Chapter 3

Beauty And The Beasts

I run to a bathroom and change quickly, I'm not fast enough because the bell rings right as I'm out the stall.
I grab my stuff and speed-walk to class.
I try to enter without getting a lecture from the teacher, but it doesn't work.
The class is in total silence as I move towards her desk, she sighs and tells me to sit anywhere.
I exhale sharply and sit down in the closest seat.
After sitting down the pen of the person beside me taps my hand, it takes me a while to see, it's the girl that sat by me in biology.
"Hey," she whispers, I wave back at her to not cause any noise.
She reaches into her bag and takes out a napkin.
"Why are you so sweaty?" She asks me as she hands me the napkin. "PE," I reply and I take the napkin from her hand.
As I take it she says "oh, and by the way I'm Kim Saejin" "Oh, um, I'm Lee Eunji." I say right as I pass her back the napkin.
"Keep it" she whispers as she goes back to her work.
"Eh-em, class" The teacher breaks the silence in the classroom.
"Today is going to be the start of one of our many projects of this literature class... We will be analyzing the book Romeo and Juliet." The class groans and Saejin's hand shoots up, "but Mrs.Cho, we already read that book in Junior High."
"You read the book, but did you understand it?" she asks the class, "either way everyone will have to work in groups and answer the main question."
She goes to the board and writes in large letters, WHAT IS THE THEME OF ROMEO AND JULIET.
"We did this already..." Saejins groans.
The teacher asks me and another student to hand out the books, I whine and take the pile of books from her.
"Next time come early," she whispers to me.
I roll my eyes and turn around, handing the books to my classmates.
Many of them are talking amongst themselves, but one of them stand out.
He's a boy, he sits in the back of the classroom all alone, not even a desk partner.
I pass the last book to him and he stares at me and looks away.
What a weird guy.
I walk back to my seat as Mrs.Cho starts to explain what we are going to do for the project.
"The project will contain three parts, the first part is what you all will be doing with your partners, I'll explain once you get into your groups, you kids can choose your partners, no more than four in a group."
"Hey new girl." I hear behind me, I slowly turn around and see Saejin,"Turn your desk in front of mine and we can work together."
"Who says I want to work with you?" I ask her.
"I can just tell," she smiles playfully.
"Well I don't, I want to work with... him." I tell her point to the boy in the back.
"Hm?" she says turning around. She turns back, surprised, "Kyungsoo..?"
She doesn't judge me and tries to compromise, "we can all work together!"
"KYUNGSOO, KYUNGSOO!" she hisses to him from across the room.
His head jumps up from reading the book and looks at her, "Come join us." she says waving her hands towards us.
He gets up from his seat and brings his book and pencil.
"One more minute." the teacher says as the rest of the students scramble and argue to find partners.
Kyungsoo sits by Saejin, my view seems to switch from him to my paper as he just looks around the room.
Mrs. Cho starts to countdown, "5...4...3...2...1... STOP!"
All my classmates sit down in their seats, Mrs.Cho waits for silence and starts to talk.
"Now, the first part of your project will be writing a small play for the ending of Romeo and Juliet, how do you think it should've ended? You all can start now."
I face Saejin and Kyungsoo, Saejin starts to squirm around in her seat.
"Mrs. Cho may I use the bathroom." She nods, and Saejin literally jumps out her seat and runs.
I use this time to introduce myself to Kyungsoo, "by the way I'm Lee Eunji."
He hesitates and tries not to look at me. "Do... Kyungsoo..."
He seems shy so I try to get him to open up, "what school did you go to before?"
"I was homeschooled!" he exclaims, no one notices because the classroom is insanely loud right now.
"That's funny, because this other guy in my biology class is also homeschooled."
"Is that so..." he says uninterested with me and the conversation.
I take this as a cue to shut the hell up.
Saejin enters the room a couple of minutes later and I can hear Kyungsoo let out a sigh of relief.
Saejin sits down and lets out an ah, she lays her head on the desk and says, "Kyungsoo I'm going to sleep, can you do the first part for me? Thanks!"
I stare at him while he gets right to work. "Are you really going to do it?"
He shrugs.
Saejin's pencil falls off her desk, she curses under her breath as she goes to pick it up, Kyungsoo quickly looks at me as if he's warning me and stares back at his paper when Saejin puts her head back on her desk.
