

Amber’s POV

The bell rings and everybody just suddenly ran out of the classroom. I guess some people are just too excited for the weekend. I take my time packing all of my things to make sure that I don’t leave anything. I was about to walk out of the classroom and enjoy the start of my weekend, when the teacher stopped me.

“Hey Amber. Do you mind bringing these boxes to the storage room and organizing them on the shelves for me? I’ll give you extra credit.” The teacher gave me a smile. Hell, I need those extra credit points. “Um yeah, sure. I don’t mind.” I went over to the desk and started picking up the boxes. Thank God for all those long hours spent in the gym working out.

“Thanks so much Amber. Remind me to give you the extra credit when we come back from the weekend okay?” She picked up her purse and grabbed her car keys from the desk. “Will do. Have a great day!” I said to her with a big smile on my face. I know what you’re all thinking. No, I am not a teacher’s pet…okay, maybe just a little.

I started walking towards the school’s huge storage closet. God knows what’s in there. I put the boxes down on the ground and open the big metal door. I held the door open with my right hand while using my right foot to kick the stack of boxes into the closet. I open the first box and start organizing all the books inside on the shelf.

Three boxes and ninety five books later, I’m finally finished. I’m pretty sure my arms are gonna feel like jelly later. But hey, I got extra credit because of it. Who am I to complain?

I fish my phone out of my pocket and check what time it is. 4:47 PM. Wow, time went by fast. I walk out of the gigantic storage closet or should I say the gigantic dungeon of crap, and start heading towards the front gates of the school. I unconsciously start whistling while walking, a habit that I would often do.

I reached the outside of the school and noticed that the sky was grey and it was cloudy. A couple of seconds later, I felt a drop of water hit my right cheek. It’s only gonna be a little drizzle I say to myself. I can walk home just fine. However, a loud boom of thunder came and I literally shat my pants. Then, rain just started pouring out of the sky. It really felt like hail, that’s how hard the rain was pouring down.

Great, just freaking great. Now I’m definitely going to get home late. This is like the best way to start my weekend. I was being sarcastic if you didn’t catch that.

I tried pulling open the front doors of the school, but it was no use. The doors were already locked. I looked around to try and find a place I can take shelter in. And the closest thing to it was the library. The library closes early on Fridays, so I can’t go in. But the front steps of the library is sheltered from the rain because of the huge roof that sits atop of the building. I quickly make my way over to the library while covering the top of my head with my book bag.

I get to the front steps of the library and sit down on the third step from the top. I put my book bag down next to me and my shoes and pants are drenched, but my hoodie was bearable. I was so busy paying attention to how wet my clothes were that I didn’t notice somebody was sitting next to me. It was a girl. I can tell because of her petite frame…and she was wearing a skirt. I mean it could be a guy wearing a skirt…I don’t judge.

She had her jacket covering the top of her head and that covered her face as well. I purposely cleared my throat and she jumped a little. She grabbed her jacket from the top of her head and turned her face towards me.

It was Krystal.

Out of anybody that I could’ve been stuck in the rain with, it had to be her. The girl who absolutely hates my guts but doesn’t fail to attract me. It’s Krystal that I’m stuck in the rain with. I don’t know if I should be happy or scared for my life. Is it possible to feel both?

I turned away from her and started playing with the keychain on the zipper of my book bag. I was contemplating whether I should say something or not, but chose not to because I didn’t want to bother her and end up dead or missing. Neither one of us chose to say anything, so we just sat there in awkward silence.

A couple of minutes later, but what felt like forever, she let out a deep sigh. “I hate the rain.” She said shortly while looking up at the sky. Wait, is she talking to me? I mean who else could she be talking to?

“Are you gonna say something back? Or should we just sit in silence?” She asked in annoyed tone. “Um yeah, me too.” I said while looking at her. Wow, she looks pretty today. I muster up all of the courage I had and asked her any question that popped up in my mind

“What’s your favorite fruit?” What.The.Hell. That’s the question that pops up in your mind Amber? Really? I turned my head towards her and she has that same empty expression on her face. But two seconds later, her lips curve up into a smile. ”Mangoes. They taste so, so, so good.” I let out a small chuckle at her answer and she started blushing.

