on the other hand, was getting tired of Eun Jae’s, her  seat partner and friend, compliments for L.Joe, although some of it was mostly exaggerating.

“He could beat up 20 people by himself. His family owns a huge mansion with a room filled with loads and loads of cash! CASH!” It must be the love of money that Eun Jae had which made the corner of covered with drool. “Hohoho, money~”

Shira was smiling widely while nodding her head in agreement on the outside, but in the inside, she was mentally rolling her eyes. ‘L.Joe this, L.Joe that. Oh, what other amazing God-like things he can do? Fly?!’ She needed to get out of there. Fast.

Shira glanced at her wristwatch and sighed. Mr. Howard, her English teacher was late, as usual. Probably sleeping in the office and forgetting about his ‘precious’ students who have zero point one knowledge of English, again. Should she go check on him in the office? But she hates to walk in the room filled with people who has to butter her up with their fake smiles and too polite greetings. Since they were the only one to know about her real status and background. Shira scoffed. As if she was the teacher instead.

“Yah. Park Shira!” Eun Jae called while snapping her long, manicured nails in front of her seat partner’s face which caused daydreamer Shira to slightly stumble in her seat for being pulled back to reality suddenly. “Ye-yeah?” Eun Jae frowned at her seat partner’s unfocused mind. “Were you listening to what I was saying?” Shira’s brain instantly started to work up a reasonable answer like rusty gears trying to work. “Um…Yeah! Uh, L.Joe is…awesome?” Her hesitance in her sentence made it sound more like a question than a statement but Eun Jae seems oblivious when it comes to talk about her favourite subject. “Of course it is! One time he fought an entire criminals of mafia with only his fist and…” Shira couldn’t help but let her mind wander off again.

She looked at her wristwatch and sighed for the umpteenth time. It has only been three minutes since the last time she checked. Shira tried her best to avoid the urge to bang her head repeatedly on the table. Who knew a 40 year old man with glasses would save her.

“Park Shira-sshi? This is the headmaster. Come to my office now,” the speaker in the classroom boomed. ‘Thank you headmaster! I owe you one!’ Shira stood up with a sad face to inform friend she’s sorry and wouldn’t be able to continue Eun Jae their fangirling conversation about L.Joe.

Shira closed the door of the classroom and skipped her way to the principal’s office. Yes. She skipped.

“You wanted to see us hyung?” Shira stopped half-way and backstepped until she was outside an empty classroom. ‘Wait what am I doing? Prying into other's pirvacy is bad,’ she turned and lifted her right foot but halted.

“We’re going out tonight for some…fun,” Shira’s eyes widened. ‘That voice. Is-is that-?’ To confirm her suspicions, she leaned onto the wooden door that was blocking her view of the people in the classroom and peeked through the small keyhole.

“Wait, what?! Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” ‘Ricky! Short, baby faced and the youngest! Oh my God it’s Teen Top’s Ricky. So that means-‘

“That’s right! Teen Top is going to crash that rich, exquisite party!” L.Joe cried and stood and a desk.  “Think about it! It’s going to be huge! The gang from Woolim High have no chance against that since they are proper and well-mannered,” he made a face as his voice dripped with sarcasm as he said those two words. “So what do you think?!” Teen Top was quiet for a while, but they burst out laughing and high-fiving each other later. “Awesome! Those ers have no chance to beat us now!” Niel joined L.Joe on the desk as they started laughing their organs out as if popping up in a party as an uninvited guests was the best thing ever.

“Popping up at that party as an uninvited guests is going to be the best thing ever!” Well, looks like it is for them. ‘They’re crazy!’ Shira thought as she shook her head in disagreement. ‘Hope they have fun being chased by cops then but being the little outlaws they are, I bet they will,’ Since Teen Top’s secret meeting had nothing to do with her, she just shrugged it off and quickly walked to the principal’s office.


“Mr. Kim! You wanted to-“ Shira’s jaw dropped to the ground as she found a familiar face in the room, staring right back at her.

“Ah, Shira!” The headmaster said and gestured towards the familiar figure who was sitting on a leather chair. “Someone wanted to see you,”

Didn’t know what to say, Shira just stood there with a funny confused face until a camera light, flashed at her. “Wow. Can you get any prettier,” Myungsoo sarcastically commented. His sudden presence flustered Shira but she quickly regain her composure as she politely ask with a fake smile.

“Kim Myungsoo-sshi, why are you here?” Sensing the tense atmosphere, the headmaster got up and left to give them some privacy and space.

“I wanted to see you,” he said as he kept the photo of Shira he just took into his mini photo album.

‘Oh Mr. Poloroid camera, we meet again.’ Shira narrowed her eyes at him but took a seat. “Spit it out Myungsoo. Woolim High students can’t be seen here, as I last recalled, your school beat us in the football championship. Therefore, both of our schools are rivals- Why am I telling you this? You know this already!” Myungsoo lightly chuckled at how stressed and guilty Shira looked.

