Just Fictional? - Chapter 4

Just Fictional?

Yesung tried to grab Ryeowook's wrist before he got away. Ryeowook struggled away from his grip, but he can't just do it, being the weaker one. His face was already drenched with tears, and his eyes were red.

"Ryeowook-ah, listen to me." Yesung almost pleaded, a tear also escaping his eye. "I... I had my reasons to do that, okay?"

"And what are those?" Ryeowook asked, giving up on getting away. He wiped away the tears with his free hand, looking away from his hyung.

"I..." Yesung tried to say, but ended up having second thoughts if he should say it. The situation can get even more worse if he says this right now.

"See? You won't even tell me." Ryeowook stated out, desperately trying once again to get away. After several attempts, his legs gave away and he went down in a crouch position. "Go away."

"It's because I love you." Yesung finally said, his grip weakening on Ryeowook's wrist. "I love you, Wookie."

Ryeowook looked up at him hesitantly, and stood up with wobbly legs. He didn't remove his hand from Yesung's grip anymore.

"Please understand, Wook-ah, that I'm doing these all for you." Yesung said, wiping his own tears with the back of his small hand. "Because I love you."

"Hyung..." Ryeowook started, nearing Yesung. His tears can't stop falling as he suddenly hugged the older guy. "Hyung, me too..."

"Huh?" Yesung looked at Ryeowook, surprised. What did he just say? "What..."

"I love you too, Jongwoonie hyung." Ryeowook said, smiling despite his tears. "Very much."

Ryeowook wiped his tears away as he sighed. Fanfics like these can easily make him cry. He sniffed as he closed the browser tab and went again to search for more. Yesung and him have been awkward ever since he started to read fanfics, and look what he resulted to: reading more fanfics. Fanfics also led him to something more - something like feelings for his hyung. Even Kyuhyun can tell. And the fact that Yesung also has feelings for him... It means that they have feelings for each other. That also means that if he confesses, they can be together like in fanfics. They can be together like couples dating happily and can do anything they want with each other.

But is he seriously going to confess? Why can't his hyung confess earlier? Maybe because he thinks Ryeowook doesn't like him back, and it would be embarrassing for him. So maybe it is Ryeowook's job after all, since he knows that Yesung likes him too. But then again, even if Yesung likes him so much, the probability of Yesung admitting his feelings is still not a hundred per cent.

He sighed. He'll just think of these things later. Right now, he has a fanfic to read.

He scrolled down as he browsed through updated stories. Then he passed something which had the tag "".

"...?" He murmured, confusion evident on his face. "What is ? Is it some kind of food?"

Before he can click the link to the story, Kyuhyun entered the room.

"Hi Wookie, what's up?" Kyuhyun asked, bouncing on the bed beside Ryeowook. "Reading fanfics again?"

Ryeowook nodded. He still didn't click the link, unfortunately.

"Kyu-ah, what does mean?" Ryeowook asked, as he looked at the maknae.

"?" Kyuhyun repeated, taking in the question. As he realized that Ryeowook was asking what means, his eyes widened in panic. "? Why? Have you been reading ?"

"I was about to." Ryeowook said as he showed the title of the story.

Kyuhyun's jaw dropped as he saw the title: 'The Arousal'

"Don't click that!" Kyuhyun shouted suddenly, grabbing the laptop from Ryeowook. He didn't want to ruin his hyung's precious innocence. It's a rare case for a twenty-four year old to still have an innocent mind. It's even highly probably that Ryeowook hasn't even had an arousal yet on his whole life.

"Ah, why?" Ryeowook demanded, his eyebrows furrowing. "I think the title is cool. Maybe it's a vampire story, or something related to aliens – you know how Donghae hyung likes them."

Nope. He definitely never experienced an arousal.

"No, you can't." Kyuhyun said, shaking his head. "It's... It's not good."

"Why? A story can't be not good." Ryeowook reasoned out.

"It's a virus." Kyuhyun finally said, nodding at his words. "It's a virus. It can harm your computer when you click links with a tag. So... don't. Ever."

"Ah, really?" Ryeowook looked at his laptop, amazed. "I see. Then I won't, then."

