Chapter 2

The Classy or The Badass [[ON HOLD]]


First meeting


Park Shira yawned as she lean on her palm for support with half lidded eyes.


Her eyes shot open as she felt a camera flash, flashed at her. “What are you doing?” Myungsoo’s Polaroid camera was hanging from his neck while one of his hands were holding onto his new photo and his free hand rolled into a fist at his mouth to block the small smile on his face. A small smile which led to a chuckle. A chuckle which led to a fit of giggles. A fit of giggles which led to an uncontrollable laughter.

“Yah! What’s so funny?” She felt like an idiot. At the back of her mind, she knew the reason why he was laughing so hard but looks like her brain and mouth ain’t cooperating. “G-give me the photo!” she lunged forward over the porcelain table that was between them and fling her arms for the photo that was the cause of her utter humiliation.

Even though Myungsoo eyes’ were curved into a cute eye smile, he managed to dodge her hands rather skilfully. “B-best picture I have taken so far!” he claimed and lifted the photo up high, where she couldn’t reach. Shira slightly pouted and pushed Myungsoo away. “You’re horrible!”

“Blame Mr. Jung. I needed to fill this whole album with photos before tomorrow,” he flipped the pages of the album that was almost full with photos to prove his point. Myungsoo’s laughter died down a little but he was still chuckling when he slipped the photo of sleepy Shira into a mini photo album without her knowing. Shira huffed and grumpily sat down on the couch with her arms crossed.

 “Throw it,”

“No way,”

“It’s my photo! I should have the rights!”

“I took it. So, it’s my photo,”

“Myungsoo-ah,” she whined.

“Why are you so worked up about this? It’s just one photo,” that made Shira silent. She wasn’t worked up because of a humiliating photo. She has been through worst then that anyway but it’s because she’s afraid of people ‘thinking’ that she’s Myungsoo’s girlfriend or maybe, even finding out the truth.

Shira’s silence was scaring Myungsoo, truth to be told. He sighed and took out her photo. “Look, I was just kidding, okay? Here’s your photo,” he placed the photo on the table and announced that he’s leaving for school. ‘Yes! I won! ’ She thought to herself as she smirked.  Slipping in the humorous photo of her in her bag, she walked to the doorstep of the huge mansion and took off for her own school not before watching Myungsoo’s car disappeared from her view. “Annyeong, Myungsoo! Don’t come back!” she teased.


“Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot!” he cried as he jumped over fences and bars.


“WHAT?!” he practically screamed into the phone when he answered it.

“Whoa! Calm down! I just want to ask where you are. You’re late!”

“It takes an idiot to not know that!”

“Well, I called you 15 minutes ago to which you still said was not a big deal so…you’re an idiot for not knowing,” Niel bluntly said.

“Shut up! I’m almost there! Is the gate close?” his question was followed by Niel’s silence. “Hello? Hello?! Yah! Ahn Daniel!”

“You asked me to shut up,”

“I- ugh!” L.Joe mentally face-palmed himself. “Just-…Tell me if the gates are closed,”



“The gate just closed a few seconds ago,”

“And you didn’t tell me?!” L.Joe knew Niel wanted this to happen. ‘You little ,’ that’s what Niel was.

“Well, I was asked to-“L.Joe hanged up before Niel could finish speaking. With all his last bit of strength, he dashed.

T.O.P highschool came to view and L.Joe smirked but immediately halted as he saw Niel waving at him from behind the closed gates. Unamused, he walked to the back of the school and swiftly jumped over the wall that was blocking him from the school’s garden. Only that he did not know, someone else was also feeling smug for achieving the ‘jump over the school’s wall to be on time for class’ achievement.




Shira slowly opened her eyes and came face to face with a pink haired boy who was also groaning in pain with their noses just a few inches apart. She must have been so shock that her brain has not fully processed the fact that a boy was lying on top of her right at that moment. ‘Man, he’s good looking,’ Shira wanted to slap herself. ‘Seriously? At a moment like this, this is what you come up with first? Seriously, one day we need to talk, brain,’

The fact that she was actually talking with her brain makes her want to slap herself even more.

