Whut's Poppin'

Perfectly Imperfect

30,000 feet in the air maybe, I don’t know, I’m not good with height and stuff, all I know is that I’m on my way to Korea, Seoul to be exact. I've already stopped at Japan and I’m now on the second plane going to Korea


My dad drove me to the airport btw, no words were spoken, and he hugged me before I left and said “I know it’s going to be hard for you but keep fighting ok? You’ve got to be strong, and don’t be such a pushover, I love you”

Remembering his words brought tears to my eyes, I miss him already, and with that I pulled my blanket up to my neck and drifted off to sleep dreaming about Seoul.

I woke up and blinked a few times, expecting to wake up in my bed and be surrounded by warmth, instead I was greeted by a flight attendant shaking me and saying I have to get off the plane. I sluggishly grabbed my hand luggage and headed for the exit. I was still half asleep and had my eyes half closed need more sleep….more sleep…more sleep.

I’m not sure how I managed to get my luggage but I did, what a miracle, and I headed out of the airport. As soon as I stepped out it hit me, I’m in Korea. A smile stretched across my face as I took in all of my surroundings, wow even the air is different

I spent my first couple of minutes staring at thing with my mouth open and smiling until I remember that I have to get to my apartment. I got into a taxi and told him the address.

“Do you know where the Seoul Apartments are?” Oh wait, I'm speaking English, I should-

“Neh Neh, I take you deh?” the driver spoke in English but with a strong acent, it was hard to understand him

“Yes please, thank you”

I drifted off to sleep in the back of the taxi, not the best idea I’ve had but oh well, the driver woke me up when we arrived outside my apartment. I gave him the money and he helped me get my luggage out of the boot then he drove off. Everything is so heavy *sigh* they should have people the help weak girls like me,I mean not weak but-


 Something hit me, my bag flew in the air and I fell on the floor, ouch

What the hell..

I looked up at the thing or person that hit me. A Korea boy with black hair, oh yeah im in Korea, his skin was pale and he have the cutest face ever, kind of looked like a bunny

“Sorry I-“ I spoke in Korea, obviously


Did I say he was a cute bunny? Forget that, more like a demon ferret with something stuck in his throat, I was only apologising to be nice, if anyone should be apologising it should be you. I ignored his rant about how coffee should be respected and how precious his face is and focused my attention to the man walking behind him. He looked fierce and mean, I was kind of intimidated, but only for a second. He whispered something to the demon screaming at me which turned his screaming into mumbles and held out his hand to help me up.

“Umm….Whuts Pappin’?”

Oh, wow, that voice, I mean, wow, I’m in love, his English was kind of slurred but that voice, so deep and, well, oh he probably thinks I can’t speak Korean.

“Thank you” I took his hand and replied in Korean, his hand was so soft I didn’t want to let go.

“Oh you speak Korea? That makes things easier, sorry about Himchan, he just woke up and hasn’t had any coffee” The demon ferret scoffed behind him when hearing his name.

“That’s alright, it was partly my fault too” my heart was beating, fast, i could feel my cheeks burning and I realised that I was still holding his hand so I pulled it away and he chuckled, cute.

“Where are you going anyway? A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be walking around alone.”

He's so smooth, he must be and angel or something. He waved his hands infront of me, dammit I spaced out

“Sorry, I just moved into this apartment and I was about to take my luggage up, I’m Sarah by the way”

“Bang Yong Guk, nice to meet you, they look heavy, do you need a hand?”

“Yes please, thank you” I smiled from ear to ear and Yong Guk chuckled, Himchan just watched, he was obviously not helping so I decided to ignore him.

We finished carrying the last of my things to my apartment, I was sad, I had to say goodbye to my angel *sigh*


Kim Himchan, the man who ruined my final momonets with Mr. Angel, this is war.

“Alright alright I’m coming”, he put down the last of my things and turned to face me “it was nice meeting you Sarah, I hope you enjoy your stay in Korea and …um…I hope I get to see you again” he looked away but i noticed a hint of pink showing on his cheeks, so cute, all I could do was wish him luck and thank him for his help, I wanted to get his phone number or something but dammit im so shy. I waited for the elevator with him until he got in and left. A part of me was sad, the first person I met, an angel, had to leave so soon, but at the same time I was excited because I got to decorate my new house.

I woke up on the floor covered in clothes, what happened? I moved to Korea, unpacked and..i was looking for my uniform because, um I start school tomorrow? I checked my phone hoping to get a missed call from my dad but nothing, then I notice the time and date I SLEPT FOR 16, HOURS HOW?! I pulled out my uniform, ironed it, dug through a pile of clothes to find a pair of black knee high socks and put on some black Vans. I didn’t know what to do with my hair so I tied it in pigtails, childish for a 17 year old but oh well. It’s 8:00, I have to be there in half an hour looks like Im gonna have to run.

Im excited, happy, nervous, yup that’s right, today is my first day of school.

So second chapter, Bang and Channie :D

i know i said they wouldnt be in the story until the third chapter but i decided to change it

most of the story is alredy written so the updates will be fast

pls suscribe and comment, it gives me the strength to carry on, hahaha

and if you have any sugestions then tell me ok?~~~

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