Just Fictional? - Chapter 3

Just Fictional?

Yesung grudgingly went inside the bathroom. Really, though, he excused himself to the bathroom to actually pee. He also didn't like the atmosphere at the dining room – and more than anything, Kyuhyun was being the jerk that he is.

His floor-mates sense something about his real feelings for Ryeowook, alright. They all the time, and they always joke about it, but they really don’t take it seriously. They just shrug it off, and know that it can never be real  they just use it so that they will have something to joke with their hyung. They don’t know that it’s true – that Yesung has real feelings for the eternal maknae. Only Hyukjae knows. Only Hyukjae can see past through his thoughts, and being roommates for a long time helps.

After he did what he has to do at the bathroom, he stopped in front of the mirror and checked himself out. It's true. Kyuhyun is more handsome than him, manlier than him, and definitely cooler than him. He was just a weird turtle lover that everyone admires because of his singing. He sighed. Kyuhyun is also levelling with him in terms of singing. So... just what can he do to top Kyuhyun off? Kyuhyun has everything, even the friendship that Yesung wants to have with Ryeowook, friendship that can extend to something more...


"So..." Kyuhyun started, as he lay down with a big plop on Ryeowook's bed. He rolled and clung on Ryeowook's hotdog pillow like a koala.

"So... so what?" Ryeowook asked, sitting at the edge of his bed. Kyuhyun pushed the left side of Ryeowook's head with his foot, as he laughed.

"Hey!" Ryeowook exclaimed, rubbing the spot where Kyuhyun hit.

"I miss being this close to you." Kyuhyun said, observing Ryeowook carefully. He turned over so that his chest is pressed on the bed. "I haven't been updated with your thoughts for a while. What's up?"

"Nothing's up." Ryeowook denied, looking away.

"Are you forgetting that I can totally read your thoughts?" Kyuhyun said, acting hurt. "How could you think of me that way?"

"No!" Ryeowook shot a look at the maknae who was dorkily lying beside him. "It's not that... It's just..."

Kyuhyun didn't say anything but waited for Ryeowook's answer. He wanted to help the smaller guy, really. Other than the fact that Ryeowook was the first one to view Kyuhyun as a human when he first met Super Junior, Ryeowook is his best friend  and it would stay like that forever. Despite their contrasting attitudes, one finds the other good company and they understand each other so well that they are practically like the same person.

Ryeowook knows this too; Kyuhyun has been his confidant for years now, and the latter can literally read his thoughts, even the deepest ones. Ryeowook can never escape his questions  questions like what was happening right now.

"It's..." Ryeowook started, shyly looking away from Kyuhyun. "It's Yesung hyung,"

"Mmm, what about him?" Kyuhyun asked.

"He's acting weird lately..." Ryeowook answered, having second thoughts if he should really tell Kyuhyun or not. "It's strange..."

"He's weird ever since he was born," Kyuhyun said, turning around from Ryeowook. "And I thought it was something interesting"

"I'm serious!" Ryeowook said, grabbing Kyuhyun's shoulders so that he would look at him. "He's been acting strange this morning! Haven't you noticed?"

"He's been like that all these time..." Kyuhyun said, finally sitting upright beside Ryeowook. "What kind of strange are you talking about, anyway?"

"Like... he's awkward around me, and... he's never been awkward around me." Ryeowook justified, scratching his head.

"He's always been awkward around you." Kyuhyun said. "Haven't you noticed that?"

"He is? But he's totally comfortable when we're together before!" Ryeowook answered.

"Do you really think that way?" Kyuhyun observed the guy beside him. "You're the strange one. How come you're only noticing things like these now?"

Ryeowook looked startled at the question, for he knew the answer himself. He… He read a fanfic, and that triggered his senses when he’s around Yesung. A fanfic is just a fanfic, so why… Why is he affected by it? So that means, if he reads a Kyuwook fanfic, his view on Kyuhyun will also change? Maybe he should try. After all, his life is already ruined by that fanfic that he read. He shouldn’t have read it in the first place. But Hyukkie hyung…

“What are you thinking?” Kyuhyun disrupted his thoughts as he sighed. “Okay, that settles it. Something definitely happened to you. I can tell.”

“You can always tell…” Ryeowook murmured, but didn’t show his annoyance to the younger boy. How can he experience living life in privacy if there is someone besides his parents that knows him more than himself?

"It's because Ryeowookie read a fanfic." Hyukjae suddenly appeared from the door, grinning as he entered. He sat on Leeteuk's bed a while after.

