I Hate You.. So Love Me..
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"Oh princey~ Almighty prince... Princey~ wake up..." I felt someone nudge me as I snuggled in my bed. I paid no attention to it and continued sleeping.



"Princey~... Princess is waiting..." He kept on nudging me but still I didn't respond to him and snuggled deeper onto the sheets. I frowned; he is persistent and didn't give up on waking me up. Shutting my eyes tightly and focusing on my dreamland, I tried so hard to ignore it... But then I felt something precious is being pulled away from me...



"Ace~... Give me back, Ace." I mumbled, my eyes are still closed as I reached for my precious alpaca "Neh... Ace..."



"WAKE UP, KRIS! OR I'LL BITE YOUR PRECIOUS LLAMA'S HEAD OFF!!!!" Hearing that my baby is in danger I quickly shot up from bed with eyes as wide as saucers and frantically searched for Ace.



"See? Works every time..." I snapped my head at Tao whose holding my Ace and glared at him, baring my canine teeth (even if I don't have one) He gulped and smiled sheepishly then put Ace gently on my lap.



"H-here's your llama b-back..." He stuttered and tried to be angelic in front of me... but all I see is an annoying panda insulting my Ace for calling him a llama when he is obviously an ALPACA!!!



"He's an alpaca" I snapped, making him wince in fear. He only looked on the floor whispering a small 'right'. I smirked victoriously and reached for my Ace. I snuggled and cuddled the small ball of fluff as I sank into my bed again, desperately wanting to go back to my dream land.



"Hey! Giant lamp post! Get up!!!" Suho shouted as he pulled me away from bed.



"What?!" I whined and flailed my arms around like grumpy child. Bad mood is clearly seen in my face like it's written all over me in bold letters.



"Wu, Yifan... I'll take that!" Lay called me on my Chinese name and then grabbed Ace from my grasp as I violently whined. "ACE!!!!!!!" I became more violent and trashed my pillows and bed sheets everywhere but Lay just stared at me with a dull expression while tossing Ace in the air.



"Kris!! Stop this idiotic scene and listen to us!" Chen shrieked with a high pitch voice that could break any glass and ear drums which quickly shut me and the others up.



"Finally..." Suho groaned "Here, get ready and wear these. We have something important to do." He then handed me clothes and placed a crown on my head.



"What's with this thing?" I asked as I took the crown off my head and looked at all of them. "And this outfit?"



"We're going to K-Angel's Special 'Fairy-tale' Day!!!" Sehun squealed and jumped on my bed, not caring how dangerous it is right now to get close to me. I glared at him and pushed him off my bed. He just pouted and stood up while rubbing his injured .



I turned my attention back to Suho "Do you mind telling me why the hell we are going there?" I asked him wearing a very deadly look.



"We want to see Amber!" They all shouted in unison.



"Too bad... I think there's no reason to go back there... I think Dad canceled the partnership already..." I smirked at them while lying back onto my bed.



"Neh~ That's okay.." Baekhyun stepped up and smiled brightly (like his teeth's glowing)



"We told your Dad that you want to go back to K-Angels and give them another shot" Kyungsoo explained "We also called the café and said that you'll go right now there and to check everything up."



"And of course... We're also coming" Lay said and threw Ace to me, startling me in the process as I caught my baby.



I stared at them blankly absorbing all the information they all blurted out. Hmm... Me? Go there? To Angel’s café? But that means I’m going to see that annoying llama…



"WHAT?!" My eyes widened and my mouth hanged open.



I tried to refuse but Baekhyun threatened "There's no saying 'NO' Kris... If you say 'NO' we're going to tell your Mom and Dad that Amber punched you in your first meeting because you tried to her and tell them you're a sick ert who begs Amber to your ." Baekhyun's aura turned evil as he smirked at me evilly.



"Oh really?" I rolled my eyes at him "But will they believe you?" I gave him an icy glare but it took no effect on him and it only made him more amused. (Seriously... He's really freaky right now)



"Well... Allow me to demonstrate..." He smiled slyly "Sehun?" He stepped aside and revealed a very innocent looking Sehun.



Sehun's eyes were wide and glistening as they stared at me like he was begging for me. He clutched his hands to his chest like a child. Tears started to form in his eyes and his lips quivered. He sniffed.... And before I knew it he was wailing loudly like a drama queen.



"A-auntie... U-un *hiccup* Uncle... He's our f-friend... but... what he did... w-was He t-tried to... to..." We all leaned forward, curious at what Sehun's

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Lisakrisber_1 #1
Chapter 6: Beautiful Story
Sina_neiyz #2
Chapter 6: next plssss....
luuchii78 #3
Authornim, I was reading this fic again, are you going to ge back to it?, because I think this is so awesome n_n and I'd really like to keep seeing more from this story *-*
Ndnndmdndnmx #4
Chapter 6: I love this chapter can't wait to see what going to happen next
luuchii78 #5
Chapter 6: Woah AJ you never disappoint me,this chapter is really funny XD , can't wait ro see what happens next *_*
Chapter 6: So funny!!! Can't wait to see all the madness when they get to the cafe! Hahahahaha!
Chapter 6: Ahahahha... this is so entertaining...
They are so funny...
The other seven handsome guys is having a really deep crush to amber... Nice^^

Sehun is the drama queen... the horrible acted is on point... XD

Baekhyun and suho... i mean all of them are gonna be kris rival...

Eventhough kris not yet realize...

Cannot wait to know what happen at the cafe' when they all meet with amber...
Its gonna be so freaking funny and kris ur gonna be so jealous LOL =D
krisber_1806 #8
Chapter 6: hahahahahaa can wait next chap.
would be amber the snow white while kris is the prince and the other guys is dwarves
Mich517 #9
Chapter 6: Omg lol so funny xD love this chapter and I really can't wait for more >< and I'll check out your new fanfic ;3 I've seen it before but never had the chance to read it kekeke
AyieSky #10
Chapter 5: It's only 3 am and i'm laughing so hard.. Please update!!