Chapter 6

Blanket Kick

Jimin stared at the panting Yoongi that was standing in the doorway at the moment.

“W-Why did I run? I’m s-so stupid, now I c-can’t even talk now” Yoongi panted.

“H-Hyung?” Jimin stepped forward. “What are you doing here?” 

The older male stood up straight and gave the other a pointed look.

He took a deep breath and stepped forward, positioning himself in front of the shorter.

“I needed to tell you something, what happened back in our dorm..” 

Jimin sighed. “What happened back in the dorm is pretty clear to me….you don’t like me. At all.”

“No, Jimin..” Yoongi reached towards him.

Jimin shrugged him away. “It’s not even your fault though, you shouldn’t even feel guilty. We just met, its just stupid me that gets attached too quickly”

“Jimin!” Yoongi shouted, trying to get the boy to stop talking.

“I’m sorry hyung, I know it was really uncomfortable for you”

Yoongi waved his arms. “Jimin stop!”

“But I didn’t know how to turn this feelings down..”

Yoongi hit the wall suddenly. “Jimin shut up!” 

The shorter boy stared at him, startled, eyes getting watery. 

“No, no, no. I meant, please stop talking and listen to what I have to say about this”

He gently grabbed Jimin’s hands and pulled him outside, closing the door softly.

“H-hyung, we should be sleeping. You shouldn’t even be here, they’re going to come and check the halls and they’ll see you…and…and” Jimin hiccupped.

“I think I’m starting to like you too” Yoongi said, softly.  

Jimin raised his head. “W-what?!”

Yoongi pulled the boy even closer, smiling softly at the others confused stare.

“What I said back in the dorm was just me being a coward.” he whispered.

He placed a hand on Jimin’s cheek, caressing softly.

“The past relationships I’ve had aren’t exactly the best ones, and they have made me loose hope in every other relationship that I start to create. That is why I tend to be mad at every couple I see having the time of their life. I guess I’m just jealous that they have what I never could.” he chuckled softly.

“What I am feeling, I mean, its weird. Because I never felt like this towards anyone else but you” he sighed.

“I guess you’re different, very different”

Jimin smiled softly. 

“And I can’t say I’m in love. Like you said, we barely just met. But I feel something for you, that’s for sure. Exactly what you feel more me. Maybe its adoration, because as much as I try to be annoyed by you, you’re just too adorable. Do you know how many times my blanket had to be punched and kicked for me to realize what I felt for you?”

Jimin blushed, looking down.

“Can you look at me please?”

Jimin slowly raised his head, looking in the others eyes.

“Lets give us a chance hmm?”

Jimin raised his eyebrows. “What?”

"Let's go on a date"

Jimin’s eyes widened. “R-Really?”

Yoongi nodded softly.

“Even if we are kind of rushing things?” Jimin questioned.

“Yeah, that way we can get to know each other better.” he said.

Jimin looked at him nervously. “You know…dating is kind of a relationship. You don’t like them”

“I know…but I want to try this time. I like you, that's for sure, and you're different, very different. I want to give us a chance”

Jimin smiled fondly. "You do? Even if you are afraid"

"Yeah, even if I am afraid, I still want to try. So...what do you say?" Yoongi questioned.

Jimin wrapped his arms around the older males' neck. "Yeah, lets go on that date"


"Woah, I didnt know hyung liked hyung" Jungkook said as he and Taehyung listened attentively to the two, behind the closed door.

Taehyung slapped him across the head. "Yah! Do you want them to hear you?!" he whispered harshly.

Jungkook pouted as he rubbed his head.

"Plus, it was obvious Yoongi liked him, every time he talked to him, he would get this weird expression in his face. I think that's supposed to be love or something" Taehyung whispered

Jungkook nodded in agreement. "It's sad though, I'm pretty sure Jimin hyung and I had a special connection. If Yoongi hyung hadn't intervened, we could've been together by now"

Taehyung snorted. "Yeah, whatever you say Jungkookie" 




I'm so sorry that I didn't upload in a long time. I started college this year and its kinda hard. I also feel like I'm rushing this story so much. Sorry, please forgive me. I'll try to improve my writing in the future. 

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Chapter 5: this is soo good, Yoongi really needs to get his together and Jimin is so damn adorable aw <3
update soon, I neeed to know what happens >-<
Chapter 5: i liked it thank you for writing this
nurinahazeli #3
Chapter 5: this is so kewl ;;;;;
carelessLISPer #4
Chapter 1: Ahwww haha I love Jimin's character here. He's the perfect character of equal airheadness and hidden smarts lol. Yoongi on the other side is the crabby old man *laughs* Sounds good so far ;)
Chapter 5: God i love this so much update soon please can't wait for the next...
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 5: freaking love them so much ♥
beck100 #7
Chapter 5: Plz update sooooon
Chapter 4: This is nice ^^ It's simply adorable how the huge couch potato like Yoongi met the overly hyper and cheerful guy like Jimin. And how Jimin always took those Yoongi's careless words positively, is seriously freaking cute (Definitely makes me wanna kick my blanket off)

Can't wait to see what happened in their past. Update soon ^^
This is such a charming story so far! I like the way their characters contrast but somehow work together, and I could feel the awkward emanating from Jungkook and Taehyung hahaha. I'm interested to see what happens next!