Just Fictional? - Chapter 2

Just Fictional?

Ryeowook was sad the next day.

Almost everyone had a schedule early in the morning, and Ryeowook was sad seeing them go without breakfast. He's the only one on the twelfth floor, for the other three went out. Being the caring ‘umma’ that he is, this was pretty awful. Leeteuk even had to say sorry to him, for him not being able to cook for them. How ironic. But that's the eternal maknae – he cares for the members more than anyone else.

Ryeowook sighed as he went to the kitchen. It's six in the morning and he's going to cook for the members on another floor, still. He can't let them get hungry. He's going to make breakfast for only five people, how sad. He pouted his lips as he remembered the days when he would cook for all thirteen of them. Everyone was so happy. And there was even the time when Henry and his Zhou Mi Ge Ge would come visit when they were in Korea. Then, he would make food for fifteen people, and that made him happy. Nothing is happier than seeing his second family having fun together. He dreaded the day when they would all break up and disband. He never wanted to think about it, but he can't help it sometimes. When your thoughts fly away in the shower room, you think about questions of the universe, and that's when he thinks about disbandment. His favourite hyung just left recently for the army, and Ryeowook is sad. Heechul was his idol, and he is a fanboy, all right. He would do anything just for his hyung.

He sighed again for the nth time. It's not the time to think of these. It's time to make food for his hyungs. He pursed his lips to make a smile and raised his fist on the air. "Fighting!"

"What are you doing?" Someone asked, as Ryeowook turned around, nearly jumping in surprise.

Yesung hyung.

"Ah, you scared me." Ryeowook held his hand near his chest. "What are you doing here?"

Yesung just shrugged. "We came to visit you here. The others are at the living room. You didn't hear us?"

"Ah, no." Ryeowook said, thinking that he was just deep in thought a while ago. "I was planning on bringing this down to eat with you guys."

"We came here instead. Sorry," Yesung said, grinning. He walked near Ryeowook and sat on a nearby stool. "What will you cook?"

"I'm thinking of fried rice." Ryeowook said, thoughtfully. "...or maybe not. What do you want me to cook?"

"Anything," Yesung said, looking at his dongsaeng. "I love your cooking. Have I already told you that?"

"Yes," Ryeowook answered, managing a smile as he went to the refrigerator. "You already told me that long ago, and you repeat it every time."

Yesung nodded happily. "I almost forgot that you were my roommate before."

"But we're not anymore," Ryeowook said, laughing. He gets ingredients from the refrigerator and sets it on the counter next to Yesung. "I remembered when you didn't want me to leave."

Yesung was silent for a while. Ryeowook turned to look at him, but Yesung had his head down. Ryeowook opened his mouth to speak, but Yesung went first.

"You're the only one who helps me with Kkoma." Yesung said, his eyes looking away.

Ryeowook was taken aback for a second. What did he say? About Kkoma? Ryeowook and Yesung's turtles hadn't have the best relationship. Ryeowook realized that it was probably true  that he's the only one that could stand them. Hyukjae hyung couldn't have the time to feed them. Sometimes, Yesung even calls Ryeowook when he's out of the dorm room to feed the turtles. Ryeowook would ungratefully oblige then.

Ryeowook broke into a smile and decided to make a joke on his hyung. He shook his head teasingly. "Excuses. You just want me to be with you."

Yesung raised his head to look at Ryeowook and stared at him for a long time

"How did you know?" Yesung said, shocked at what he heard.

Ryeowook looked at his hyung, analysing what he said. How did Ryeowook know? He didn't. So, it's true? He was just joking! Ryeowook's mouth was partly open, thinking of what he was going to say. Yesung just realized that Ryeowook probably didn't know that he just wanted to be with him, really, and was just joking about it. He panicked, thinking of a good excuse.

"II mean..." Yesung cleared his throat, his eyes blinking as he tried to avoid Ryeowook's stare. "You know... you... you were the only one who can... who can handle me"

"Hyung, it's okay," Ryeowook said, trying to smile, but a blush was definitely on his cheeks. Too bad Yesung can't see it, because he's too busy trying not to meet Ryeowook's gaze.

Ryeowook's thoughts were being messed up. This situation he's in... he's seen it somewhere. Or, he experienced it before with his hyung.

Then his thoughts cleared up. No. He read it last night with his Hyukkie hyung.

Yesung's acting a little different today, or maybe Ryeowook is just noticing it just now. It's like... It's almost the same as the one on the fanfic that he read.