Kyuhyun sighed in relief. He gave the laptop back to Ryeowook and let the smaller one surf on the internet. Kyuhyun now scooted closer to Ryeowook and placed his head on Ryeowook's shoulder.

"Ooh, what's this?" Ryeowook said excitedly, when he saw a one shot story titled 'Jealousy'. "I think this is a good. You're also on the tags, Kyu."

"Me? Aren't you searching for Yewook?" Kyuhyun asked, suddenly interested.

"I am." Ryeowook confirmed, when he clicked the link to the story. He read the foreword and looked at Kyuhyun. "So, you're the third party."

"What?" Kyuhyun said, also reading. "Me? Why me?"

"I don't know, ask the writer." Ryeowook said. Then he clicked the next button.

As they scrolled along the story, the figured out that the story is all about Yesung being jealous with Kyuhyun being so close to Ryeowook on an alternate universe. Yesung has been best friends with Ryeowook for a long time, and here comes new student Kyuhyun, whom Ryeowook made friends with. Yesung can already die with jealousy but he doesn't even know why he is jealous.

When they finished, there was an awkward silence. It is pretty awkward for two persons to read together a romantic story with the both of them included. But sadly for them, they didn't even ended up together. It was Yewook at the end.

"Well..." Kyuhyun said, as he broke the silence. "Why do I have feeling that this is happening in real life?"

"You really think so?" Ryeowook asked.

Kyuhyun nodded and rolled over so that he can hug Ryeowook. He put his arm over Ryeowook's back and placed his leg on the back of Ryeowook's waist. "Too bad we didn't end up together."

"It's not a Kyuwook fic, Kyuhyun, so obviously, I'll end up with Yesung hyung." Ryeowook said, letting the younger evil one to drape his leg all over him.

"I know that," Kyuhyun said, snuggling closer. "Let's read Kyuwook, then."

Before Ryeowook could answer, the door suddenly opened. Ryeowook turned slightly, expecting Leeteuk hyung. His eyes widened when he saw Yesung. He pushed Kyuhyun off him, and the poor Kyuhyun fell off the bed.

"Ah..." Kyuhyun groaned in pain, as he checked for bruises. "Ah, why did you push me off?"

Ryeowook didn't say anything but just looked at the space between Yesung and Kyuhyun. He didn't know why he did that. He just acted like a girlfriend being caught by her boyfriend with someone else. But the problem is... They're not even together.

"Ah... Donghee told Leeteuk hyung who told Hyukjae who told Donghae who told me to tell you that you make dinner already." Yesung said, out of breath. "Yeah, that's about it."

"Didn't your parents teach you how to knock?" Kyuhyun muttered, his hands clutching on the bed to support him with standing up.

Ryeowook shot Kyuhyun a 'do-you-have-a-death-wish' look and went towards the door past Yesung. "I'll go then."

Yesung grabbed Ryeowook's arm, stopping him from walking.

Ryeowook's eyes went huge, remembering the scene from the fanfic he read earlier. Is it... Is it really going to happen in real life?

"We... We need to talk." Yesung said slowly.

"It's about time," Kyuhyun commented.

Ryeowook ignored Kyuhyun and nodded at his hyung shyly.

Yesung started to walk away, dragging Ryeowook with him, leaving Kyuhyun on the dorm.

"Aish, you guys left me alone. Thank you very much." Kyuhyun muttered sarcastically as he went to open Ryeowook's laptop for him to use. He saw the fanfic that they read earlier and sighed. Looks like it is going to be true, after all. Congratulations, author. Kyuhyun smiled to himself, happy for Ryeowook.


"Answer me," Yesung told Ryeowook, who was surprised by the sudden serious aura that his hyung gave out. "You... Do you like Kyuhyun?"

"Huh?" Ryeowook was taken aback with the question. He was actually expecting that Yesung would ask if he likes him. "Kyuhyunnie? Why are you asking?"

Yesung didn't answer and just scratched the back of his head.

"Of course I like Kyu  he's my only younger brother in our group, aside from Henli of course." Ryeowook answered. "And he sings really well! Of course I like him. Why? Don't you? Or do the others start to dislike him again...?"

"Wookie, that's not what I meant." Yesung said, annoyed that Ryeowook was too slow, and the fact that he praised Kyuhyun didn't really help. "Do you have feelings for him?"

