Chapter 2

Beauty And The Beasts
I enter the room of my biology class and look around for an empty seat.
After minutes of contemplating of where to sit, I realize I might seem like a standing in the front of the room.
I awkwardly move through the rows of chairs and sit at the back.
I take out my books as the bell rings; at that same time all the students run around to where they are suppose to be.
The teacher walks in as the last bell rings, she does roll call.
After staring at her I realized how young she was and pretty...
A while passes, then she says my name.
"Here!" I say as I raise my hand slightly 
The teacher looked at me and politely said, "Ms. Lee we have assigned seats in this class," she says and she as she look as around the room.
'"There! Sit on the seat between Mr.Kim and Ms.Kwon ."
I take my stuff and move over a few rows and sit down.
She smiles to herself as if she solved all of the worlds problems and gets back to the attendance.
I settle myself down and look down in embarrassment.
She didn't need to call me out...
The girl next to me looks at me for a second, then glances over at the teacher.
As put my notebook back on the desk of my new seat, the girl next to me whispers "Don't be pissed at what she did-she's like that-a very neat person."
I nod at her as her head quickly snaps back to the teacher.
She begins the class, "Okay class, take out your textbooks and flip to the work from yesterday."
I look to the girl beside me and muster up the words of asking her to share her textbook.
But as I was finding the words to say, she links her desk with another person who seemed to have forgotten their textbook.
I sighed, the air causing my bangs to move out of my face.
I turned to the other side to the boy aside me, in a blink of an eye he was already next to me with his textbook in the middle of our two desks.
"Thank you" I say trying to be nice.
But he just ignores me and takes out his work, showing he didn't want any form of communication between me and him.
I stayed quiet, reading the page we were on.
The pancreas releases insulin... for the body... blood sugar?...Whaaaaaat?

"Hey," I nudge him slightly, "do you understand  this?"
He looks at me caught of guard as if  I was suppose to learn the first time not to talk to him.
"Ask the teacher" he replies to me.
I give him a 'fineeee' look as I turn to raise my hand.
, I don't know her name.
"Han" he tells me.
"... Han," I continue as she walks over to me,"can you please explain this to me?"
She gives me a look saying "are you serious" and goes to her desk and reaches and hands me a paper.
I read through the process of bodies and what they do control their internal environment.
God, I hate all types of science...
I begin to lay my head on my desk and turn to the boy next to me.
What's his name..?
I peak over the textbook and look at him paper.
Hmm... Kim Jongin, sounds familiar...
"Hey," I nudge him again, he looks at me slightly annoyed,"What school were you in before you came here?"
"I was home schooled" he replies without looking at me .
Why wont anyone here  look me in the eyes, it pisses me off... 
I moved closer to him trying to force him to look at me, but he moved farther with each move I made.
I realize how weird I must seem try to violate his space, so I end up moving my seat away from him.
Then I continued reading, until the teacher broke the silence in the classroom by saying, "Okay class, now lets go over the questions...'
I look around as the other students flip to their questions and answers.
She continues, "Let's go by rows and move horizontally, starting with Kim Jongin and ending with Ahn Yuna"
Haha, my lucky day
"Answering these questions will count towards your class grade for today."

