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Walking with Kai and Sehun was a little strange. The three had to keep to the shadows, so as not to get caught, since Sehun and Kai were skipping school. Kai also had an awkward posture due to the heavy canvas bag of paintings he was carrying.


“Help me out here,” he whispered to Sehun. Sehun took hold of part of the bag, and carrying it became slightly easier.

“Waka waka,” Sehun randomly said with a strange look in his eyes.

“…What?” Eunji didn’t understand at all.

“It’s our secret code word,” Kai replied, his icy eyes also widening.

“For what?”

“It’s code for HIDE!” Kai pulled the three into an alleyway as a crew of peacekeepers walked by.


Eunji’s heart hammered in her chest; the alleyway was darker than the back roads they had been walking along. Never in her life had she felt so alert and terrified.

With the routes she normally took, she wasn’t in any danger of being caught visiting the abandoned house. Now thanks to Kai and Sehun, she had stolen paintings, and was in danger of being executed if she were to be caught.


“We better not get caught for this!” she whispered harshly to the two boys.

“Shh!” Kai covered , his eyes wide. When the sound of the peacekeepers’ footsteps had faded, he pulled his hand away. “You don’t have to worry about getting caught.”

“Are you kidding me? I helped you guys steal these paintings!” Eunji whispered again. Kai’s hand clamped back over .

“Are you insane!? You’re the one who’s going to get us caught!”

“What’s going on out here?” an old man stepped into the alleyway, a net full of fish slung over his shoulder. Sehun quickly took the bag and hid it behind himself.


“We’re just talking,” Kai replied, trembling a little and pulling his hand sharply away from Eunji’s mouth.

“I see… aren’t you supposed to be in school?”


“We, uh, we graduated last year,” Sehun lied, nodding his head as if he had to reassure himself. The old man narrowed his eyes, but didn’t question him any further.

“Alright, but you seem awfully suspicious, hanging out in alleyways,” the old man muttered. “Makes it seem as if you’re doing illegal things,” The man hitched the netting up over his shoulder more, and turned to leave the alley.


Sehun let out a breath, and all three of them helped with carrying the canvas bag once more.


“Right, so, we’re getting close to my house, which is where everything is going to go,” Kai told Eunji, smiling a little at her. He whispered to her then, “If we don’t get caught, you’ll still be able to visit to admire the paintings every now and then. If you can remember where I live, that is.”

“I’m not so familiar with these back roads,” Eunji mumbled, feeling a little disappointed. “I’ve never had to take them before.”

“Well, you should familiarize yourself with them, because it’s the only way to get to our homes,” Sehun added.

“What do you mean?” Eunji asked.

“We live somewhat on one of these roads,” Sehun explained. A small sigh left Eunji, and then the three carried the bag out of the alleyway.

“This thing is heavy,” Eunji complained, feeling her shoulders and arms ache.

“You think this is heavy? This is nothing, compared to what I normally lift,” Sehun laughed at her.

“Then why do you need us to help you carry it?” Eunji pouted, watching the dirt she kicked up as they walked.


“These are delicate paintings,” Kai cut in; his voice was a low whisper. “If he were to somehow drop the bag, they could be damaged and lost fo

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Elhunnie #1
Chapter 9: Its not complete :( ...Next pls!!!!
SehaAlais #2
Chapter 9: It is really complete??can you continue it please..
yoonhun07 #3
Chapter 9: What? I don't understand? O.o
sequel please? i've been looking for a kai x eunji fic for a while and im glad i finally found one.
Wut o.o
Chapter 9: i thought she'd end up with sehun e w e
Chapter 3: did eunji came from?