

Hey guys! I just felt like updating today. But this chapter is a little different from the ones before. It's kind of like (a summary of) all the previous chapters but in Krystal's point of view. So enjoy!

Krystal’s POV

Where is this bus? I’ve been waiting here for half an hour now. I really should’ve checked the bus schedule before I left the house. I think this old behind me is checking me out. I don’t blame him though. I am looking pretty hot today.

Is that it? That green piece of junk I see driving in the distance towards my bus stop. That must be it. The bus stops right in front of me and the door slowly opens, making this squeaky sound that makes me cringe. I get on the bus and look around for a seat because I don’t feel like standing up. I know I’m lazy. There’s only two left. One next to a guy who looks like he’s about to poop his pants, and one next to a boyish looking girl who’s actually kinda cute. Wait. Did I just say she was kinda cute?  Anyways, I walked to the back of the bus and sat in the seat next to her, because I’m not trying to sit next to a guy who’s about to blow.

I guess she was too busy looking at her phone because she didn’t notice that I was sitting next to her. However, a couple of seconds later, I felt someone’s eyes on me. I turn my head to the girl next to me and I saw that she was having a good old time checking me out. I cleared my throat and she turned her head away so fast, that I thought she was going to break her neck. She’s cute. Wait. Did I just say she was cute? Again? Krystal, are you feeling okay today?

I shrugged my own question off and noticed that my stop was next. When the bus arrived in front of the school, I pushed my way through the crowd of people standing in front of the door, and got off. I look at the building that’s in front of me, and it is huge. Great, my new school looks like freaking Hogwarts. I’m definitely gonna get lost.

I enter the school and make my way into the school office that was right at the front of the school. Thank God. The lady at the front desk hands me my schedule and sends me on my way. No map, nothing to help me navigate my way through this gigantic school. I look at my schedule and my first class is biology. I start walking through the school to try and find my class.

It’s been twenty minutes and I’m pretty sure I’ve been walking in circles. I turn left and see Room 240. Yes! This is my class. I open the door and enter the class, not even bothering to knock. Everybody’s eyes turns towards me and the teacher stops writing on the board and shoots me a glare. Who does this teacher think she is trying to glare at me? I shoot a glare right back at her.

“Who are you?” The teacher asked me. “My name is Krystal and I’m new here.” I said in my I-don’t-give-a-crap tone.

She said something about letting it slide or whatever, but I honestly wasn’t listening. She pointed at someone in the class and told me to sit behind them. I turn my head towards where she was pointing and I see her. That girl from the bus. She raises her hand to indicate that she is the one the teacher is pointing to. I made my way over to the desk behind her, hung my bag on the back of my chair, and sat down.

A few seconds later, the bus girl turn around and smiles at me. “Hi, I’m Amber. Nice to meet you Krystal.” She sticks her hand out for a handshake, but I just sat still. I was too busy staring at her face.

She retracts her hand and turns around to the front. I can hear her friends laughing quietly and snickering at her.

Amber. You’re weird. But interesting.

I guess it’s time for lunch. The bell rings signaling the end of the class. I take out my schedule to make sure that I have lunch and I do. I quickly put my schedule back in my bag and pack the rest of my things up. I exit the classroom and start walking towards the lunchroom. One of the teachers was nice enough to sketch a map and give it to me. She just saved my life.

Nobody has attempted to talk to me or befriend me after Amber. I guess they think I’m rude and y. Well, that’s what I heard people whispering about me. They at whispering. I’m pretty sure people from across the school can hear them. I haven’t had any classes with Amber after biology. Am I disappointed or relieved? I must be relieved. Right?

I enter the lunchroom and look around for empty seats, but all of the tables are occupied. I glance around for another quick second, and found an empty table next to the vending machine. I quickly walked over to the unoccupied table to make sure that I get there before anybody else. I placed my bag on top of the table and took my novel out. The school food looks so good that it looks like something from a five star restaurant. How can a public school have this kind food? I don’t have any money though, so I’ll just stare at other people eating their food and imagine that’s me. Kind of creepy, but whatever.

I was so immersed in my novel, that I didn’t notice somebody standing in front of my table. I take my eyes off the book and lift my head to look at the person who dared to interrupt my precious reading time. It’s her.