"What?! No!" Ryeowook finally said. "No, no! Not Kyuhyun! That bastard?! I don't have feelings for that jerk."

"Really?" Yesung asked, his mood lightening up. "But... I was really fed up, until I couldn't take it anymore."

"What are you fed up with?" Ryeowook smiled, knowing the answer.

"Hm?" Yesung said, totally not expecting to be asked with that question.

"Are you jealous?" Ryeowook asked, enjoying their conversation. "Do you like me, hyung?"

Yesung stared at Ryeowook for about a minute, comprehending what he was just asked with. Ryeowook was asking him if he likes the latter. What was he going to say? Will he admit it now?

"I-I..." Yesung stammered. He cursed himself under his breath for being awkward. It's all in the open now. Him being nervous is already a yes. With questions like these, he should just laugh and say "are you crazy?" but no, he can't say a thing because he's having second thoughts if he should tell the truth or not.

"Hyung," Ryeowook called out, trying not to laugh. "You know what?"

"What?" Yesung asked, slightly blushing. He knows. Ryeowook already knows. For years he has been keeping this secret of being in love with his dongsaeng, and now... That dongsaeng already knows.

"Hyung, I love you," Ryeowook said quickly, before running away to go to the kitchen.

Yesung blinked a few times before composing himself. Did he just hear him right? Ryeowook... is returning his feelings? That means... Ryeowook likes him too? And does that also mean... that Ryeowook and him has a very big chance of being together and be that lovey-dovey couple that he dreamt of?

Yesung's eyes widened as it hit him. Ryeowook confessed his feelings for him.

He immediately ran to the kitchen and found Ryeowook with an apron, who was gathering some ingredients out of the refrigerator. Ryeowook turned slowly, expecting the arrival of his hyung.

"Ryeowook-ah..." Yesung started, his emotions overflowing. He stared at the younger guy before him for a long time before continuing his words. "Ryeowook, I... I love you too."

Ryeowook can't help but smile as he heard the small confession. He neared his hyung, and hugged him immediately, making the space between them disappear. Yesung tensed at the sudden physical contact, but soon recovered and started to hug back. This isn't fan service anymore. This is the real thing.

Ryeowook was the first to pull away, but he still had his arms around Yesung's neck. Ryeowook shyly looked at his hyung's eyes and blushed a deeper side of red.

"Are we... together now?" Yesung asked, afraid for a second if this was just all fake.

"What do you think?" Ryeowook asked, smiling, finally.

"I think, yes." Yesung said, biting his lips to prevent himself from smiling widely. Really, he thinks his big smile will ruin everything at the moment.

Suddenly, someone pushed the back of Yesung's head forward, making the two kiss.

Who pushed him was irrelevant, since the two were in the state of shock. Two wide eyes were looking at each other, while their lips were touching. For about half a minute, they stayed in that position until Yesung pulled away.

"I'm sorry!" Yesung blurted out to Ryeowook, before turning his head around to see Hyukjae giggling softly. "You..."

Hyukjae just shrugged, his gummy smile flashing.

"Aish," Yesung muttered, turning to Ryeowook who was just staring at him. "Ryeowook-ah, I'm really sorry."

"T-There's no need to be sorry!" Ryeowook managed. "We're... We're together now right?"

Yesung just looked at Ryeowook for a moment. Does that mean he could kiss him again?

"I regret nothing!" Hyukjae said in a sing-song voice as he turned to leave. "Just don't... You know, do it on the kitchen."

"Do what?" Ryeowook asked. Yesung looked at Hyukjae to give him a warning.

"Have you read , Wookie?" Hyukjae said, the intentions of leaving forgotten.

Yesung's eyes widened at Hyukjae.

"? Kyuhyun told me it's a virus, so I didn't read it." Ryeowook answered.

"Virus?" Hyukjae repeated, snickering. "It's a virus, alright."

"Aren't you going?" Yesung said, annoyed.

"In fact, I am." Hyukjae replied, winking at Yesung before leaving the room.

"Ah, that guy is really..." Yesung said. He turned to Ryeowook. "You read fanfics?"

Ryeowook nodded slowly. "Yeah, Hyukkie hyung told me to read them."