And that was the beginning of a heavenly conversation.

We’ve been talking for like an hour and a half now. It was still raining but it wasn’t pouring like before. I’m pretty sure the rain is gonna disappear in about fifteen minutes. That means I only have fifteen minutes left to talk to Krystal.

We talked about pretty much everything. Favorite number, animal, sport, TV show. Everything. I noticed that she asked a lot of questions about my family, but when I ask her the same things, she changes the subject and starts talking about something else. It was weird but I didn’t give it much thought.

"If you could have one superpower, what would it be?" She said while looking at something in the distance. Honestly, I didn't even have to think about it. I already knew what my answer was going to be.

"Easy, the power to make you fall in love with me." She turned her head so fast, I thought her head was going to fall off.

 “Why?” She asked with a confused look on her face. “Maybe because I think I’m in love with you.” I blurted out without a second thought. And when I realized that I said that out loud, I immediately covered my mouth with my hands. was wide open, jaw on the floor. Then something suddenly flashed in her eyes that I couldn’t recognize.

“Stop playing with me Amber. I don’t believe you. No. I can’t believe you. I just can’t.” She started breathing really heavily and she stood up, swinging her bag over her shoulder. She started running down the steps, trying to get away from me. I chased her and grabbed her by the wrist to stop her. She looks at me with teary eyes and pulls her wrist away. She runs away and I just stood still, rooted to the ground. After a few seconds, I snap out of my trance and start walking back to the steps of the library. I sit down next to my book bag, replaying the events that just happened in my head.

Things were going so great between us. I thought we were gonna finally become friends. But my stupid self just had to ruin it. What I don’t get though, was what she said last.

I can’t believe you. I just can’t. Those two lines just keeps replaying like a broken tape in my mind.

Why can’t she believe me?

Hey guys! Thanks so much for 64 subscribers and 1000 views That's crazy!! You guys are perfect!

I also have a little story to share with you all. In my school, we have to read a book for fifeen minutes every day. I didn't have a book with me one day so I asked my teacher if I could borrow one of her books and she said yes. She grabbed a random book from the shelf and handed it to me. I almost screamed with joy when I saw what book it was. It was Tuesdays with Morrie AKA Kryber's book. What a coincidence! I just felt like sharing that with you guys.

 But let me know what you guys think and I'll see you all soon :)

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Chapter 14: *serious clapping* Bravo Amber; getting those two to talk. Now I need an update about their conversation!!! THANK YOU!!! How about doing it with Amber as a moderator. It ends in a screaming fest from Krystal and she bolts!! Amber chases her, with Jessica hot on her heels, and ALMOST gets hit by a car running in the street after her, only to fall and hit her head; knocking her unconscious, bringing Krystal and Jessica together in trying to help heal Amber??
Chapter 14: Make the two sister fall for amber
Chapter 14: I want ramyun!!!
Chapter 13: okay *laffing*, I'm sorry Amber babe, but Krystal was right. you would have received a lamp to the head at best, a bullet to the chest at worst (I am armed and live alone, ya know!) if you had "broken into my house. you saw the window open, you should have sang out and let her know that it was just you, BUT it gave her a chance to care for you, so thanks for taking "one for the team...TEAM KRYBER!!! we love when she takes care of YOU for once!!!
TTheGrimReaper #5
Chapter 14: Poor Krystal. :( It's a good thing that Amber's there for her. Ooh I can sense Jessber in this fic. Hmm. I hope the sisters reunite soon. Thank you for the fic! :D Update soon! :D
Chapter 14: After watching the show "Jessica and Krystal" on MNET (shameful plug for the only....and I do mean THE ONLY channel I watch) I know those girls are very close. I love their relationship!!
Chapter 14: YAY!!! Amber can play "matchmaker" with the sisters!!!!! I like the way this is sounding, but something tells me there is a heart wrenching twist to this. Okay, I "bite".... BRING IT ON!!!! Update please and thank you!!!
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 14: Happy to see this update. Hope Jungsis is okay. I love them.
chapter 14 : get well soon should drink some medicine.