“Aish! What the-“the other boy stopped talking and just stared at Shira wide-eyed and she stared back. He was blinking his eyes in confusion and he finally came to reality and jumped of her. Shira, who was slightly embarrassed for her head was continuously admitting how good looking this boy was and the only other boy who had her like this was the one and only Kim Myungsoo.

‘What is it with God and his creations? You’re getting better huh,’

Shira sat up flustered and a pregnant silence followed. L.Joe picked his bag up and awkwardly look at Shira. He rubbed his neck sheepishly while he pondered on what he should say. Shira was also wondering if she should dash or say something since pink haired guy seems to be thinking hard too. Finally, they both came to a conclusion. They are just going to wait for the other to speak first.

Who won? Well, the school bell.

“Oh crap,” They both cursed and make a quick run for their classroom.

“Park Shira! Is Park Shira-sshi here?” Mrs. Song called for the taking of attendance. “No? Absent? Ok-“

“Park Shira here!” she cried when she slammed the door open and rushed in while gasping for air after her run.

“Oh! Shira, you’re almost late but you make it just in time. Take your seat,” she bowed to her teacher and walked to her sit, greeting her friends along the way. Social butterfly, typical Shira.

‘Whew. Made it! Stupid Myungsoo and his camera!’ As she lean back, her eyes caught sight of a pink haired boy outside her classroom. ‘It’s him. What is he doing there?’ she thought to herself. He seems to be deep in thoughts as he stood there.

“Oh my gosh! That’s L.Joe!”

“You’re right! Why is he there?”

“Is he going to pick a fight on one of us?”

“He looks scary,”

“He looks much cuter up close,”

Suddenly, the whole class was filled with squeals of the girls and whispers from the boys. ‘L.Joe? The infamous L.Joe?’ She knew who this L.Joe was, with his posse Teen Top. They’re mean, rude and horrible. And she just met their leader. The head of Teen Top who can break bones without shedding a single drop of sweat. She gulped. ‘Nothing to think about-‘ Flashback of their previous encounter made shivers run up her spine. ‘It’s alright. Accidents happen…’ She focused her gaze on her books but somehow, she ended up staring at L.Joe’s back who was finally walking away from the classroom.

‘I’ll be alright…right?’





Author note: Myungsoo and Shira does not attend the same school since they met after they were enrolled in the own school.

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Chapter 6: I actually am very intrigued . I know this story will probably never be updated again, and I respect that, but I just wanted to let you know that I really like it and can't wait for more of your writing , no matter the story!
atyaf12 #2
Chapter 6: Omg I love where this story is going ^.^
Heheh what is she gonna do in the future and who is she going to choose makes it more interesting >.<
Oh by the way the notes from the Unknown person must have a reason right!? ¥_¥
They must have a reason which makes they story even more interesting and mysterious @_@
On the other hand l.joe reason for dating her is still not clear $_$
And her relation ship with "L" doesn't have that " oh married couple love" but more like friends relation-ship 0_0
This whole plate makes the story more interesting and fascinating to read as I read the story I stared to wonder what going to happen next how will "L" react when he knows she is dating someone else is he going to be jealous or not. #_#
And what her relationship with l.joe will lead her to 3_3
Ove all The story makes me think who is she going to choose the "well-mannered"husband or the "badass" boyfriend £_£
So yeah those are my thoughts heheheh sorry I wrote to much o.o
Can't name is Yoo Jae sukain't for the next chapter [^.^]
Thanks for an amazing story :)
ceilidhhall #3
Chapter 5: i hate poodles, especially the pink one. LMAO I LOVE THIS
Chapter 5: haha this story got me smiling like a kid. So cute and hilarious! XD Update soon!
hyeming #5
update please haha
beejello96 #6
Chapter 4: its really nice!! cant wait for next chapter~
hyeming #7
Chapter 3: Update soon!! It's really nice :)
cool_luck #8
YES! THANKS FOE UPDATING! cant wait until the party!!! but is this a l.joe+oc or Myungsoo+Oc? just wondering...o_O
Chapter 2: Things are going to get stated, and I just can't wait n.n
cool_luck #10
Chapter 2: No shira, u won't b alright...*smirk*. HAHA! Sly Niel! OMG! >.< Can't wait for the next update!!!!