

Amber's POV

“Jessica. Jessica Jung”

Well, damn.

Before I could say anything, my mom walks down the stairs with a folder of files in hand. “Oh Jessica, you’re here. How are you?”

“I’m fine Mrs. Liu. How about you?” Jessica gives her a warm smile. “Me too Jessica. Just a little friendly tip, don’t ever have kids.” Mom says jokingly. Ouch, that hurt.

“Hey! I’m standing right here you know.” I exclaimed. My mom turns to me and sticks her tongue out. “Oh honey, you know I’m just joking. You’re my favorite child”

“I’m your only child mom.” I stated in my matter-of-fact tone. I can hear Jessica snort at my statement. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m gonna need you to scram to your room though. Jessica and I have important matters to tend to.” She says while taking a seat next to Jessica.

“Have fun guys.” I say sarcastically as I run up the stairs. I walk into my room and slam the door shut. Crap, I shouldn’t have done that. Mom gets mad over little things like that, but now is not the time to be talking about that.

There’s no way that the Jessica downstairs is Krystal’s sister. I mean what are the odds? Out of the millions of people living in Korea, what are the chances that Krystal’s sister is downstairs talking to my mom?

“Her name was Jessica. She loved to sing and design clothes. That’s it.”

My mom works for a big fashion company here in Korea. The company has other branches in New York, Paris, Tokyo, London… and other places like that. She’s the director of the branch here in Korea and she travels all around the world for the fashion shows and the fashion week stuff or whatever. I was never really interested in her work. I guess that’s why people call me a fashion terrorist.

And I guess it just might really be Krystal’s sister sitting downstairs in my house.

I hear someone knock on my door and I immediately get up to answer the door. I turn the knob and pull the door open.

“Hey Am. I’m gonna go pick your father up from work because his car is getting fixed at the moment. I’m gonna get food for all of us too. Jessica worked really hard today and it’s the least I can do to thank her.”

I look at the digital clock on the table next to my bed and it says 7:17 P.M. “Okay mom, no problem.” I was about to shut the door when my mom put her foot in the doorway before I could.

“I need you to keep Jessica company while I’m gone.” Oh hell no.

“Um no thanks mom.” I walk back to my bed and take a seat at the end. “I didn’t really give you the option to choose Amber. Plus, I’m only gonna be gone for like twenty minutes. Half an hour at the most.” My mom says as she gives me a pat on the shoulders.

“But mom. What am I gonna talk about with her?” I asked exasperatedly. I really don’t want to talk to her after what she did to Krystal. But I still need to make sure that she really is Krystal’s sister. My mom gives me a look that says ‘you better do what I say or you’re gonna get it’.

“Fine mom. Fine” I say while rolling my eyes. My mom just claps her hand together excitedly and walks out of my room to go downstairs. I can already tell this is going to be bad, but I need to do it. I need to know more about Jessica and Krystal.

I let out a deep sigh and head downstairs. I see mom grabbing the car keys off of the counter while Jessica is still sitting on the sofa like she was when she first came. My mom murmurs a barely audible goodbye as she walks out the door. I walk over to the sofa and take a seat next to Jessica.

“So how was the meeting?” I asked to start a conversation. Jessica turns to me while I wait for her response. “It was okay. There’s a lot of things happening in the company so the next few weeks is going to be hectic.”

“What made you want to work in the company?” I asked curiously. I look at her and see a surprised look on her face. “Um, I guess I’ve always been interested in fashion. It’s been one of my main hobbies and interests since I was younger.”

“Hmm, interesting. So tell me more about yourself Jessica.”

“Uh okay. My name is Jessica Jung. I’m twenty six. I was born in San Francisco but I moved to Korea with my family years later. And…that’s it. I guess.” I can tell that she’s hesitant to say anything more. However, I decided to push forward with my questions.

“Oh cool. Any siblings?” I asked simply and I can see that she freezes at my question. Her eyes shift from one spot to another, just like Krystal’s when she’s nervous.

“No. I was an only child.” She says so quietly that I just barely caught on to what she said.

