"I'm a Father!"

Save Me From Myself

“Yeah it’s lunchtime” Kai stretched his arms, “Never in my whole life have I been so bored, how do you put up with it?” He turned to Sehun who was packing away his things.


“You get used to it”


“I ing hope so, I came to school to change my life, but if things stay like this, I’ll give up”


Sehun and Kai stood up and headed out the door, only when they step outside the door where they stopped by Do Kyungsoo.


“Jongin! I’ll have you follow me now, head teachers orders” Kyungsoo spoke with no emotion.


“Kyungiee, is this Jongin? Hi I’m Baekhyun, you’re very hot” a boy behind Kyungsoo spoke holding his hand out.


“You’re the person from earlier, ha sorry I forgot your name, and sorry but I’m only interested in girls.”


“Do Kyungsoo” Kyungsoo sighed, trying not to get annoyed by his behavior, Baekhyun clinged onto his arm,


“How did you know?


“Ahh Kyungsoo, I remember now, and I thought I told you I don’t need babying, besides I got to have a little catch up with Sehun here, and how did I know what?”


“That I was Gay?”


“You’re Gay? Well I wasn’t expecting that” Kai smirked, this guy was going to be fun to piss off.


Baekhyun blushed “You mean you didn’t know, crap another person just found out, uwaa Kyungiee what do I do?”


“Your own fault, now are you coming or not Jongin?” Kyungsoo changed the subject, Sehun stood and watched amused by it all, this was defiantly the Jongin he knew.


"Let me think about it... no I wont come but you all can come with me, and Mr Student President..."


"Kyungsoo" Kyungsoo interrupted, he hated being called student president.


"...Sorry Kyungsoo! Know any places where I can have a , im like dying here" Kai pretended to be dying, leaning on Sehun and breathing deeply.


"Smoking is not allowed on the premises"


"Can I just say something?" Sehun interupted, "I know a place, so can we go because, we are in the way" Kai's eyes lt up


"Ne, sehunieee, I knew you had it still!"


Sehun and Kai started off down the corridor, Kyungsoo stood for a moment, "Why do I have to look after that Hobo!" He said to Baekhyun, but Baekhyun wasn't there, he had already left to follow Kai and Sehun "Well ! I suppose I should keep watch"




They arrived at the place that Sehun knew, a place excluded from everyones view, "Mr Sehun, how did you know of this place, I’ve been hear a year longer than you" Baekhyun asked in amazment, and watch as Kai lit a cigarette.


"Now damn that’s good" Kai exhaled, taking in the calming of the smoke. "But Sehun? Do you smoke."


"Every now and then, its a good way to relieve stress."


"Wow, im shocked, you really don't seem like someone who smokes." Baekhyun still was amazed.


"You know Baek, you should close that mouth of yours, the smoke will get in" a voice could be heard behind them, and they turned to see Kyungsoo, looking a little disgusted.


"So Kai? Hows back home? Your mum ok?" Sehun asked, taking a puff from Kai cigarette.


"The same hole, and I don't know, haven't seen my mum for 2 years"


"Say what? Did she die? Get taken by someone" Baekhyun blurted without thinking.


"Aha, my mum, die, hell no she's a tough one, good joke though Baekhyun." Kai chuckled.


"I don't think it’s a laughing matter, if your mum’s dead you should..." Kyungsoo started before bein cut of by Kai.


"My mums not dead! She kicked me out of the house" Kai raised hisnvoice a little, ", dad said not to say anything, cats out the bag know, ing hell."


"What happened, was she drunk again?" Sehun asked concerned for his old best friend, he grew up with Kai and his parents.


"No, she wasnt drunk, she was ing sober, it was my fault"


"Go on?" Sehun sugested, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo also curious.


"Ah , not supposed to reveal this, but oh well, I'm a father, too a 2 year old boy."


The three faces who were listening all had the same shoxked expression, "You WHAT" they shouted in unison.


"A father ok, aish, dont make me repeat it again" Kai took one last puff of his cigarette,  and dropped it on the floor, and turned to leave, but he ended bumping into someone, knocking him on the ground, Kai's body followed, landed ontop of the body.


"Yah! Kai! Are you alright" Sehun asked helping Kai to his feet. Kai brushed himslef off and nodded


Yeah im fine, but what about him?" Kai pointed to the body on the ground, who was looking a little dazed. "Are you ok? Sorry about that, I..." the boy on the floor knocked Kai's hand out the way,


"Im fine, but just give me a cigarette, im going crazy here" The boy sternly spoke.