"H-Hyung," Ryeowook managed, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere. "I... I think Hyukkie hyung can handle you well too, so"

"There you are, Ryeowook-ah!" Sungmin blurted out, appearing at the kitchen's entrance. Kyuhyun and Shindong took a look behind him. But after sensing the weird atmosphere, his smile went out. "What's happening?"

"Apparently, these two are having a heart-to-heart conversation, Kyomin." Shindong said, smiling at his best friend's nickname, 'Cute Min' which Kyuhyun made himself.

"Oh my, are they finally confessing their love for each other?" Sungmin said, completely oblivious about what's happening.

Kyuhyun pushed Sungmin's head lightly, and pulled him out of the room. "Let's get out, get out."

"Why?" Sungmin unaware of what he is causing, but nevertheless went with Kyuhyun. Shindong winked at Yesung first before leaving the room.

The two were left in silence.

Ryeowook opened his mouth to say something but Yesung beat him to it.

"Ah, Ryeowook-ah, you know..." Yesung started, annoyed at himself for being slow in terms of words. "I... I'll just go. You should cook."

Ryeowook just nodded slowly, unsure if his hyung was mad at him or something.

Yesung awkwardly stood up. He scratched the back of his head as he went out of the room.

Ryeowook just stared at the direction that Yesung went to. What was that? And his thoughts about this moment happening in fanfics are... insane. I mean, fanfics are not true, and when they actually become true... it means... he doesn't know what it means. His hyung acting like that is weird. Then again, his hyung is weird, to begin with. And the worst thing is, Ryeowook actually likes weird people. Nothing is ever normal anymore.


"Oh my~" Sungmin exclaimed, his nostrils inhaling the aroma of Ryeowook's newly made fried rice. "Even the smell is delicious."

"Ryeowookie's cooking is always the best," Shindong praised, his hands rubbing each other in anticipation. His tongue is already his lips.

"I'll go first," Kyuhyun just said, beating all of them. He already got the ladle and scooped some into his mouth.

"No!" Sungmin and Shindong shouted at the same time. Their eyes closed in exasperation as the evil maknae ruined everything.

Ryeowook just chuckled. This could be fun, after all. After setting up the table, he went to sit right next to... wait, the only seat available is the seat beside... Yesung. Ryeowook reluctantly moved forward and sat on his seat. Sungmin was in front of him and Shindong was on the right side of Sungmin, in the front of Yesung. Kyuhyun was at the end of the table in between Sungmin and Ryeowook.

"Let's start," Shindong smiled, getting his food.

All of them were eating silently. No one was speaking, so the sounds of their stainless chopsticks clanking on their plates were the only things heard.

Ryeowook was nervous, and he doesn't know why. Ever since he read that fanfic, he can't be comfortable around his Yesung hyung anymore. He can't even look him in the eye without thinking of what he did on the fictional world. I mean, his hyung falling for him is embarrassing enough. It's not even true, or so he thinks.

He gets a taste of his cooking again. He nervously got up and tried to get some rice from the main plate – but Yesung was thinking the same thing. Their hands bumped into each other, sending sparks of electricity to Ryeowook's cheeks. Ryeowook's eyes widened at the contact. Even though this was a small thing, really, Ryeowook hasn't been thinking of his Yesung hyung the same way.

He's the first one to withdraw his hand. Yesung looked at him shyly.

"You go first," Yesung said, taking his hand back away.

"No, I mean, aren't you hungry? You get some for yourself first." Ryeowook insisted.

"Ah..." Yesung started, not knowing how to contradict.

Shindong's faint giggle could be heard, and Sungmin gave him a light punch on his arm.

Ryeowook sighed and got some for himself. "Fine,"

Ryeowook was annoyed. He didn't know why his hyung is acting like this. Usually, he can tell what Yesung is thinking,  but today... or maybe, Ryeowook had his facts wrong about what Yesung was thinking before.

"Ryeowook-ah..." Kyuhyun called out, startling the smaller boy.

Ryeowook raised his head to look at his dongsaeng. He just swallowed his food, and it tasted great.

"You've got..." Kyuhyun started, pointing at the side of his lips.

"Oh?" Ryeowook said, his own fingers going at the same spot Kyuhyun pointed out.

"No, it's on the other side." Kyuhyun said, looking at Ryeowook's lips.

"Really?" Ryeowook just said, his fingers drifting to the other side, but he can't just get that small grain of rice out of his mouth.

