I won't count today as my fifth day because I start to give up. I don't know what else I can do to make her agree and I cant focus on proposing her today because I have a basketball competition-of course with my hyungs.


From the beginning of the competition,everything flow like a breeze. Both team put out full spirit for this competition. The competition will over in another few minutes and now we are draw.


To save this team,we must gain this final point. Luckily,I have the chance. I manage to grab the ball from them and start making my way to score goal. Just with slightly release myself from been stop by them, I made a slam dunk for the last point. I know,we won!


But right on the moment I score the goal,someone push me real hard and cause me to fall down and split my right leg. No words,its hurts!


My hyungs start to attack the other team when they saw what had happen to me..gosh! They care so much about me. Thank God, the teachers manage to stop them from fighting and I was brought to the school clinic.


They bandaged my leg, leg looks hideous. I just lay on the bed while waiting for my parents to come and take me home when someone get inside this room. I can't see who was that as my sight is covered with a wall.


I'm speechless once I see who's coming towards me-Sophia.I turn myself to look at other side. She realize that but also said nothing. Then she stand in front of me and start the conversation.


"Are you okay?",she ask.


"As you can see...I think I'm fine..",now its my turn,coldly.


"Does it hurt? can you walk properly?",what a question?


"No,it doesn't hurt at all and I'm not just can walk properly,I can even sprints.",


"Are you mad of me?",


"No,not at all...",


"Comon,I know you do...why you want to go there with me so bad?",


"Sophia-ah,can't you see? Its obvious that I like you since the first year we are here...but you never,..even to take a glance at me...I really want to go there with you as this might be the last time I will see you...I just asking you this...can't you give me a chance? I'm asking for just one day...just one day from it so hard?", I let it all out.


"I don't know...please take care of yourself...I'm going,bye...",


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