"And what do you read about?" Yesung asked.

Ryeowook blushed a deeper shade of red, if possible. "I read about... us."

"And what were we doing there?" Yesung said.

"We... We were dating," Ryeowook said shyly.

"And what do we do when we date?" Yesung continued to ask, planning something on his mind.

"We... We hold hands" Ryeowook said.

"Like this?" Yesung said, holding one of Ryeowook's hands. "What else?"

Ryeowook stared at their hands, his mind completely oblivious to what Yesung was planning. "Y-Yeah. And... We... We hug a lot."

"Like this?" Yesung pulled Ryeowook closer to him and put his arms on Ryeowook's waist.

"Wh-What are you doing?" Ryeowook said, his heart beating fast by the moment.

"I don't know, what else were we doing in the fanfic?" Yesung asked back, his face inches away from Ryeowook.

"We... We kiss." Ryeowook said, as he looked at Yesung expectantly.

Yesung didn't say anything but just smirked.

"I... You won't do anything?" Ryeowook asked, obviously waiting for Yesung to do something intimate to him, for example, a kiss.

Yesung laughed, and ruffled Ryeowook's hair. "Oh, Wookie, the things you do to me..."

"Huh?" Ryeowook's gaze suddenly landed on Yesung's lips. He can already hear his heart beating.

"You asked for it," Yesung said, capturing Ryeowook's lips on his.

Ryeowook closed his eyes. He wanted this – yes he did. This moment where he can just read on the internet is finally becoming real.

Suddenly cheers can be heard at the entrance of the kitchen, and as the couple broke the kiss, they saw the other members prepared a cake just for them. There were party poppers as the others neared them and layed the cake on the counter.

"Yay for Yewook!" Sungmin said as he hugged the both them.

"Aish, don't be the er." Hyukjae said, dragging the back Sungmin's shirt.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Donghae said jumping up and down. "I never thought Wookie liked hyung, too!"

"Finally." Leeteuk just said, giving an approving smile like a mother seeing his daughter getting married.

Kyuhyun was just smiling at the corner, a party popper on his hand.

"You guys..." Ryeowook said, amazed.

"You planned all this?" Yesung continued for Ryeowook.

"Well... Aren't we sweet?" Hyukjae said.

"We even bought a cake for you!" Shindong butted in. "It says, congrats Jongwoon and Ryeowook!"

"We can see that." Ryeowook replied, smiling at the cake which was laid down on the table.

Yesung looked at Ryeowook with a smile. When Ryeowook was busy praising their friends and didn't notice him, Yesung reached for his hand and squeezed it. Ryeowook turned and smiled at Yesung who was looking at him lovingly.

"Aish, these two." Sungmin commented. "Soon, the ants will come and eat the two of you up."

"Why would that happen?" Donghae asked.

"Because they're overloaded with sweetness. Don't you know that?" Sungmin said.

"No." Donghae shook his head.

"Idiot." Hyukjae poked the side of Donghae's head teasingly. Donghae just let it slide and smiled warmly at Hyukjae.

"Hyuk-ah," Yesung suddenly called out. "It's your turn."

"It's my turn?" Hyukjae repated, confused. Then he remembered what he must be doing. He winked at Yesung before saying, "You just wait, and I’ll do it even better than you."

ahahahahahha /cannot contain feelings

I love my subscribers and readers and viewers of course /gives you all a big bear hug

Yewook <3 i want more moments ;___; ahahaha. I love them sfm

and yay for the ninja yehyuk =))

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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 2: Interesting~~~
Chapter 4: .aaaaaahhhh.sweeeetness,overload..i really.wish this will.happen.to.them.in.real life!
Chapter 1: .the last part is really funny.haha.
Cute story~~ ^_^ lol is a virus puahahahahaha XD more Yewook fanfics pleasee~ thanks author-nim! ^_^
Chapter 1: LMAO on the ufo reply
This was NOT a fail story. I loved it!!!
MidnightDreamer #7
Your story is good. I hope you write more Yewook.
Yewook forever! <3 .... Now I crave Kyuwook XD Evil author XD
chiibiiluna #9
eunwook friendship!!!! kyaaaaa!!!!!