桜、覚えていてくれ (FuruYanagi & WMatsui)

Michael's MultiShot Collection~

Furukawa Airi, with her partner, Takayanagi Akane were strolling through the street one day when they saw the two Matsui’s were standing in front of the anime shop they happened to be going to. It seemed like they were in a heated argument so the dorks stopped to listen in on it.


“Rena, you can’t just leave like this!”


“Jurina, you don’t understand. This interview and training session are the only things keeping me from getting a job.”


“Where are they, is the true question here, Rena. You know how I can’t live without you.”


“England. I got offered a job in London, I seriously can’t reject it.”


Jurina retorted back, “You don’t know what I feel about it, Rena!”


“I’m sorry, Jurina, I need to hand in my resignation so I’ll be going now.”


As Rena walked away, Jurina instantly fell to her knees, causing the FuruYanagi duo to run straight for her.




“W-Why… Rena come back to me...” Tears rolled down her cheeks, signifying her distress and sadness.


“Just calm down, she’ll only be there for a year...”


“How is that supposed to help me, Airi?!”


“I-I’m sorry, Jurina. Well, I have to go guys, I have to go to work...” Airi broke the silence before running off.


Airi’s POV


If Jurina’s reacted like that… How am I supposed to tell Churi about this….?


“Jurina, can you stand up?” I watched as Churi helped Jurina back up to her feet. The younger girl buried her face in her neck, hugging Churi as she kept crying.


I couldn’t tell them anything…. If I did, I would just break them apart even more.


I’m sorry, Churi…


I walked 50 blocks to what was an office building. I walked inside to see a familiar face talking to the receptionist.


“Ah, Furukawa. Have you thought about the transfer yet?”


“Y-Yes I have, I’m taking it.” I said, with a tinge of hesitance in my voice.


“You’re still thinking about how my daughter’s going to take it, huh?”


“E-Eh? Churi’s your daughter?”


“Yes and no, she’s my adopted daughter.”




“You need to tell her, before something happens to you, Airi.”


“I know...”


I know that… But….


Akane’s POV


-3 Years Later-


I was watching the TV blankly when I saw the news.


“A recent plane accident has left 5 in serious condition. The Boeing 747 coming from the UK had crashed after a terrorist attack. All victims were taken to Tokyo Metropolitan Hospital.”


I saw the last of names of everyone on the plane scroll down and I was shocked.


Furukawa Airi

Matsui Rena


W-What?! I-I hope there’s nothing terrible that happened to them.


I instantly heard my phone ring from beside me and read the text, which was from Jurina.


“Churi you need to get here ASAP, Airin’s in ICU!”




I literally bolted out of the door, running to the hospital. Airin can’t die…. She can’t die without me beside her…


Please be safe, Airin….


I barged into the hospital and met with Jurina. I enveloped her with a hug of sadness and regret, knowing that I could’ve prevented her from going but the problem was that she never told me..


“Why…? Why did this happen? Why to them? Rena… Airin… neither of them deserved this..!”


“I know...” I heard her crying, too. “It makes no sense….!”


We sat there, waiting to hear something, anything…


“W-What if they….”


“Don’t say that. Th-they… they have to be alive..! They just have to..!”


Then, the door opened slowly, revealing the doctor.


“Matsui Jurina-san?”




“There’s good news. We were able to revive Matsui Rena-san.”


“Oh, thank God...”


“And Takayanagi Akane-san?”




“Furukawa-san is also in stable condition.”


“Thank you. I--”






“She did obtain a severe concussion during the impact. There’s a chance she may not remember anything when she wakes up.”




“I’m very sorry. The part of her brain that controls memory has been severely damaged as a result of the accident.”


No… this can’t be happening…!


“I’m very sorry, Takayanagi-san.”


“Churi…. I thought I had it worse…”


“C-Can I see her now?”


“Yes. They’re both in room 69, second floor.”


We started to walk very solemnly. We walked into the elevator together, for me the thoughts were flooding. Thoughts like “Will she die?” or “Will she remember me?”.


“Churi, we’re here.”


“Oh...” I stepped out, the both of us walking down the hall.


“This is it. Room 69.”


I knocked on the door.


“Rena? Airin?” I stepped inside to find Rena wide awake, reading a book.


“Ah, Churi, Jurina!”




“Rena...” Jurina gripped her fists. “I...”


I looked over and saw Airin. Her head was completely wrapped in bandages and an oxygen mask was covering .


“Airin...” I walked over to her, holding her hand. She’s fast asleep.


What can I possibly do..? I...I know I can’t do anything… But….


Jurina’s POV


“Rena… I...”




“I’m so sorry, for everything.” I gripped my fists tighter as I tried to fight my tears. “I just… I didn’t want.. you to leave me. I hate being alone..!”




“I don’t… I don’t want to be all alone.. not anymore… I wanna be with you, Rena… Forever...”


“Jurina… I never wanted to leave you… You didn’t know how long I wanted to hold you, to kiss you even...”


“.....Eh? Really?”


“Un… I love you, Jurina. More than anyone.”


