
the comic book

You’ve had enough. You can’t tolerate him anymore. You were just hanging out with your guy bestfriend, its not like you were doing something thats forbidden. “We were only eating dinner. Thats it! Why are you acting like I did something thats really wrong?!” you couldn’t help but to raise your voice.

“I saw him hugging you and kissing your cheek! Did you forget you have a boyfriend?!” he also did the same with his voice.

“oh my god, its not like he is going to steal me away from you just by hugging me! it was just a friendly hug, Taehyung. I have been bestfriends with him since i was a baby so hugging and kissing on the cheek are-”

He interupted “Jinhee why are you so innocent?! Do you actually believe that there is such a thing as ‘bestfriend’ between a man and a woman? I know he likes you, i can see it from the way he looks at you, the way he talks with you and-”

“STOP, Taehyung. Just stop! You don’t even know what we were talking about. So just stop. I’m tired.” You sighed, walking away from your lover of 2 years. You know he is the jealous type, but he has never been this furious about you and your bestfriend.

“I knew it! I knew theres something between you guys! Are you cheating on me?!” he grabbed your wrist and you turned to face him. His word hit you hard. What? Cheating? You don’t even have the tought of loving another boy other than Taehyung, so how could you cheat on him?

“what the hell are you saying?! I don’t and will never cheat on you, Taehyung!”

“don’t lie to me Jinhee” his voice was dead serious.

“I thought you trusted me” you sounded so disappointed and let go of your wrist from Taehyung’s strong grip. “really Taehyung. I thought you trusted me” you gave him one last look then stormed out of your shared apartment.

Taehyung just stood there ruffling his hair and screamed. He didn’t even bother to run after you.


You walked alone, crying, thinking about what had happened. You just couldn’t believe Taehyung actually said that words to you. It really hurt you. As you recalled the short but intense moment your feet stopped in front of a comic cafe. You didn’t know why but your steps lead you to this place. The place where you met Taehyung. You went in and sat near to the bookshelf.


“ah! Thats it!” you tried to reach the comic you were going to read. You have been waiting for that comic to be released. “ugh... why did they put the latest one at the top?” you got annoyed as you still tried to reach it. You decided to stepped on a chair to get a better access but when you were coming back with the chair, someone already got the comic.

“hey! I want to read that one!” you exclaimed as you walked up to him, not knowing that you’re still holding the chair. “uh? This one?” he looked at you then the comic. You nodded “yes, thats the latest volume,right? I really want to read that one. And clearly, i’m the first one who discover it up there,” you pointed to where the comic was “so, i’m the one who is suppossed to read that first.”

“those who get it, can read it” he ignored your words and smirked. You swear you really hate how smirked at you. How dare he stole your comic? Well, not literally yours but oh my god you have been waiting an ages to read the comic!

He sat back on his chair. You looked at him in amusement. “yah!” you placed your chair beside his and sat down. “how many time should i told you that i want to read this comic?”

“and how many time should i told you that the one who get it can read it?” he didn’t look at you, his eyes were focused at the comic in front of him.

You looked at your watch. You didn’t have much time until your next class. And if you didn’t read that comic now you thought you would die of curiousness. “let me read, just a little bit. I just wanna know what happen to the girl!” but he ignored you and keep reading, like he didn’t know you were beside him.

You went behind him and peeked to read with him. “what are you doing?” now you got his attention. He closed the comic and placed it on the table. “i was trying to read.” You saw the comic left alone untouched on the table, so you immediately grabbed it.

“those who get it, can read it!!~~~” you said proudly and skipped happily to your table. Just when you were about to sit, the man stole the comic from you and ran. “YAH! MWOYA!” you ran after him. You and that comic guy were running around the cafe, making quiet a fuss over a comic book.

After about 5 minutes you and him were both holding the comic book. You guys shared an intense stare, its more like i’m the one who who is gonna get this comic stare. Then you both pulled the comic at the same time, making it ripped into two. You gasped. You thought he was going to let go.

You heard the staff coming near you and you backed off, leaving the ripped comic book to the man who was having a mental breakdown in front of you. You quickly ran to get your bag and went out of the cafe. You didn’t want to have any trouble.

The next day you went back to the cafe. You thought you wont meet that guy again but damn girl you were wrong. He was sitting at the same place. Your eyes widened at the sight and you turned around to leave but a voice stopped you.

“you! yes you the one who is wearing a red hello kitty shirt! I know you’re the comic girl” you froze.

You cursed and walked fast to the door and went out of the cafe. He followed you and stood in front of you, crossing his arms. You looked at his annoyed face. “miss, do you know what you have caused yesterday?” he sighed “i have to pay 4 times more than the original comic price!” you gasped. 4 times more? Are you hearing it right?

“what? Are you kidding me?! they won’t do that to you. i know it cause i have broke one of the comic book before and i only had to pay half of the comic’s price. So don’t you dare to lie to me.” this time its you who crossed arms and looked at him with a challenging look.

“the rules have changed. They charged me alot yesterday because of what you did! So now i want you to pay me back” he smirked. That smirk! You hated it yesterday but today it kind of made your heart beat a little bit faster.

“no” you shook your head. “i won’t pay you back because i did nothing wrong” you were headstrong. So was he. “miss,that incident clearly happened because of you. who couldn’t be patient and stole the comic away from me.” you both kept arguing, him wanting you to pay him back and you wanting him to just forget about the incident.

At the end, you ended up exchanging each other’s number and you promised him to treat him a lunch as a way to pay him back. You looked at your phone and smiled a bit “so his name is Taehyung, huh”


You let out a faint laugh reminiscing the memories. Even your first meeting with Taehyung was already a fight. Of course you guys have had your little fights then and now but it was never as intense as this one. You shrugged off the uncomfortable feeling and ordered your favorite drink.

Meanwhile at the apartment, Taehyung was sitting on the sofa. Also thinking about the same thing as you, the fight that made you left and left him speechless. Then he felt his phone vibrated in his pocket. There was one message from your bestfriend.

Taehyung, did Jinhee tell you we meet up? Also with my fiance. I’m planning on my wedding and i really need her to help me with some things. I hope you didn’t mind. Oh! And she looked really happy while looking at the wedding dress catalogue. I guess she is ready to marry you! haha. Anyway, treat her well,okay? She was talking about you all the time, man!

Taehyung stared blankly at his phone for a while and then he stood up.“ !”



this is going to be a two shot!

it would be nice if someone leave some comments ;D

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Chapter 2: Gosh this is sweet. Lovely. Hehe
chuppoppo #2
Chapter 2: this is cute~~
although i find it hard to focus with taehyung's wallpaper staring at me lol >o<
cindy_hoang #3
Chapter 2: This story is terrific!!! I love it soooo much!
Chapter 2: i hate you for being too good and cheesy :)
jiminlovers #5
Chapter 2: daebak.. love this story..
SMentFan99 #6
Chapter 2: Soooooo cuteee!!!!
smartrat #7
Chapter 2: Awww so cute
smartrat #8
Chapter 1: I feel like my heart is going to crack
Hyoseong-ah #9
Chapter 2: Oh my god this was too adorable, I think you kept Taehyung in character especially when he faked a girls and a boys voice, that was so goddamn cute xD I really loved this mini series <3
Chapter 2: Oh my god i read each one of your stories and it was great!! I love how you always use the correct words for korean and stuffs!! Love you. And the most important, every idol you wrote is my bias. Omgosh so many feels now