“You know Jessica. I never pegged you to be a liar.” I said while shaking my head showing mock disappointment. She turns to me and shoots me a deadly glare. Yup. She’s definitely Krystal’s sister.

“What are you talking about Amber?” She asked in an annoyed tone.

“Hmm, I don’t know. Does the name Krystal ring a bell?” Jessica looks at me with disbelief, as if I just found her deepest and darkest secret, which I probably just did.

“I don’t know who that is.” She replies calmly after she regained her composure. “Wow. You make such a great actress. You could fool anybody else, but not me.” I said sarcastically. I decided to continue on after she didn’t say anything back.

“You left her. You left her when she needed you most. But you didn’t care, because you only thought about yourself. You broke her. Now because of you, she has trouble trusting people. Do you know how hard it was just to get her to talk to me? It took forever and I swear to you, it was probably the hardest thing I ever had to do in the eighteen years that I have been on this damn Earth. Krystal deserves love and compassion more than anybody else in this world, but she doesn’t believe it. And it’s all because of you!” I shouted at Jessica angrily.

I see a tear roll down her cheek and I know I should feel bad for making somebody cry, but not this time. She needs to hear the truth. Jessica lets out a broken sob and then covers with her hand right after. She stands up, grabs her stuff, and walks over to the front door. She turns back to look at me one more time, and I swore that I saw regret and guilt in her eyes. But it’s probably just me. She turns forward, opens the door, and walks out into the dark, cold night.

I plop down on the sofa and can’t help but wonder, what in the hell just happened? I rub my hands over my face before pulling at my hair and screaming in frustration. A few minutes later, mom and dad walk in with a box of pizza in hand.

“We’re home!” Mom shouts gleefully. Dad puts his briefcase down by the table and walks over to me to ruffle my hair. “Hey kiddo.” My dad says to me. Mom walks into the kitchen and sets the pizza down on the table. Then, she walks back into the living room and look around to find Jessica, I guess.

“Hey, where did Jessica go?” My mom asked confusedly.

“She went home. She wasn’t feeling that well.” I answered shortly.

Hey, it’s the truth.

That was intense! But anyways, thank you guys for reading, subscribing, voting, and commenting. It really means a lot to me. Let me know what you guys think and I'll see all of you beautiful people soon! :)

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Chapter 14: *serious clapping* Bravo Amber; getting those two to talk. Now I need an update about their conversation!!! THANK YOU!!! How about doing it with Amber as a moderator. It ends in a screaming fest from Krystal and she bolts!! Amber chases her, with Jessica hot on her heels, and ALMOST gets hit by a car running in the street after her, only to fall and hit her head; knocking her unconscious, bringing Krystal and Jessica together in trying to help heal Amber??
Chapter 14: Make the two sister fall for amber
Chapter 14: I want ramyun!!!
Chapter 13: okay *laffing*, I'm sorry Amber babe, but Krystal was right. you would have received a lamp to the head at best, a bullet to the chest at worst (I am armed and live alone, ya know!) if you had "broken into my house. you saw the window open, you should have sang out and let her know that it was just you, BUT it gave her a chance to care for you, so thanks for taking "one for the team...TEAM KRYBER!!! we love when she takes care of YOU for once!!!
TTheGrimReaper #5
Chapter 14: Poor Krystal. :( It's a good thing that Amber's there for her. Ooh I can sense Jessber in this fic. Hmm. I hope the sisters reunite soon. Thank you for the fic! :D Update soon! :D
Chapter 14: After watching the show "Jessica and Krystal" on MNET (shameful plug for the only....and I do mean THE ONLY channel I watch) I know those girls are very close. I love their relationship!!
Chapter 14: YAY!!! Amber can play "matchmaker" with the sisters!!!!! I like the way this is sounding, but something tells me there is a heart wrenching twist to this. Okay, I "bite".... BRING IT ON!!!! Update please and thank you!!!
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 14: Happy to see this update. Hope Jungsis is okay. I love them.
chapter 14 : get well soon should drink some medicine.