"Kyaaa, he's so handsome"

Save Me From Myself

*Beep Beep*


'Ungh' Kai moaned, turning onto his side the noise from the alarm making his head even worse.


*beep beep*


"Ungghhhh" he moaned again, another pain shot to his head "ungh"




" it" he snapped throwing his alarm across his room, "Ow , my head" he slammed his face agaisnt his pillow, not wanting to move, he had a hangover.


Yesterday he got sent a package with his school suplies and note from his dad accepting him at his school. Actually his father put him down on the list and was waiting for his son.


So him and his gang went club hoping, and had one too many drinks, by the time he , ade t home at 3am he was completely pissed, and just collapsed on his bed, thus bringing him to how he is this morning.


Kai was just about to doze off again when he realised hebwas meant to be going to school today, he sat up but his head had other ideas, ", , , why did I have to drink" still he somehow managed to drag himself into the bathroom.


After his shower he felt a little better but to be on the safeside he took a pain killer, stolen from the pharmacy acroas the street, like hell there so expensive.


He grabbed his uniform from the box, all creased and . He pulled on the trousers, the first time he wore something the wasn't tightly fitted. He then put on the shirt leaving the top two buttons undone and tucked it into his trousers, next was the tie which he had no ideabhow to tie it so he loosly hung it round the collar of his shirt.


He looked in the mirror, perfect "Damn I make his uniform look good!" He said admiring himself, he put a little jell on his hair and slipped into his shoes, grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the counter and step outside, the bright sun making him squint.


"Hey give me one" Namjoon his fellow gang member said taking a cigarette out of the packet. "I can't believe your going to school, you look so"


"Say another word and I'll shove that cigarette up your ." Kai said lighting his cigarette and then the same for Namjoon.


"You do you know you cant smoke at school"


"No sherlock"


"Why you doing this anyway?"


"Because im going to be the first head from this neighbourhood to graduate highschool." He shouted so everyone could hear him.


"You’re such a joker, have fun, and don’t get expelled on your first day"


"Ill ty not to, bye ers, im leaving" Kai his heel and walked down the street, his first day of school was starting and hell he was excited.




"Jesus, this is a big building" Kai stood gawking at the entrance, students in all aspects of the school yard. He walked through the entrance and smirked hearing the girls 'kyaaa he’s so handsome' over him.


"At least Dad was decent enough to create a co'ed school, I think I would die with no girls." He waved at the girls, flicked his hair and entered the building, hearing the girls scream even harder.


Kai was supposed to go to the head teacher’s office but he had no idea where it was, so he went up to a couple of girls and asked for directions "Hey pretty ladies, would you mind telling me the way to the head teacher’s office?"


"Oh...hehe...sure, up those stairs and left and its the door at the end" the girl blushed with kai being so handsome.


Kai reached out his hand to the girls cheek in thanks when someone happened to stop him.


"Yah! Thats my girlfriend, get your dirty hands off her"


"Oh sorry mate, I didnt know, well thanks ladies, have a nice day" Kai bowed in respect and blew a kiss, making the girls turn red. And he made his way to the stairs. "Seems girls here fall for my charms too"


He arrived at the head teachers office and wihout knocking he walked straight in, and made himself comfy on the sofa.


"Nice of you to knock, Jongin, and take your feet of the sofa" a coarse voice spoke from behind the door.


'Tsk' Kai reluctantly did as he was told, "Nice place this is dad"


"Its Mr Kim to you, you must not tell anyone about your background and that I’m your father, I don’t want to ruin what ive built all these years"




"Anyway heres your timetable and a map of the school, you will be in class 1-C located here" Mr Kim pointed to the map. "I trust you to behave, I was waiing to see my aon at this school, and know your here I dont want you to mess it up again."


"Yeah yeah, but aren't you gunna ask me bout home?"


"Oh, how’s your mother, the same? Worse?"