“You… really do?”


“Of course. For so long, I’ve felt like this. I never thought I could love someone this way before, but… I have. And it’s with you.”


“Rena...” I sat beside her on the bed. “I had no idea you--”


She suddenly kissed me. It was more intense than we usually kiss… More than a playful kiss… This was deep, and it was hot.


“Now that we’re sorted, I think we need to focus on those two...”


“Un, Churi needs all the emotional support she can get...So what happened on the plane..?”


“It was… It was horrible...”








“You know in those movies, whenever someone feels like there’s going to be a terrorist attack and it actually happens?”


“Don’t tell me you feel like that right now? Don’t worry, that won’t happen.”


“But what if it does?”


“I’ll protect you, Rena-san...”




There was a greasy looking man standing up, pulling something out of his pocket.


“Nobody move! Or else I’ll shoot one of you!”


Then, there was a woman who tried to stand but the man pointed his gun at her. Airin, by reflex, ran to her.


“If you shoot anyone on this plane, it would be me.”


“Umm? How about your girlfriend?”


“No, Rena-san!!!!” She ran towards me and instantly, she dropped down to the floor, her body twitching from the torment she had felt before.


He then walked towards me, making me shrink in fright.


“Any last words?”


I kept quiet. I was glancing at Airin’s unconscious body.


Churi, Jurina, I’m sorry… looks like neither of us will make it…


“Alright then. Adios.”




Then, I felt as though I was put into a deep sleep.


“Rena-san, we can’t be here. Jurina and Churi.. they both need us.”




I felt a soft breeze blow across my face. There, I found myself underneath a large cherry blossom tree, the petals fluttering down in the wind.


Standing beside me was Airin, in a white dress, leaned up against the large trunk.


“We have to go back. I can’t stand seeing Churi like this… You have to go first...”


“Eh? Why…?”


“I have a few things to sort out while I’m here.. You go on.”


“What? No. Airin!”


“I’m sorry. Goodbye, Rena...”




I fell into darkness again. Before I knew it, I felt a sharp jolt in my body. I crash landed back into my body, regaining all feeling inside.


When I opened my eyes, I was in a hospital room. Airi was beside me, unconscious and badly hurt.


“Ah, Matsui-san...” The nurse walked in. “You’re awake. That’s good. Are you feeling okay?”


“Uh, yes...”


“Your body may still be a bit weak, so please don’t try to force yourself. You wait here, there’s someone who wants to see you.”




Could it be… Jurina?


After a few minutes of waiting, the door finally opened. But, instead of Jurina, it was an older man.


“W-Who are you?”


“Oh, sorry. I’m Furukawa Airi’s employer. I just wanted to see how she was. Anyway, I’ll be off,  need to look after my emotionally unstable daughter.”


Emotionally unstable….?


“Ano… Do you happen to know Takayanagi Akane-chan perhaps?”


“Yes, she’s my adopted daughter.”


Eh? Adopted..?!


Then I looked back and he disappeared, without a trace..


Flashback End


“Wait, Churi’s adopted?! H-How come she didn’t tell us…?”


“Maybe she just doesn’t want anyone to know.”


“Nee, Rena…. I wonder how Airi’s coping with it...”


Airi’s POV


Darkness. Something that I hated, because it isolates people. I was in a deep sleep, being enveloped in darkness..


“Furukawa Airi...”




Then I woke up underneath a large cherry blossom tree, it was beautiful. Underneath, I saw Rena, fast asleep.


“Is this it for me, then..? I’m dead..?”


“No, Furukawa Airi. You still can go back. However, it will come with a price.”


“What’s that?”


“You will forget everything and anyone you hold close to your heart.”


“No… Churi… Rena… Jurina...”


I heard a small sound. Rena was starting to fade away. If she goes any further, she’ll disappear.


“Rena!” I called out to her. “Listen to me, we can’t stay here. We have to go back! Jurina… Churi… they both need us!”




“Didn’t you tell me you loved her? You treasured her more than anyone? Do you just wanna give up on everything and leave her?! Rena!!!”


She started coming back. She heard me. There were tears falling down her eyes. Mine too…


“I love Churi… How can I possibly give her up? I can’t forget her...”


“Then, perhaps I can make a slight exception...”




“If Takayanagi Akane can confess her feelings to you, I shall allow your memories to return.”


“Will you really..?”


“Of course.”


“T-Thank you….”


As I placed my head on the large tree, I closed my eyes and thought of Churi. I could see her crying, her heart torn to pieces...


As I was thinking about what’s going to happen to me, I saw Rena waking up.




“We have to go back. I can’t stand seeing Churi like this… You have to go first.”


“Eh? Why..?”


“I have a few things to sort out here. You go on...”


“What? No. Airin!” She started to fade again. I shut my eyes, turning my gaze.


“I’m sorry… Goodbye, Rena.”


“No!” She disappeared in the wind.


I wiped away my tear. “Goodbye… forever….”


Immediately after, I felt an excruciating pain everywhere, as if I was being torn apart.