"Luhan!?!?!?!" Kyungsoo blurted out.


"Hi, and where is that damn cigarette" Luhan asked again. Kai lookig a little lost, pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and handed it Luhan,  and passed him the lighter. "Man thats good, thank god you were around, but who are you?"


"Wait, wait, wait, Luhan you smoke?" Kyungsoo asked.


"Yeah, im good at hiding it right, but why are you here?"


"Im looking after that guy'" and pointed to Kai. Kai turned to Sehun and whispered somehing in his ear


"Say, do you know him?"


"Yeah, he's Luhan, 3rd year"


"He doesn't look the type to smoke"


"Yeah im shocked"


"Holy moly Luhannnnnnnn, take that out your mouth" they heard a voice shout in the distance, they looked into the direction and saw someone one running, who looked ery angry.


"Crap, its Jongdae, Kyungsoo, hide me" Baekhyun started freaking out


"He barely knows you, grow up!" Was all Kyungsoo said.


Jongdae stopped infront of luhan and took the cigarette from his mouth, dropping it on the floor and putting it out. "Luhan, what do you think your doing?! You said you stopped."


"Hey you! You wasted a ing cigarette,  those things cost!" Kai said telling of Jongdae.


"So its you is it? Well let me tell you, how dare you..." Jongdae strted having a rant at Kai but was cut off when Baekhyun slapped Jongdae in the face


"I can’t believe I loved you" Baekhyun’s eyes where tearing up, his face red "You come over here shouting your head off, when you dont know anything, I hate you" and Baekhyun ran off.


Luhan, Kai, Kyungsoo, Sehun and Jongdae all stood shocked for a moment, taking in what just happened.


"Sorry about that, I’ll go check on him, oh and Jongin dont forget to got to the head teahcers office after school" Kyungsoo said, and started ealkingnin the direction that Baekhyun went.


"Chen Chen, are you alright" Luhan asked jongdae


"I think so, but what was his problem?" Jongdae reolied holding his throbbing cheek.


"Well, well, well, seems like the gay guy has a crush, can some more" Kai chuckled to himself.


"Yah! Thats mean, and he has a name" Sehun said.


"Sehun? You know this guy?" Luhan asked


"He's an old friend"


"Who is he anyway" Jongdae butted in, still annoyed at him,


"Jongin, Kim Jongin, just transferred here today"


"That’s why I havnt seen you around, but Sehun you don't seem the type to hang around with the likes of him aswell?" Luhan added


"You don't know about Sehun, but yes I believe he's a good kid" Kai said putting his arm on sehun shoulders.


"Kai is right, im not who you think I am, but Kai what were you saying about a father before his Luhan incident?"


"Yah! Sehun shut up, not here, I dont want the ing world to know, I’m not proud, let’s go and I’ll tell you, see you guys"


"Err, bye, and thanks for the cigarette" Luhan added, and watched as Sehun and Kai walked away.


"You still love him right?" Jongdae asked.


"Of course, I think, but what else is he keeping a secret, and why did that Kai person have to appear!?




"Sorry for dragging you away like that, but I really can't afford people to know, I have a record, if this gets out, im out." Kai appologised to Sehun when they made it to some other place."


"Ah it’s ok, so what happened, tell me"


"Well you see, I had this girlfriend, got drunk together, happened, she got pregnant, wanted to keep the child, she died giving birth leaving me with the child, mum didnt like it, kicked me out, got a place of my own, got stressed from part time jobs and taking care of the baby, nearly commited suicide, but decided I needed to sort my life out, sent my kid to the orphanage and enrolled in school, and bam im here" Kai breathed after saying all that with one breath,


"Holy Kai, thats so messed up, what of the child, is he ok?"


"I don't know, I don't deserve to see him, I’m a horrible father"


"Don't say that, your young, give it some time, graduate school Kai, be a better person."


"That’s my aim, I'm going to be the first head from that neighborhood to graduate and to be a great father for my son."


"I wish you luck, and ill be here for you!"


"Thanks Sehun, its really good to see you again!" 



Next chapter is up :) 

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HyeMi1 #1
Chapter 3: Aww poor Kyungsoo. ~ I smell Kaisooooo XD
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