“U-u-uh hey there Krystal. I saw that you were sitting alone so I thought you would like somebody to sit with.” She says nervously while rubbing the back of her neck. Awe cute, she’s stuttering. I pretend not to care and go back to reading my book. “So, how was your first day so far?” I didn’t respond. “Hey, that’s my favorite book. I just finished it like a couple of weeks ago. My favorite part was when the daughter gives up her gold necklace to pay for her mom’s medical bills. What was yours?” I didn’t respond to that either. “Uh, do you want me to maybe show you around? Since you’re new and all? I can show you your classes and introduce you to all the…” I decided to mess with her, so I stood up and left without a word. It was supposed to be a joke, but I can’t help but feel bad for doing that.

I’m starting to act like my sister.

And that’s the one thing, I never, ever, want to do.

It’s been a week since I transferred now and she’s still trying to talk to me. I’m surprised she hasn’t given up yet. I mean I have been pretty mean to her. I just keep ignoring her.

But it feels nice. It feels good knowing that somebody is trying hard to talk to me.

Anyways, I’ve been working hard in school. It’s not every day that someone like me gets the opportunity to attend a prestigious public school like this. I’ve been getting perfect grades on my homework and tests, and I even heard that I beat out the number one girl in school and now I’m first place. Awesome. I just hope she isn’t butthurt about me beating her.

I was walking through the hallway, when the next thing I knew, I was thrown into the lockers. I grab my back in pain, when I see a group of three girls, cracking their knuckles with looks of fury in their faces. They started pulling at my hair and slapping me in the face, when I heard one of the girls scream, “Do you know who I am? What I can do? How dare you take my number one position? Why don’t you just leave? Nobody likes you.” I guess she was the girl that I beat. And yes, she’s butthurt about it.

But then, I felt somebody wrap their arms around me securing me into a hug, defending me from the attack. “What are you doing Amber? This is none of your business. It’s between me and that little piece of trash behind you.” Wait. Amber? Is she the one who’s hugging me right now? She has some strong arms, man.

“Well, it is my business when you start beating up and hurting one of my friends. You should leave Ivy, you don’t want the principal to find out you were beating up somebody. You can get expelled, maybe even arrested.” I heard Amber yell to the girls. I turn my head slightly and see them walking away. I also see that everybody is still crowding around the scene looking at Amber and I. I was waiting for her to release me, but even after several seconds, she still has her arms wrapped around me. It feels nice, I won’t lie. Oh my gosh Krystal, what are you saying?

She unwraps her arms from around me and takes a couple of steps back. I can’t help but feel…disappointed? “Are you okay? Hurt anywhere?” She asked me. I look up at her and there’s a look of concern visible in her face.

“I didn’t need your help.” You’re so stupid Krystal. She just saved your and this is what you say. I walk away from her, mentally beating myself up for being so mean and ungrateful.

So stupid.

I see her walking into class, greeting all her friends. Amber Liu. That’s her name. I found out that she’s pretty popular in this school. I mean of course, she’s the nicest person in this school.

Class starts and I know I should be paying attention to the lesson, but my eyes can’t help but wander off to look at her. I just found myself staring at her all throughout class. She turns her head towards me and realizes that I have been staring at her this whole time. I quickly turn my head away and I can feel my face getting red from getting caught.

The bell rings and I quickly walk out the class to avoid Amber. I make my way towards my next class which is trigonometry and when I get there, the class is still empty. I walk to my usual seat and sit down. I start taking out my notebook and my pens and pencils. The rest of the students start making their way in right before the bell rings and the teacher also walks in at the last minute. This girl named Luna, who I found is a part of Amber’s circle of friends, sits in the seat next to mine and gives me a bright smile. She seems nice.

After the class is over, the teacher asks that Luna and I stay for a couple of minutes because he had to talk to us about something. Luna and I make our way towards his desk after we got done packing our things up. “So the reason why I asked the two of you to stay is because it seems that Luna is having trouble with one of the lessons that I taught. Now Krystal, since you’re my best student, do you mind getting Luna caught up with the rest of the class by helping her?” I look at Luna and her eyes are pleading that I say yes to his question. I turn my head towards the teacher and nod.