Class ends with Kyungsoo doing and handing in our work, Saejin sleeping and me staring at and biting my nails.

        Half the day goes by in a blur, the classes were a blur, faces were mostly hazy; today it felt like I was lost and stranded on an island alone.
I skip eating during lunch and go up to the rooftop, I go near the back where the field of the school is seen.
I walk around the steps and in the area, what I saw made my knees feel weak.
There was someone perching themselves from the edge.
I start to freak out, did I just walk into a suicide attempt?
I try to remember what to say, I pace around as a strong breeze suddenly passes.
! He might fall!
I rapidly whip my head towards him, he is still there.
Thank goodness, he's okay...
I've got to make him stop, "YOUR PARENTS LOVE YOU, YOUR FAMILY CARES ABOUT YOU PLEASE DON'T DO THIS." The words just shoot out of my mouth.
He seems extremely startled and confused, he looks as if he was going to fall so I run towards him.
I grab his ankle and scream, "DON'T DO THIS."
He tries to shake me off and shouts, "I'm not going to kill myself!"
I immediately let go and walk back, giving him room, he jumps down to the edge of the rooftop looking at me like I'm crazy.
"Are you okay?" I question
. "Does it matter?" he says, walking away.
So chic...
I stay in the rooftop for the rest of the lunch period regretting not stopping by the convenience store and buying bread to eat and playing on my phone.
The bell soon rings and I trudge to my next class.
And the next and the next and the next until, finally, the final bell rings.
I stand up and stretch and grab my bag as the teacher announces what pages of homework have to be done.
I quickly leave the classroom and enter a bathroom, locking the stall.
I shuffle the things around in my bag until I find my cellphone; I dial my mothers number.
"Hello... Mom?" I whisper when I heard no dial tone.
"Yes?" she replies.
"I'm staying for club activities, I'll be home in a few hours." I said quickly and hung up to make sure she couldn't say no.
I wait a few seconds for my phone to ring and my mom to scream at me to come straight home, which I doubt will happen, my mom is and will always be a pushover, so I put my phone back in my bag.
I walk out the bathroom and realize I have no idea where the soccer team meeting is.
I cling on to my book bag strap.
Don't look like a stupid first year and walk like you know where you're going...
I walk with my head up looking forward, confident, even though I have no idea where I'm going.
Then out of a of luck, I see my PE teacher exits a room and into the hallway.
I run after him, "excuse me Mr...." I just realized I don't know his name... I look over to his roster, I squint my eyes, "Kim...?" I question.
He replies with a yes and I continue, "I don't know where the soccer team meeting is, can I following you?"
"Of course I was just going there." I nod along and follow.
Down the hall and up a flight of stairs, he stops at a room.
"I have some things to get ready before I can talk to the others, just introduce yourself." I watch as he run-walks down the hall and leaves me in front of the room.
I hear a bit of commotion inside the room.
I hesitate, but enter.
There are desks and chairs all over the place and about four people sitting on them, the rest are wild and about.
A few look at me, the rest don't; yet they all don't pay me much mind.
"Ah! Lee Eunji." on girl says while tying on her cleats I look at her, until her head bobs up.
"Kim Saejin, nice to see you again."
"Likewise." I respond, but it's impossible to say to over the noise
I see the frustration on her face.
"SHUT UP!" she screams out loud, her face is glowing red.
I just stand there awkwardly smiling to the rest of the members that are looking at us. 
They all burst out into laughter and chuckles, a guy comes towards her and pats her on the head, "you're so cute when you try to act tough."
Saejin's face turns redder as a response to that comment.
The boy suddenly looks at me, "wait who are you? Are you new here? I'm Kim Taeju " He introduces.
"He's my older brother and captain of our team." Saejin adds
"Wait, why are you guys mixed genders if this is a team?"
"It's more of a club." Taeju responds
"Yeah, this school would never really put their money on sports only education." Another guy says while playing around with the soccer ball.
"So, what do you guys do in your... Club?"
"What do you think? We bake? It's a soccer club." One girl says.
"Be quiet Yuna," the same guy says, "we mostly exercise, work on skills and play small matches."
He kicks the ball up and catches it and introduces himself, "I'm Go Hyunseok" he says as he winks.
"Haha, I'm Lee Eunji." I giggle ignoring .
Mr. Kim enters the room.
Thank god, finally.
His expression is sad, "Everyone, I couldn't get us the field today," the room is filled with the sounds of groans and moans, "but I did get you guys the gymnasium to play in."
