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news    credit    features    memes    photos    shop    forums    JYP, SM, YG, BigHit Entertainments project "Mix Up", announces new girl group! December 21, 2014 @ 2:20 pm by admin scrap, share & like 3275 shares

Loyalty is a new girl group,consisting of five members with incredible talent and most important they are said to be the next group to join the Hallyu Wave and A-nation stadium fes. 2014. Being produced by the top entertainments JYP, YG, SM, BigHit and because of this "Mix Up" project the nation and worldwide indiviuals are intrigde by this group. The members are still unknown for awhile but the video of the five vocalists and rappers made such a huge impact on the viewers of how brillant they are.Though the critizens only know their stagenames cover up nicknames they already have a lot of fans from many different countries.

SEE ALSO: JYP, YG, BitHit and SM Entertainments "Mix Up", Project Girl Group.

Remember when JYP, SM, BitHit and YG said he wanted a girl group like 2NE1 with an extra member? Well here it is, they aren't only beautiful faces as many people thought they would be, they are also said to be very talented in many skills, and they have their 1st album already written.

JYP, SM, YG and BitHit "Mix Up" representative,Han Yoon stated "This five girls are amazingly awesome! Their talents are really extremely wonderful and all of them have really differents personalities and that's what makes

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ermitskatie #1
Chapter 22: Awww this was so cute! <3
Chapter 21: That was SO CUTE!!! I can't even deal with that level of cuteness right now xD Hurray for reading this in school while having a lecture xD
Chapter 19: Awww~ Naz and Jackson are adorable.
Chapter 19: Well then xD This is gonna be interesting xD I'm exited
NatureAdvertising #5
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Chapter 18: Yaaaay... It's okay about it being late. We all have a life outside our fabrics xD anyway I'm not feeling well and this chapter brightened my mood so much so thank you for that xD
Chapter 18: Well then...Turth or dare games truly are always fun :)
Chapter 17: Wow, their dorm must be pretty big if more than 20 people can fit in the living room. Is it wrong that I'm a little jelly? Anyway, can't wait for the next chap. Truth or dare games are always fun :)
Chapter 17: I want the next chapter already xD and my Kevin feels... I just... OMG....
Lillethy #10
Chapter 17: Cant wait for the next chap ^^