“Thank you so much Krystal.” He gives me a big smile. “Luna, you are in good hands.” He also gives Luna a big smile. We both exit the classroom together but she ends up walking towards the girls’ bathroom and I end up walking towards the lunchroom.

I decided to sit outside on the bench for lunch because I didn’t feel like going in after what happened yesterday. I don’t want everybody laughing at me because I got beat up. However, I see Luna walking this way and she waves her hand at me.

“Hey Krystal. What are you doing sitting out here? C’mon, I’ll introduce you to my friends.” She grabs me by the wrist and pulls me into the lunchroom. It’s not like she gave me a choice anyways. “Oh and by the way, thanks for agreeing to help me with trigonometry. It means a lot.” She gives me another smile, probably the twentieth one today.

“Hey guys. Sorry I’m late. I saw Krystal sitting by herself on the bench outside and thought I should invite her to sit with us.” Luna says to the table full of people. “So Krystal, this is the gang. Gang, this is Krystal.” I gave them a shy smile and bowed my head slightly. “Hey Krystal.” They all said to me with huge smiles. Luna takes a seat next to the girl named Sulli and pats the seat next to her motioning for me to sit there. I sat down next to her and look down at my folded hands that are resting on top of my lap.

“So, how do you guys know each other?” A guy with spiky brown hair asks me. He has a mouthful of food and the guy sitting next to him smacks him on the back of the neck. “Our trigonometry teacher suggested that Krystal tutor me during our free periods since there’s this lesson that I didn’t really understand.” Luna said and then took a sip of her fruit juice. I nodded my head showing that I agree with her statement.

“Um Krystal. I just wanted to let you know that after what happened with the whole Ivy thing, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. I told the principal and now she’s gone.” I looked over to the owner of the voice and saw that it was Amber. She was giving me a sympathetic smile.

I stood up and mumbled something along the lines of “I have to go somewhere. Bye.” I walk out of the lunchroom and sat down on the bench that I was sitting on earlier. I didn’t leave because I was angry at her. I didn’t leave because I was embarrassed.

I left because I was scared. Scared that someone cares that much about me. She went through all of that trouble for me, when all I’ve done was ignore her and be a to her.

I’m afraid. I’m terrified.

Why does she care so much?

So...how was it? I dropped a few little hints about Krystal's life/family/personality/story, I guess you could say. A little foreshadowing for you readers and lovers of fanfics. But anyways, you guys are awesome! 54 subscribers and 800 views, that's amazing. Well, let me know what you think and I'll see you all soon :)


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Chapter 14: *serious clapping* Bravo Amber; getting those two to talk. Now I need an update about their conversation!!! THANK YOU!!! How about doing it with Amber as a moderator. It ends in a screaming fest from Krystal and she bolts!! Amber chases her, with Jessica hot on her heels, and ALMOST gets hit by a car running in the street after her, only to fall and hit her head; knocking her unconscious, bringing Krystal and Jessica together in trying to help heal Amber??
Chapter 14: Make the two sister fall for amber
Chapter 14: Crazy....now I want ramyun!!!
Chapter 13: okay *laffing*, I'm sorry Amber babe, but Krystal was right. you would have received a lamp to the head at best, a bullet to the chest at worst (I am armed and live alone, ya know!) if you had "broken into my house. you saw the window open, you should have sang out and let her know that it was just you, BUT it gave her a chance to care for you, so thanks for taking "one for the team...TEAM KRYBER!!! we love when she takes care of YOU for once!!!
TTheGrimReaper #5
Chapter 14: Poor Krystal. :( It's a good thing that Amber's there for her. Ooh I can sense Jessber in this fic. Hmm. I hope the sisters reunite soon. Thank you for the fic! :D Update soon! :D
Chapter 14: After watching the show "Jessica and Krystal" on MNET (shameful plug for the only....and I do mean THE ONLY channel I watch) I know those girls are very close. I love their relationship!!
Chapter 14: YAY!!! Amber can play "matchmaker" with the sisters!!!!! I like the way this is sounding, but something tells me there is a heart wrenching twist to this. Okay, I "bite".... BRING IT ON!!!! Update please and thank you!!!
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 14: Happy to see this update. Hope Jungsis is okay. I love them.
chapter 14 : get well soon author-shi.you should drink some medicine.