"Hyung!" Ryeowook exclaimed, startled by his sudden appearance. "Hyung, what are you doing here?"

"Shall I just go, then?" Hyukjae asked, but he laughed. "No one was downstairs, so I decided to come up, and I realized that all of you are actually here. I decided to look for you, and... here I am."

"Don't you have a schedule?" Kyuhyun asked.

Hyukjae just shrugged, as he fixed his yellow hair, bored.  "Got cancelled."

"I see..." Kyuhyun nodded. "But wait, he read what?"

"A fanfic," Hyukjae smiled wryly at Ryeowook's direction. "He read a Yewook fanfic."

"You what?!" Kyuhyun asked, his eyes widening at Ryeowook. "That... That explains it, then."

"It's my fault, actually." Hyukjae said, laughing. "And I'm tired seeing Yesung desperately making you love him."

"What are you talking about?" Ryeowook shyly said.

"To be frank with you," Hyukjae said, his face getting serious. "Yesung has feelings for you, dummy. He's suffering from unrequited love, that's what. I pity him every time I see him, and that's every day. I can't help it. I’m not sure though, since when he has been like this. But I’m sure it has been a long time already."

Ryeowook just stared at his hyung. Yesung hyung really has feelings for him...? But... Yesung hyung… He has known Ryeowook for years now, and he took care of Ryeowook like an older brother would. Ryeowook never had a sibling, so he enjoyed his hyung’s company. But… He never knew that…

"Really?" Kyuhyun said, amazed. "I didn't... I didn't know. But what I do know is..."

Ryeowook and Hyukjae waited for Kyuhyun’s continuation of his sentence with anticipation.  Ryeowook's heart was beating fast by the minute. He can't... He can't possibly see through Ryeowook that deep, right? He can’t possibly know that…

"Ryeowook is starting to have feelings for hyung, too."

Kyuhyun... Kyuhyun knows too much.


Super Junior arrived in front of the KBS building, to film their last performance for their latest song, A-Cha. Fans were screaming upon their arrival, as the boys hurriedly walked towards the inside of the building.

At the dressing room, Ryeowook was hanging out with Hyukjae at the couch. The others were too busy with the makeup to notice the two. Hyukjae was finished, and so is Ryeowook. Hyukjae was playing with Ryeowook's fingers while humming Andante.

"Your fingers are really slim." Hyukjae complained, stopping at the middle of the song. "You're not eating much, are you?"

"I'm busy preparing your dinner," Ryeowook said, as he sighed. "Why are you getting intimate with me? Donghae would see us."

"Donghae and I aren't even dating, why would he be jealous?" Hyukjae countered, smirking. "And are you getting uncomfortable with me? Why? Have you been reading Eunwook fanfiction?"

"I don't mean it that way!" Ryeowook hurriedly said, his cheeks turning a faint shade of red. "And what is Eunwook?"

"Think, Wookie. What is Eunwook?" Hyukjae cooed, intertwining his fingers with the younger guy.

"Eun..." Ryeowook thought out loud, not realizing that his hand was already being harassed by his hyung."Eunhyuk... And Ryeowook?!"

"It's our couple name, Wookie." Hyukjae winked at him.

"No! Not you too!" Ryeowook exclaimed in protest, trying desperately to remove his hyung's hand off his.

"Hyukkie, your mom congratulated me on the phone today!" Donghae suddenly appeared on the side, skipping happily. His smile disappeared when he saw the two. "Oh, I mean, am I interrupting something?"

Hyukjae immediately removed his hand on Ryeowook's, his eyes widened at Donghae's surprise appearance. "No, you're not, we're just playing."

"Oh..." Donghae bowed his head down, his hand scratching the back of his head. "Uh... Then I'll just go"

"No, wait, wait," Hyukjae stood up, going to Donghae's side. "What were you saying? My mom called?"

"Yeah, she told me congratulations for the comeback and good luck!" Donghae started to smile again, the picture of Hyukjae and Ryeowook out of his head.

"Umma really cares for you a lot~" Hyukjae commented, smiling back at his best friend.

"Donghae-ah," Yesung appeared out of nowhere, wrapping his arms around Donghae. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, hyung!" Donghae turned to look at his hyung and smiled brightly like a six year old.

Hyukjae's smile vanished this time, his eyebrow rising up involuntarily.

"Manager hyung said that we must get ready," Yesung told Donghae, giving a sideways look at Ryeowook, who was eyeing them carefully.