"Aish..." Kyuhyun leaned and wiped it for his hyung. Sometimes, Kyuhyun feels like he's older than him.

Shindong and Sungmin stared wide eyed at Kyuhyun. How could he... How could he do that in front of Yesung? Their eyes went to Yesung and saw that he just had a blank face as he just stared at his food. This is not good, not good at all.

"Ah, Kyuhyun-ah..." Sungmin tapped his roommate's arm, who was busy cleaning Ryeowook.

"What?" Kyuhyun asked, looking at Sungmin, whose eyes looking at Yesung. Kyuhyun's jaw dropped as he realized what he was doing. He was still looking at Sungmin as he dropped his arms on his sides. He can't look at Yesung. His glares can be deadly.

Ryeowook just stared at them, confused. What the heck is happening? He looked at Yesung and saw that he was really engrossed with his food.

"H-Hyung..." Ryeowook started, his annoyance replaced by worry.

"I'm... I'm going to the bathroom." Yesung said, standing up and went to the rest room's direction.

When Yesung was out of sight, Sungmin spanked Kyuhyun's arm. "Why did you have to do that?!"

"Ah!" Kyuhyun's jaw dropped at the pain he felt on his arm. Lee Sungmin's arm is very strong, he almost forgot.

"You are really dead," Sungmin said, giving his roommate a glare.

"Ah, why?" Kyuhyun demanded, rubbing his arm up and down. "Is he the only one that is close to Ryeowookie? Hyung, you're also close with Wook, aren't you?"

"But doing that in front of Yesung is kind of..." Shindong said, stopping to find the right word. "Wrong."

"It slipped my mind, okay?" Kyuhyun said, pouting. He looked at Ryeowook accusingly. "And you, haven't you figured it out yet?"

Ryeowook was startled. All of them looked at him as though he was an experiment in some laboratory.

"I... figure out... what?"

"Yesung hyungie," Kyuhyun said, imitating the way Ryeowook would call Yesung. "Likes you."

Ryeowook stared at Kyuhyun for a long time. It was Cho Kyuhyun he was speaking with... Kyuhyun, the prankster... the evil maknae

"Is it... is it true?" Ryeowook asked, nervous at the answer.

Kyuhyun just laughed like an idiot. Sungmin and Shindong looked at each other and shook their heads.

"No! Were you expecting a yes?" Kyuhyun said, laughing. He stood up and held the back of his chair to balance himself from falling.

"Ah..." Ryeowook said, making a soft chuckle. What was he expecting? As always, Kyuhyun could read his thoughts every time.

"Sorry," Kyuhyun said, hugging his best friend from behind. He probably sensed the changed on Ryeowook's mood. Ryeowook was expecting a yes, and it downed him with hearing a no. "It was fun teasing you. You know that I love to tease you."

"Ah, this bastard…” Sungmin muttered. "Ryeowook is mine, Kyu. Don’t even think of stealing him from me."

Kyuhyun stuck his tongue out at his hyung. He pulled away from Ryeowook and messed up his hair. "I haven't been doing this to you for a long time."

"Are you older than me? Why are you speaking like you're older than me?" Ryeowook asked, turning around to face Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun just shrugged, and laughed. "We have something to talk about. Later."

Ryeowook looked confused but agreed. "Okay,"

Tbh, haha, Kyuhyun isn't supposed to be here. But I realized he's going to be important. Haha. As wook's best friend. This is not a kyuwook story, I swear to Fr. Siwon's abs. And i don't know if I'll make this kyumin -____- i mean, i'm not a fan, and... I'm a hardcore kyuwook stan. And writing a kyumin is maybe... Well maybe it will ruin my… mood xD lmfao

And… SJ’s good bye stage :’( I’ll miss them cries hope they come to Manila for SS4

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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 2: Interesting~~~
Chapter 4: .aaaaaahhhh.sweeeetness,overload..i really.wish this will.happen.to.them.in.real life!
Chapter 1: .the last part is really funny.haha.
Cute story~~ ^_^ lol is a virus puahahahahaha XD more Yewook fanfics pleasee~ thanks author-nim! ^_^
Chapter 1: LMAO on the ufo reply
This was NOT a fail story. I loved it!!!
MidnightDreamer #7
Your story is good. I hope you write more Yewook.
Yewook forever! <3 .... Now I crave Kyuwook XD Evil author XD
chiibiiluna #9
eunwook friendship!!!! kyaaaaa!!!!!