“Now, you must fulfill your half of the deal you have made with me, Furukawa Airi.”


Akane’s POV


I sat there silently, holding Airi’s cold hand.


I looked and saw her eyes slowly open, looking around.


“Ugh...” She got up, holding her head. “Ow...”




“Huh…?” She looked at me. “W-where am I..?”




“What am I doing here? Who are you people?”


“A-Airin, calm down.”


“Let me go!” She backed away. “Who… who are you?”


That tugged at my heartstrings… I remember what the doctor said…


“She did obtain a severe concussion during the impact. There’s a chance she may not remember anything when she wakes up.”


“Airin… please, let me explain...”


“Airin? Is that my name?”


“Yes. And I’m Churi. I’m your friend.”


“I don’t remember anyone by that name, sorry...”


“Churi, that’s me!”


“I’m sorry but I don’t remember you...”


I know… It hurts that you don’t remember me, Airin…


“Tell me… who am I? How do I know you?”


“We… We...” I kept stuttering because I was fighting back the tears…


“What were we?”


What were we…? We were…


“We were close… best friends… but, I know that sometimes, I felt like it could be something more… b-but I was afraid… I didn’t know how you would feel… I was afraid, you would react in a way… that was….”


I covered my face. I can’t fight my tears anymore…


“I-I didn’t want you to hate me..! I wanted to be with you… so much...”




“Airin… I….” I looked up at her. Our faces were surprisingly close. I tried to smile, but my tears kept flowing. “I… I love you, Airin.


Her eyes suddenly became wider, as if something happened to her.


“AAAAH!” She held her head. Her breathing also became more rapid and she started coughing..


“Airin?! What’s wrong?! Airin!”




“Airin!!!” I hugged her. “You… you remember me, right?”


“Yes… I do… Do you really love me, Churi?”


“Of course. I always have.”


She tried to reach over to me but instantly sat back down because of the pain all over her body.


“Let me do that, baka.”


I reached down to kiss her passionately on the lips.


“I love you, Airin....”


“I love you too, Churi...”


6 Months Later


“Airin! Rena!” I called from outside, with Jurina starting the car, “Hurry up, the kids are waiting!”


“Coming!” She said as she walked out, holding her crutches.


“You sure you don’t need help Airin? You’re still in crutches.”


“Nah, I’ll be fine..!”


I saw her skip through the pathway to the car.


“See, I told you I’ll be---”


“Just get in the car...”


“H-Hai, C-Churi...”


As we hopped into the car it became a long-ish journey. I looked out of the window and the blue sky instantly reminded me of all those memories…


We finally arrived at Rena’s hometown of Toyohashi and it looks really nice at spring.


“Ah~” Jurina cheered as she breathed in the fresh air. “So nice~”


“This place brings me back,” Rena smiled, “It’s been so long since I was last here… 6 or 7 years?”


“Well, it’s nice that you’re back here, Rena~” A woman walked towards us.


“Oka-san!” I saw my son walking up to me.


Mine and Airin’s adopted child. It was her idea that I had to get dragged along with, but it was worth it.


“Ah, Riku!” I gave him a large embrace, which felt new to me…. I never seemed to felt this kind of warmth with my stepdad before...


“Let’s go play!”


“Un. You go with aunt Rena and Jurina. I have to help Airin-mama.”


“OK~” I saw him run to where Jurina and Rena were, before looking back at Airin.


“He sure is bubbly.”


“Just like you.” I winked at her and in reaction, she blushed instantly.


“Airin~ Churi~” Jurina called out. “C’mon, last one up to the top is a rotten egg. I’m talkin’ to you, too, Rena-chan~”


“Oi!!! Jurina, wait~~~”


“Well, let’s just go.” I said as I took Airin’s shoulders and helped her up the hill.


Once we were both at the top, we were met with an amazing view of the city below. We all sat underneath a large cherry blossom tree at the top.


“It’s so beautiful~”


Airin looked at the tree. “This is...”




Rena turned to her, and looked up at the petals. “Airin...”


“What? What.. what happened?”


Just then, the wind blew across my face. I heard something in my ear.


“Because your love is true, no sacrifices were truly made.”




“May both of you live happy, blessed lives together.”


The voice disappeared. I looked up and saw Rena leaning up against the tree. forming a faint smile.


“So this is true love...”


“Hm? What’s wrong, Rena--” Jurina asked, but then Rena took her by surprise with a kiss.


“You know I love you, right?”


Jurina, still a bit surprised, smiled. “Un. I want to protect you for as long as I can…!”


Then, I felt a force being exerted from behind me and I looked up to see Airin grinning like an idiot.


“Sorry, the pain on my leg was getting a bit unbearable..”


“Here...” I held both her arms, holding her up as our fingers intertwined our hands, “I love you, Furukawa Airi.”


“I love you, too, Takayanagi Akane.”


We kissed. And it felt better than ever. I guess true love can be rewarded.


“Nee, Airin..”




“What happened? Why is the tree so important?”


“Oh… this is...” She smiled. “Let’s just say it’s our tree.”

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