"No Idea she kicked me out the house two years ago saying that she didnt wat to see my face anymore,"


"What!?!?! What happened, was she drunk when she said it, you know she doesnt mean things when shes drunk"


"Well you believed her though, and no she was sober"


"Then why?"


"She found out I got a girl pregnant,  told me I was ing git and that she never wanted to see my face again!"


Mr Kims face dropped "You What!?" But then there was knock at the door, and he cleared his throat, "Come in"


The door opened and there stood a small boy with big owl like eyes, "Mr Kim you called for me?"


"Ah Kyungsoo, yes I want to inroduce you to someone" he pointed to Kai who was slouched on the chair, Kai looked at Kyungsoo "Sup"


"His name is Kim Jongin and will be attending school from now on, I want you to take care of him!"


Kai stood up annoyed "da… I mean Mr. Kim, im not a baby I dont need a bloody babysitter"


Kyungsoo was taken by suprise by his use of language


"Jongin mind your language, and it’s just until you have settled in"


"Ah stuff it, im off to class, later" and with that he walked out the room brushing past Kyungsoo in the process.


"Ah sorry about him Kyungsoo, but as the student president, I trust you to do your job well."


"Ah yeah, its fine, but sir you seem to know him?"


"Please don't ask question and do your job, go to class, but be sure to wait for him outside his class at lunchtime,"


"Yes sir, bye sir" and Kyungsoo also left the room.


Mr Kim sat at his desk and took out a photo from his drawer "my son you’ve grown up, im sorry I wasnt there for you."




“Right so class before I take the register this morning, we have a new student joining our class, please come in” The homeroom teacher spoke, inviting Jongin into the class.


Jongin entered the class, all eyes on him, but he didn’t care, he stood at the front of the class and smiled “Yo! Kim Jongin is my name, please call me Kai” He winked and blew a kiss for yet the second time and watched as the girls swooned over him, and noticing the boys slouching in their seats.


Although there was one boy who just stared, sat at the back of the classroom, his hair being a dirty blonde colour. Jongin could have sworn he recognized the boy but couldn’t place his finger on who he is.


That said boy continued to stare until he suddenly abruptly stood up as if he’s remembered something. “Oh Sehun? Can I help you with something?” The teacher asked.


‘Oh Sehun, Oh Sehun, that name is so familiar’ Kai thought to himself, he look to Sehun who was staring right into his eyes, ‘Oh Sehun…Oh Sehun…’ “OMFG! SEHUN? NO WAY, THAT’S SEHUN” Kai blurted out shocking the teacher and the class.


“You…You remember?” Sehun asked a little taken by surprise


“Well my holy mother, I don’t believe it, it’s been ages”


“You two know each other?” The teacher asked puzzled.


“Well we were best mates as kids, haven’t seen each other for years” Kai replied


“Oh ok, Then Jongin why don’t you sit next to Sehun, as you know him”


“Aye sir” Kai saluted and walked over to where Sehun sits, “Hey Sehun, you remember our handshake?” Kai asked and Sehun smiled,


“Well duh, of course”


They performed their handshake and then Kai sat down so the teacher could continue her lesson.


“Pst, Sehun? Aren’t you going ask me anything?” Kai whispered.


“We’re in a lesson Jongin”


“Where the hell have you been? We’re from that neighborhood, since when does rules apply?”


“Kim Jongin! I know your eager to catch up, but now isn’t the time” The teacher told Kai off.


“Oh sorry ma’am” Kai winked and nudged Sehun in the shoulder, “Lunchtime? Right?” and Sehun nodded. 



A/N: Well first chapter is up, what do you think, i'd love to hear your thoughts :) first time for everything...

thanks to who have subscribed already :) :) 

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HyeMi1 #1
Chapter 3: Aww poor Kyungsoo. ~ I smell Kaisooooo XD
I was wondering if you'd like to enter this into my Kaisoo writing competition~
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