Chapter 4

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Dara opened her eyes to sound of her phone ringing, she glanced at  the table clock on her bedside and cursed when she read what it said

'5:03 am' 

She buried her face in her pillow and grumbled as she was thought of a thousand and one ways to kill the person who woke her up at five-oh-three in the goddamned morning. She sighed in relief when the ringing stopped, she smiled to herself as she closed her eyes and tucked her head to the side. To her annoyance, the ringing started again and this time Bom started to stir on her bed.

"Damnit Dara, pick up the ing phone already!" Bom snapped.

"God, sorry Bom" she whispered quietly

She felt for her phone on the bed side table, picked up the call, not checking who it was, and reluctantly pressed the phone against her ear, ready to scream at the person on the other line.

"This better be important you inconsiderate asshat. Why are you calling me at five in the morning?!" she half shrieked

The voice on the other line cleared its throat and said "Dara it's appa" 

Dara cursed but then caught herselft "Omo! Appa! I'm sorry, you caught me at a bad time." She said in an apologetic tone.

"I figured darling, sorry to be calling at this ungodly hour but I have some news."

Dara's face faltered at her father's tone of voice "What is it appa?"

"I' afraid I can't pick you up at 8am, omma forgot that she has an appointment with the dentist and I want to be the one to drive her."

"Oh that's alright appa, I'm actually glad that you'll be the one to go with her." Dara smiled at that, sure they had their rough patches but deep down she loved them both dearly and she was happy that they were still together after all these years.

"Thank you sweetheart, don't worry, we'll pick you girls up after lunch. We'll drop Bom off at their place then we'll go home. Cheondung and Durami are coming home this weekend as well."

"Wow that's great! I do miss them both so much. Cheondung-oppa called me yesterday but he said he had a meeting so we didn't really talk much. Durami-unnie texted me but she was still busy with the launch of the new extension."

"Good to know sweetheart. We all missed you. I'm glad your back in Seoul." she swore could hear the wistfulness in her father's voice.

"I'm glad I'm back too appa."

"We'll see you later sweetheart. I love you."

"Love you too appa." with that she dropped the call.

She tossed her phone back on the bedside table and turned to get comfortable on her bed, as she was about to fall asleep she heard Bom speak.

"Who was that Dee?" she asked sleepily.

"It was appa. He says he won't be able to pick us up at 8. He and omma will be here after lunch."

"YES! More sleep~~~~~, g'night Dee."

Dara laughed then replied. "Sleep tight Bommie."



* * * * * *



Jiyong woke up with a start, he rubbed his hand across his face as he waited for his vision to clear up. He took his phone off the night stand and looked at the time. it read;


'Damn it's still early' he thought.

Reluctantly, he got up, went to his kitchen and proceeded to make breakfast. He made eggs and bacon with rice on the side, he figured he needed all the energy he could get considering  the fact that he would be visiting his parents' today. He tossed and turned all night thinking about the whole "need to talk" thing with his parents today. As he was washing the dishes, he heard his phone in the other room indicating that he had a text.

'Probably justice  Seungri' he thought.

When he was done he left the kitchen to try to get some work done before leaving for his parents' house. He grabbed his phone and his files from the coffee table then proceeded to his office. He started reading a contract from Kang Corp. He was so engrossed he failed to notice his phone screen flash

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