Does the world hate me today?
I sigh and set my forehead down on the table and move my head around, I do weird things when I'm stressed.
Then I feel apiece of paper by my ear, I lift my head up to see Jongin passing me his answers.
I reluctantly, and slowly, take the paper from him.
The cycle starts, Jongin states his answer for his question, when it gets to me I take a deep exhale and repeat the answer on his paper.
The teacher just smiles and moves on to the next person, I look at Jongin and thank him, he just nods.
Ms. Han goes around the room twice(the second time I was ready)and finishes class with what our homework was, a worksheet, and begins to pass it out to the class as the bell rings.
I take my sweet time and put it in my notebook and put my things away, which takes a minute at most, I look to my side and Jongin wasn't there.
Damn he's fast, I hardly even saw him step out of the classroom
I walk out of the classroom and look for my next class.
PE... PE... where is the gymnasium..?
The late bell rang and I started to get tired and just went inside a bathroom to change.
As I was putting on my attire, it loosely fitted on my body and began to sag on me showing the little boy like features of my body.
I exit and look at my body,"maybe a medium was a bit too big..." I  say to my self while looking in the mirror of the bath room. 
I stuffed my uniform in my bag and started to look for the gymnasium again.
I walked for awhile until someone behind me said, "hello? do you need help?"
I turned around and saw Park Chanyeol, he looked at me and I did the same with him.
Why do I keep seeing this guy?
"Ah, yes, where is the gymnasium?" 
He gives me directions again and I say, "thank you and we have to stop meeting like this."
He awkwardly laughs.
Woah, Eunji that was awesome just make things even more awkward, you're the Queen of stupid.
"Again, thanks" I say as a final goodbye as I walk to the gymnasium.
I soon find out  all the kids went out to the track and field and I leave my things inside the gymnasium, fearing nothing, knowing that no one would most likely steal my books.
I walk down the steps to the track and field and see the kids finished stretching and were being put into group.
I walk up to the teacher, he's a tall, skinny and slightly muscular guy with chiseled like face features.
He looks at me and snaps his fingers together as to remember something.
"You must be the transfer, we're playing soccer and we're in  groups of boys and girls, join the other girls"
I follow his order and join the girls. 
They're all were huddled together talking, "Hi," I say introducing myself.
They all greet me back, nicer than others have in this school.
"So, are we talking about what we're going to do when we play?"
The girls slightly laugh at me then one with child like body and face says, "we never win against the guys, it's just easier to fake an injury and get out of playing it and just run laps."
I reassure them, "if we try we can win, I ran track and was on the soccer team back in Junior high."
"Which Junior high did you come from?" another asks me.
"Um... It's far from here, I just moved." I tell her.
She nods at that time the teacher, comes and tell us eleven of us are needed on the field.
Me and ten other girls follow out, while the others stay sitting down.
I walked over near the center circle giving the girls order on where to stand and what to do.
The teacher blows the whistle and the games I kick the ball half way across to the other side, but it is intercepted by one of the other teams players.
I yell at the others girls to do something as they just stand around looking at their nails.
I chase after the ball as the other guys moves towards our goal for a shot.
The girl with the child-like features is the goalie and as the ball is kicked into the goal, she screams, runs away and lets it go in.
I grunt with frustration, I walk up to her and say. "Let's switch places..."
"Ahn Yuna" she continues for me.
I nod and switch places with her.
For the next 30 minutes round after round, I managed to keep my team afloat as one slender tall girl makes a penalty shot and I block countless shot after shot of the boys team.
We ended up being tied.
The teacher blows his whistle and tell us we did a good job and to get changed.
"Wait, Lee Eunji stay here for a minute." he waits as the students run up the steps back inside he begins talking.
"You did really good job out there, did you ever think of joining the schools soccer team?"
I wipe the sweat off my forehead and reply huffing, "I don't know I just moved here a week ago, today's my first day and I never thought about it."
"Well," he says looking around, "you need to try out for the team and the season just barely started, I can give you a spot in, if you're interested?"
I begin to decline his offer saying I am busy, but he starts to beg me "Please, we only practice in the mornings before school and for two hours after school" 
Embarrassed that he's begging me I say yes out of pity.
"Great," he says as he regains his composure, "we meet today after school, I'll see you there!"
He says as we walks on the field to pick up the equipment.
I look back at him and pause for a second, slowly go up the steps.
Ah, whatever 
I run back out to the field and help him pick up the equipment.
He smiles at me showing his age, he's really younger than expected.
As I shove the last ball in the bag I run back without saying a word, fearing that my bag had been stolen,but when I went back to the  
 gymnasium I sighed with relief at the sight it was still there.
I begin the journey of looking for the bathroom to change in.
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aiman_30 #1
Chapter 4: Plz update soon
Chapter 2: waaaaaaah dis is so good omG
iluvberrytart #3
Chapter 3: Omo gahhh this is so nerve wrecking... I was waiting for an update for a long time... Please continue updating!!!
flower99 #4
Chapter 2: I love this story already!!!!
iluvberrytart #5
Chapter 2: I love this story!!!! Eeeee
Chapter 2: Thank you for the update!
Chapter 1: Update soon !! I'm excited about it already !!!
Chapter 1: Update soon pleaseee? ^-^