At School

The Angel Time

The class was a little noisy but even when the teacher get into the class. Only after the teacher talk they became quiet.


all right, sit down. Let me introduce a new transfer student”, the teacher then let someone into the classroom.


At first, yunho really didn’t care who is it but then he heard a familiar voice and turned to see the owner.

hi! I’m Jung Jaejoong, jung yunho’s cousin”, he said with a wide smile.


Yunho widen his eyes, couldn’t believe that jaejoong did this, “what? And when did his surname become Jung?”, uttered him low.


Feeling ashamed, yunho lowering his head and trying so that jaejoong wouldn’t notice him. But it’s impossible of course. Jaejoong found him almost immediately.


ah! Yunho!”, jaejoong run to yunho and cling to him, almost hugging with overly familiar manner. “i never thought we’d be in the same class! So lucky!”


The students in the class chattering when they saw jaejoong odd behaviour. They thought it was weird when two guys huggin with such enthusiasm. Jaejoong still hugging yunho and sometimes brush his shoulder, making yunho had to hold back his temper.


i haven’t seen you since this morning”, said jaejoong cheerful


hey, stop hugging me, will you?”, yunho said annoyed when he felt the student start chattering about their weird situation again. But jaejoong paid no attention to that.


you...cut it out already!”, yunho snap and grab jaejoong shoulder to push him away


eh?? Why??”, jaejoong pouting and puffing his cheeks.


don’t give me that ‘eh?’!”


And the rest of the class began to chattering so loud, forgetting the fact that the teacher still there. And finally the teacher snap


you two, quiet down! New transfer, hurry up and sit down!”, he shout


roger”, jaejoong went to his chair and sit there quietly. Again, suddenly he feel his body trembling and he was out of breath but he held it so that other people won’t notice.


Now, i’ll also be able to see him in school and stay by yunho’s side..




As soon as the bell break rang, yunho drag jaejoong to the backyard


you! Why did you come to school? Shouldn’t you be looking for your halo?”


eehhh?? Why not? Call it a sociological study. Besides, i think i dropped my halo around here”, said jaejoong. besides, i don’t want to leave you even for a moment


geez, stop messing around already”


well, i’m a human now”


oh, that reminds me...what happened to your wings?”, ask yunho when he saw that jaejoong don’t have them in his back.


hm, i retracted them. Do you want to see?”


Jaejoong turn his back to yunho and then he make his wings appear on top of his clothes and then retract them again. No evidence when gone, either


see that?”


i see. That’s convenient. But if you can do that, why can’t you find your halo?”


hehehe, jealous? That’s my strong point”, jaejoong grinning as if he didn’t hear yunho question. And keep grinning until yunho find it weird.


what? What a gross smile you show”


could it be.. that you’re worried about me?”


huh? What are you saying..?”


geez, yunho, you’re so nice!”, jaejoong come close and hugging yunho again, squeeze him with his body

ugh, again!! I said...stop hugging me!”, yunho immediately push him away.


hahaha, sorry...sorry..”


geez.. you’re such a weird guy”, said yunho turning back to return to his class.


don’t say that”, reply jaejoong squeezing his chest. It happened again. He felt suffocate but he won’t let yunho see his condition.


yunho!”, called jaejoong


...”, yunho didn’t answer and pretend not to hear that


Hey, yunho! HEY!!!”




honestly, don’t be so mean! Geez..”


Yunho turn his face away, “tsk, you’re so annoying..”


come on, yunho. show me around the school”


i said you’re annoying. Stop bothering me!”


Jaejoong pouting, “fine, i see how it is. You don’t care if i get lost”


lost? What are you, a child?”


then, there’ll be announcement saying Jung yunho, please pick up the lost jaejoong and then everyone will think you’re my guardian and get the wrong impression and rumors might spread about you keeping an angel around your house then i’ll make a big ruckus and then...”, jaejoong keep rambling nonstop making yunho felt as if he being cornered.


ugh, fine, i get it. I’ll go with you”


yay”, jaejoong jump in happiness. They start walking around the school together with a sulking yunho and cheerful jaejoong.


wow, humans school are very interesting”, said jaejoong when they already saw many club activities in school. “they teach more about what we might need to know in the future. In heavens teaching about more practical things such as how was the way about taking a human soul. We must do it kindly and with the dignity of an angel. But it still as lively here as in heavens”


geez, i get it stop gawking like a child. Let’s just go back, alright?”


no way, i’m not going back, i...ah!”


Jaejoong didn’t see where he go and slip his feet at the stairs until he ready to fall.


watch out!” , Yunho trying to reach out his hand and grab him but because he kind of lost his balance and getting wobble, both of them truly gonna fall.


Right at that time, jaejoong hug yunho very tightly and extracted his wings so as to prevent them from falling and keep both of them steady.


you..., geez, scaring me like that”


Even after they stance getting steady, jaejoong still didn’t let go his hands from yunho body. He didn’t drift away until yunho call him repeatedly.


hey, kim jaejoong!”


Jaejoong snap back to reality. He recover from his shock immediately and flinch away.


so..sorry..i’ll be more careful from now on”, he gave his best charming smile which enticing Yunho for a moment before the later turn his eyes away from embarrassment.

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Omg omg omg yunjae!!!
joongie .... make yunnie fall in love with you. stay with him until you disappear okay.. i almost crying listen to what joongie heart say.~ he love yunnie too much.. and yoochun.. please protect their love~<br />
<br />
my author~ hehehehe, thank you for the nice story, keep on, ne!
lizaliza #3
nice chaps dear!!!thank u for updating!!!
SoLiveMe #4
I read the foreword and i think it's interesting.<br />
Ahh, i'm really curious :)
Erikaoi #5
Update soon.