"Is that so? Then let's go!" Donghae turned and headed to the other part of the room, leaving Yesung, Hyukjae and Ryeowook alone.

"What was that?" Hyukjae asked, glaring at Yesung.

Yesung just shrugged like it was not a big deal. "Revenge?"

"That was over the line!" Hyukjae argued, his face flustered with anger. "Skinship is not allowed! I don't even do skinship with Wookie! What is wrong with you?!"

Yesung pursed his lips in annoyance. His roommate is a jealous bastard, that's what he is. He looked at Ryeowook who was just observing their fight.

"Ryeowook-ah, are you ready for our performance?" Yesung asked, smiling gently. He wants to change the topic of the argument, fast.

"Huh?" Ryeowook asked, surprised that Yesung talked to him, since he's fighting with Hyukjae. "Ah... yes, hyung."

"Kim Jongwoon!" Hyukjae said, closing his eyes and rubbing his forehead.

"Hey, if you're really mad, go tell Donghae already." Yesung said.

"I won't tell unless you tell Wookie!" Hyukjae said, raising his voice.

Yesung widened his eyes as he stared at Hyukjae. Did he just say that when Ryeowook is there?

"Tell what?" Ryeowook muttered, causing the two guys to look at him.

"Guys, get ready, we'll be up next." Leeteuk appeared suddenly, saving the panicking Yesung.

"Yes, hyung," Hyukjae said, going up to their leader.

Ryeowook stood up slowly, easing the tense atmosphere.

"Oh, right, guys, remember," Leeteuk turned to Yesung and Ryeowook. "Remember, fan service during the awarding or anytime even though we’re not winning today – if the camera is directed to you."

The two guys looked at each other awkwardly.

"You two look good together." Leeteuk smirked, teasing the two, and went to go out of the room. “No wonder you two have a pairing.”

Hyukjae, still on the room, looked at us, also smirking. "I didn't say anything. It's Leeteuk hyung now."

"Shut up, monkey." Yesung snapped. "I'm not even complaining."

"Because you admit it's true?" Hyukjae smiled one last time and hurriedly ran out of the room.

"Lee Hyukjae!" Yesung shouted angrily, his eyes closing in frustration after.

But then he heard Ryeowook chuckle beside him. He opened his eyes and looked at the happy boy.

"Ah, why are you also laughing?" Yesung asked, starting to smile too.

"You're cute when you're angry." Ryeowook grinned and went after Hyukjae.

Yesung was left bewildered at what Ryeowook said. His cheeks began to feel hot as he gulped in the process. How will he be able to concentrate on fan servicing later? But anyway, all his fan services are not even fan service to him. He's just using the situation so that he can get close with his 'favourite' dongsaeng.

"Hyung, let's go." Ryeowook came back after a while, startling the blushing Yesung.

"Oh?" Yesung just stared wide-eyed at Ryeowook. "Okay."

"Aish, I just told you that you're cute, and you're being so flustered about it." Ryeowook commented, laughing. "Let's go."

"I-I... I'm not being..." Yesung tried to defend himself but failed.

"It's okay," Ryeowook said, smiling. "But we should really hurry up."

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1727 streak #1
Chapter 4: I can imagine all of them bet for the moment of Yewook's confession XD A pity mother hen Heechul missed that moment. I'm happy for the cute couple. The ending was sweet to read. Thank you for keeping this story all the years. It was a joy to read ❤️
1727 streak #2
Chapter 3: Yewook are so cute, I can't ❤️ But how comes that everyone knows but only these two didn't realized a thing. Gosh, the members should lock them together for a couple of days XD
Thank you for sharing another chapter ❤️
1727 streak #3
Chapter 2: I don't understand if Kyu did all this on purpose or was he just clumsy. Clumsy in an evil way, it's Kyuhyun after all. And while others are afraid of Yeye's death glares, I think this Yesung can be really y. Maybe Wookie agrees ^^
Thank you for writing ❤️
1727 streak #4
Chapter 1: Awww, silly Hyuk. But Wookie is so cute and adorable. Yewook definitely need help. They're the sweetest. Thank you for this ❤️
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 2: Interesting~~~
Chapter 4: .aaaaaahhhh.sweeeetness,overload..i really.wish this will.happen.to.them.in.real life!
Chapter 1: .the last part is really funny.haha.
Cute story~~ ^_^ lol is a virus puahahahahaha XD more Yewook fanfics pleasee~ thanks author-nim! ^_^
Chapter 1: LMAO on the ufo reply
This was NOT a fail story. I loved it!!!