“I know but too bad, you’re married to one,” he bluntly said and pointed at himself. “Yah! You-“Couldn’t think of a suitable sentence, she cleared and muttered quietly. “What do you want?” Myungsoo smiled but Shira could tell that she isn’t going to like what was coming.

“There’s a party tonight at the Song mansion and you have to come with me,” A party? It isn’t so bad. Attending fancy parties is her normal routine. But Myungsoo was hiding something. Shira could tell by the lack of eye contact Myungsoo was giving her.

“Kim. Myungsoo.” Shira called with her demanding but yet soft voice. She leaned forward and put on her glaring eyes. “What else are you hiding?” Myungsoo fidgeted a little but had an ‘I’m not hiding anything’ look. “I’m not hiding anything,”

Shira rolled her eyes. “Sure you aren’t. Coming all the way here, risking our secret and your life for being in your rival’s school, there sure isn’t anything your hiding,” Myungsoo sighed at the fact that he’s caught or either, he is just a horrible actor. His ‘I’m not hiding anything’ face faded but it was replaced with an ‘I am hiding something from you’ look. “Well,” he ruffled his hair and clucked his tongue in annoyance but said no more.

“Yah! Myungsoo! What is it?” Shira was beginning to lose her patience. She shoot lasers at him with her eyes but he glared at her back as if to say ‘It’s my choice if I want to tell or not’. Their conversation soon turned into a staring contest.

Shira regretted shooting lasers with her big eyes because now they were burning. She was beginning to tear up when she saw the way Myungsoo had that slight flame of anger and fear in his eyes. Anger and fear not caused by her, but by two couple she knows really well. She gasped.

“Our parents are going to be there?!”

Myungsoo looked at the tiled floor with his bangs blocking his eyes. Shira comfortingly swipe his bangs aside gently and saw the hatred in his eyes. She knew how the relationship between Myungsoo and his parents was. One word. Horrible.

“Yah Kim Myungsoo, how dare you sulk on your own? I’m going to meet them too you know! I’m also arranged to be married to you too, you know!” Shira’s voice was filled with annoyance which caused her voice to go high and slightly squeaky, making her sound like she’s whining. Well, maybe she was.

Myungsoo looked up and laughed as Shira cleared to regain her original voice. They looked at each other and laughed again, both for different reasons. Shira, because she was happy the Myungsoo she knew was back and Myungsoo, because he was secretly glad that Shira was there with him.

But on the other side of the door,

He smirked as he eavesdropped on their conversation. “Arranged marriage you say? A Woolim high student and a TOP student. Interesting…Park Shira, who exactly are you?”




Author Note: DAM! DAM! DAM~ N the drama begins! Hope you like how it’s going so far. Please comment or maybe…well…*cough* vote too *cough*.  I know updates are a little slow,


If there are many comments, I’ll update faster.  (/>.<)/ The more comments, the faster the updates will be, since I’m now working on other chapters. I promise! Author’s pride!


Most importantly, is that you guys enjoyed this! See you at the next update~ *throws hearts and kisses*

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Chapter 6: I actually am very intrigued . I know this story will probably never be updated again, and I respect that, but I just wanted to let you know that I really like it and can't wait for more of your writing , no matter the story!
atyaf12 #2
Chapter 6: Omg I love where this story is going ^.^
Heheh what is she gonna do in the future and who is she going to choose makes it more interesting >.<
Oh by the way the notes from the Unknown person must have a reason right!? ¥_¥
They must have a reason which makes they story even more interesting and mysterious @_@
On the other hand l.joe reason for dating her is still not clear $_$
And her relation ship with "L" doesn't have that " oh married couple love" but more like friends relation-ship 0_0
This whole plate makes the story more interesting and fascinating to read as I read the story I stared to wonder what going to happen next how will "L" react when he knows she is dating someone else is he going to be jealous or not. #_#
And what her relationship with l.joe will lead her to 3_3
Ove all The story makes me think who is she going to choose the "well-mannered"husband or the "badass" boyfriend £_£
So yeah those are my thoughts heheheh sorry I wrote to much o.o
Can't name is Yoo Jae sukain't for the next chapter [^.^]
Thanks for an amazing story :)
ceilidhhall #3
Chapter 5: i hate poodles, especially the pink one. LMAO I LOVE THIS
Chapter 5: haha this story got me smiling like a kid. So cute and hilarious! XD Update soon!
hyeming #5
update please haha
beejello96 #6
Chapter 4: its really nice!! cant wait for next chapter~
hyeming #7
Chapter 3: Update soon!! It's really nice :)
cool_luck #8
YES! THANKS FOE UPDATING! cant wait until the party!!! but is this a l.joe+oc or Myungsoo+Oc? just wondering...o_O
Chapter 2: Things are going to get stated, and I just can't wait n.n
cool_luck #10
Chapter 2: No shira, u won't b alright...*smirk*. HAHA! Sly Niel! OMG! >.< Can't wait for the next update!!!!