Saejin doesn't look happy, "this is the sixth time this month." she complains. "
It's better than nothing." Hyunseok shrugs.
We all follow him, when we get the gymnasium, he pulls me aside "You don't need to play today, you haven't changed yet so just watch the others play a game."
"Okay, I'll bring my things next time."
I stay to the side as they all start to stretch and limber up.
They all mix around going to what I think are their predetermined teams the ball is placed in the middle by Mr. Kim as a few members bounce and stretch around.
Taeju, Saejin and their offense stand near the middle, Mr. Kim moves away, Taeju moves and cracks his neck around looking at his sister.
She mimics him in a childish way and the whistle is blown.
Their playing is intense, the girls play so well, I feel embarrassed for Mr. Kim begging me to come he already has better talent on the team.
Yuna is one of the goalies, she's doing way better now in comparison to this morning.
As time passes a member of Saejin's offense tries to score a goal.
Yuna leaps in front of the direction she thinks the balling is going in, she's dead wrong, the ball goes in and she falls to her side.
I snicker when she falls and she looks over to me, she scowls at me as the teams reset.
Mr. Kim blows his whistle, " Okay guys practice is over."
"ALREADY!?" Saejin whines.
"Has three hours already passed?" Taeju says, walking towards him wiping the sweat off this brow.
Mr. Kim looks at his watch, "No, but it's getting darker, because it's near winter, everybody needs to get home before the sun sets."
The whole team groans and whines, but begins to exit the gym.
Someone taps me on the shoulder, I move left and right and see it's Hyunseok, he gives me a half-smile as he enters a classroom.
As I look behind me there is Saejin running towards me, "Eunji,Eunji," she repeats.
I stop as she catches her breath and drinks her water, "We're going to change wait for me okay?" She enters the other classroom next door and slides the door close.
After what seems like forever, the boys exit in their uniforms the all chat and laugh with one another.
Taeju then looks at me,"Eunji who are you waiting for? One of the girls?"
I nod.
"They take a long time," he says, looking at the door,"I'd just go" he laughs.
At that time the door sharply opens, "Shut up!" Saejin interjects.
He laughs at her and walks back to his male teammates.
All the girls walk out the room after her, out the window the cross-country team still runs as the sun is barely in the sky.
I look over to the girls, they all start to talk to each other, I feel so left out and so I just stand there smiling and laughing along at a few comments, a tall girl sees me in the "corner" of the group.
"Wait what was your name?" she says with a really deep voice.
"Lee Eunji." I answer.
"Sorry I'm bad with names," She apologizes, "you don't know our names yet do you?"
"She knows mine." Saejin adds, she gives Saejin a death glare.
"I'm Bae Yuri, third-year" she tells me, with that the girls go around tell me their ages and class grades:
Anh Yuna: 1st year
Kim Minju: 2nd year
Nah SeonJa: 4th year
Gong Hanju: 3rd year
Park Hana: 2nd year
Shin Minyoung: 1st year
We start to actually talk about things I should know about the school, where I should go to get good food after school, where to go with a boyfriend etc...
It's really nice to finally have girls my own age to talk to.
When we reach outside and the school Yuri looks concerned for me, "Eunji you want one of us to walk to the bus stop with you, it's really dark and you live on the other side of town."
I immediately disagree, "I'm fine, you guys can go."
They all look at me, unsure.
"Bye!" I say to them as I began to walk to the bus stop alone.

Sh*t in never knew it would be this dark.
"And cold" I say out loud as my hot breath heats up the cool air around my lips.
How the hell is it just the middle of fall!?
I rub my hands together and stuff them in my pockets of my uniform.
At that second I felt a cold drop on my head.
No way, no freakin' way.
I stop for a moment and look up at the horizon of the street, at that very moment rain seems to pour down.
What the hell?!
The street lights are out, I should've accepted their offer of them taking me to the bus stop, I thought as run through the block covering my hair.
After 20 seconds of running like Usain Bolt, I reach the end of the block.
Yes, I made it.
My thoughts were cut off by the sound of footsteps behind me and a faint "excuse me miss," I did a 180 degree turn around there was a guy that looks about my age - just a little older.
I back up a bit and reply, "yes?"
"By any chance is your name Lee Eunji?"
I began to move further away with each step he took closer to me.
"So, I'm guessing you are?"
