Chapter 4

Blanket Kick

Yoongi rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time.

“I told you no!” he shouted.

“But you didn’t see their creepy faces? They might be my fans and all but I’m not going anywhere with them alone” Jimin pouted.

Yoongi huffed. “Go with them! Go and live with them for all I care!”

There was a moment of silence before Jimin started again. “Hyung, you don’t mean that, right?”

Yoongi turned to take a look at Jimin and gave up. “Fine, I’ll go with you. But don’t get mad if my presence ruins you guys date”

“What? Date? Taehyung and Jungkook said they only wanted to get ice cream” Jimin murmured as he put his Tims on.

Yoongi snorted. “Yeah, ONLY for ice cream”

Jimin stared as he blinked rapidly.

“What’s your problem hyung?”

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders. “Nothing, nothing. Come on, hurry up, you don’t want to cause a bad impression on your first date.”

“Hyung! It’s only ice cream!”

Yoongi snorted again.


Yoongi walked lazily behind the three people in front of him.

He was having a hard time keeping up with their steps (and maybe their conversation).

He huffed. Why did I agree to come?    


“I’m glad you accepted to come with us hyung? We can call you hyung right?”Taehyung asked as he leaned awfully close to the older.

Jimin smiled awkwardly. “Yeah, sure”

Jungkook giggled loudly in Jimin’s ear, making him grimace.

“I can’t believe were talking to the Park Jimin.”

“And eating ice cream with him!”Taehyung added.

At the thought of ice cream, Jimin somehow remembered Yoongi.

“Hyung!”He looked behind for the older, but he wasn’t there anymore.

“Where is Yoongi hyung?” he whispered.

Jimin sighed loudly. “Look, guys, why don’t you go ahead? I forgot my phone”

That seemed to bring both guys out of their trance.

Jungkook smiled. “We’ll go with you”

“No, don’t worry. I’ll be quick”

Taehyung bobbed his head rapidly. “Ok, but be quick hyung. We wanna get to know you more”

Jimin smiled, nodding,

When he saw them getting farther away, waving crazily, he turned around quickly.

“Hyung!”he shouted.

“Yoongi hyung!”

It didn’t take him more than 3 steps to find Yoongi sitting in one of the benches near the university.

“Hyung!” Jimin hurried to his side.

Yoongi didn’t even had to look up to know who it was.

He rolled his eyes. “What do you want?”

“Why did you leave?”Jimin pouted.

Yoongi sighed. “In case you didn’t know, I can’t stand seeing people acting all lovey dovey”

Jimin almost laughed but when he saw the serious expression in Yoongi’s face he stopped.


Yoongi looked down while averting his eyes.

“Don’t you have to go with your little fans? Why did you come back?”

Jimin smile sadly. “You avoided my question”

Yoongi turned to him, slowly.

“It’s nothing. What I hate more than lovey dovey couples is people being nosy”

Yoongi stood up as he walked away slowly. “Go on with your new friends. I’m sure they will get disappointed if you ditch them”

And as Jimin saw him walk away, he sighed sadly. “I wanted for you to ask me to stay dumb hyung”


As Jimin walked inside the ice cream shop he heard two voices scream his name.

“Jimin hyung! Over here!”Jungkook waved crazily, attracting the attention of the people around.

Jimin closed his eyes.

He sighed as he walked over where the guys were.  

“You took a long time hyung. We started to get worried” Taehyung murmured.

“I’m sorry guys, but I can’t stay”


Jimin walked into the dorm as quietly as he could after he saw the older lying in bed, sleeping.

He hovered above the other quietly.

“Hyung” he whispered.

“Is it bad that I’m starting to like you?”

He missed the slight twitch in the other’s body as he turned away slowly.

"I know we've just practically met, but I can't help it." Jimin sighed. "It's feels like I know you already, and I can't help it at all"

He smiled softly. “But don’t worry hyung, I will make this feelings disappear. I know you don’t like relationships for some reason” 

He was about to go to his bed when he suddenly felt an arm grab his, slightly startling him.

“Don’t” Yoongi whispered.

Jimin looked down at him, his eyes looking at Yoongi’s for an answer.

“Don’t make your feelings for me disappear” 



Sorry it didn't have much content. I will update a better one next time. Enjoy!

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Chapter 5: this is soo good, Yoongi really needs to get his together and Jimin is so damn adorable aw <3
update soon, I neeed to know what happens >-<
Chapter 5: i liked it thank you for writing this
nurinahazeli #3
Chapter 5: this is so kewl ;;;;;
carelessLISPer #4
Chapter 1: Ahwww haha I love Jimin's character here. He's the perfect character of equal airheadness and hidden smarts lol. Yoongi on the other side is the crabby old man *laughs* Sounds good so far ;)
Chapter 5: God i love this so much update soon please can't wait for the next...
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 5: freaking love them so much ♥
beck100 #7
Chapter 5: Plz update sooooon
Chapter 4: This is nice ^^ It's simply adorable how the huge couch potato like Yoongi met the overly hyper and cheerful guy like Jimin. And how Jimin always took those Yoongi's careless words positively, is seriously freaking cute (Definitely makes me wanna kick my blanket off)

Can't wait to see what happened in their past. Update soon ^^
This is such a charming story so far! I like the way their characters contrast but somehow work together, and I could feel the awkward emanating from Jungkook and Taehyung hahaha. I'm interested to see what happens next!