I stumble with my words for a few seconds, then, as if in a flash, he grabs me and pulls me into the alleyway.
I began to struggle, but he pins me against the wall.
"Please..." I begin to plead, "I-I have nothing on me except for my bottle of water and my school books."
"I don't want that" he whispers in my ear I look away.
ing creep.
"I only have pocket change" I say, feeling threatened.
"I don't want that either."
"Okay..." I say feeling a small part of my pride break because I'm so poor not even a robber wants my money.
"Do you wanna know what I want?" He asks me with a smirk, I don't reply.
But, I gain a bit of confidence and bark, "what?" trying to sound intimidating.
I'm confused.
He smirks again and pounces on me.
I scream a blood curdling scream as it feels as if he was ripping me apart while he bites and gnaws at me.
"Stop, help me!" I fall to the floor, "help me..." I manage to cry out with my last breathe as darkness surrounds me.
I hear growling, was that a dog barking?
Maybe they have an owner, I hear more growling.
I try to cry for help again, but only grunts come out.
Then more growling, I manage to get out in a small voice "h-h-help"
One dog whimpers and runs away, I feel myself being sniffed.
I get up regularly as if nothing had happened plant a small kiss on the dog's head. "Thank you." I whisper and pick up my book bag and walk away.
I'm suddenly home and my mom is crying,I glance at my brothers pale face as he sits on the couch.
I quickly walk in without taking my shoes off.
"What's wrong?" I say.
I stood there in silence as the phone rings.'
My aunt runs from the kitchen and quickly picks it up.
"Yes," she spoke quickly into the receiver,  she repeats "okay... okay...." every few seconds.
"What?! Did they find her?!" My mom anxiously asks my aunt who had just hung up.
"Her? Do you mean me? Mom, I'm right here."
The room stays silent "Mom, Minsu, Aunty... This isn't funny."
I say growing impatient of the silence "mom you have to notice me," I step in front of her "I didn't take my shoes off, I know you hate that I'm sor-"
My aunt cuts me off "she's dead, they found her mauled to death by a dog."
"Eunji?" My brother asks slowly "Eunji." My aunt repeats,
My brother lets out a huff and runs up the stairs.
My mother and aunt break down in tears.
I stomp and scream, "fine!" as I run up the stairs
. I stop in the middle and kick my shoes off and continue running up as they tumble down behind me.
I run into my room and slam the door shut, I slide down against my desk and hang my head.
I suddenly look up as I hear someone enter my room quickly, I stand up.
I was kind of expecting it to be my mom to walk in and tell me to go apologize for being rude, but no, it was my brother.
"Minsu, leave me alone."
But he doesn't leave, instead he closes the door and breaks down into tears.
I roll my eyes. "Minsu-" I start to say, but was cut off by his wails.
"Stop!" I scream as I reach out to him; but my hand goes straight through him.
What the fu...
I run through the door and then into the bathroom.
I pause for a moment before looking into the mirror, I take a deep breath and stare straight at my reflection and bite my bottom lip.
It takes all my power not to scream.
No, No, No, No, No.
I look all torn up and bloody.
The mirror breaks with the power of my scream. 
Then I wake up from the horrible dream I was in.
But I can't open my eyes, It hurts so much.
"What are you doing?" I hear someone say, a guy's voice.
Is that the same person?!
I whimper and shift slightly from the place where I lay.
The same voice speaks again, "See, you're scaring her... Wait till Yixing comes, he'll be able to heal her."
"I know," another guy says "but I just can't her, I-"
The other guy cuts him off, "yes you can, now leave."He says as he seems to push him out and closes the door.
He sits down somewhere near me, I can feel his presence.
"Eunji," he starts,"I'm sorry..." He apologizes and touches my hand, then stands up and leaves.
I hear him linger in the doorway for a moment before closing the door.

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aiman_30 #1
Chapter 4: Plz update soon
Chapter 2: waaaaaaah dis is so good omG
iluvberrytart #3
Chapter 3: Omo gahhh this is so nerve wrecking... I was waiting for an update for a long time... Please continue updating!!!
flower99 #4
Chapter 2: I love this story already!!!!
iluvberrytart #5
Chapter 2: I love this story!!!! Eeeee
Chapter 2: Thank you for the update!
Chapter 1: Update soon !! I'm excited about it already !!!
Chapter 1: Update soon pleaseee? ^-^