The Rise of the Wolves

The Kids From Seoul

This is a double update, read Chapter 5 if you haven't already.


Ch. 5 – The Rise of the Wolves

Behind the couch, Rap Monster narrowed his eyes. He’d recognize that cackle anywhere.

“Are you really going to kill us?! Even with the history between us, Nacseo?!”

Tension quickly filled the air as Zico turned to face the area where the voice had come from, eyes narrowed.

“And just how do you know that name, er?”

~ With Jin and Jungkook ~

As soon as the power had cut out, Jin knew they had to act quickly. He gestured for Jungkook to follow him, and they quickly made their way to one of the few other entrances to the school. Looking around to make sure it was clear, he pulled out his cell phone, and dialed a number. He looked Jungkook in the eye.

“There’s only one person I can think of who’ll be able to help us.” When the phone picked up, he sighed in relief.


“We need your help, big time. We’re under attack, and outnumbered almost 2-1. Can you help??”

A pause. “Yeah, but you’ll owe us. Big Time.”

Jin grimaced. Rap Mon was gunna strangle him, but…..

“Deal. How long do we need to hold out till you can get here?”

“Depends, where are you?”

“Our Headquarters.”

“Damn, you must’ve really ed up. Think you can hold out for 10 minutes?”

“We’ll do ur best. Thanks.”


Jin turned to Jungkook. “Let them in when they get here, I’m going to go back and help the others.” Jungkook nodded, and watched Jin go back the way they came.


“And just how do you know that name, er?”

Jin frowned, peeking around the corner. Rap Mon saw him out of the corner of his eye, and mouthed ‘Backup?’ to him, before shouting to Zico.

“What, you don’t remember me~?” He looked back at Jin, who mouthed back ‘Ten Minutes’. Rap Mon nodded to show he got the message. He turned back to where he last heard Zico, who was focused on his hiding spot.

“There’s only one person who I know of that would know that name. If you’re him, I’m amazed you’re alive.”

Rap Mon slowly started backing away from his hiding spot, ready to run or dodge in case Zico, who was creeping ever closer to him, decided to shoot at him.

“Yeah~? And just who could that be?”

Zico was less than 6 feet away from Rap Monster when he replied.

“Runch Randa. That’s what you went by back in the day.”

Rap Monster jumped up, gun pointed in Zico’s face. But Zico was prepared, and had his own gun pointed, cocked, and ready. Rap Mon grinned.

“Got it in one. Although, I go by Rap Monster now.” Zico sneered.

“Good for you. Such a shame, though.” Rap Monster frowned.

“And why is that?” Zico grinned.

“That was the past. I left behind that part of my life a long time ago. So yes, I really am going to kill you.” A bloodthirsty gleam entered his eyes.

But before he could pull the trigger, clapping caught his attention. He swung his gun at the source, seeing Rap Mon do the same out of the corner of his eye.

At the exit to the rest of the school stood a group of guys. A tall blonde stood in front, still clapping.

“How inspirational.” The guy smirked. Out of the corner of his eye Zico saw Rap Mon quickly backing away. He turned his attention back to the newcomers.

“And who the are you?”

The guy smirked. “The names Luhan. Not that you’ll remember that when you’re dead.”

Zico sneered.

“Oh~, things are getting interesting~.”

Rustling noises brought attention to B.A.P, sans Youngjae, coming onto the scene through Block B’s van. Zico smirked at Yongguk.

“Looks like we’re gunna fight side by side like the good old times, Guk.”

Luhan eyed the group before him, frowning. He wished he had known it was the Legendary B.A.P and Block B crews his men we’re going up against. Jin and Rap Monster owed him immensely for this.

“Sorry, but you won’t be getting introductions from us. Besides, like I said, you won’t even remember them when you’re dead.”

Zico snarled, sick of the cocky bastard. He turned to his and Guk’s crews.


End Chapter 5: The Rise of the Wolves.

A/N Sorry this one's so short. ^^; Only one more chapter left!! Make sure to read the A/N for it when it comes out~! It will most definitely be out by the end of the week.

Thanks again to everyone who has subscribed.

(And as always, special thanks to winnerbutts on tumblr for everything!!) <3

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I was pratically screaming when I read the ending. Mostly because I was excited that there was going to be a sequel. Hwaitiiiing! Keep writing <3 I'll be reading yr fics consistently ^^
Crazycapivara #2
Chapter 7: Aehuheuhia Blockbaptan gang au fics are my life ;w; This is so so so great!! I worry for all the gangs tho, seeing my favourite groups fight against each other is... ahkskfdkf. But the fights were awesome >:oo I'll look forward to the sequel, this is so well written and I loved everything <33
Chapter 7: Oh god ><♡ this was absolutely perfect! I fell in love with the gif set and videos for it on YouTube. Ever since I first saw the gifs I've been searching to see if there was a fanfiction for it! I accidentally stumbled over this when I was waking up. You would not believe how incredibly happy this makes me! I'm totally late for school now but I seriously could not care less, this story is definitely worth it. I can't wait for the sequel, I hope it will have a lot more chapters then just 7 >< I've been trying to find a good chaptered fic lately and I hope yours will be!
Sorry for my rambling >< I'm just to excited about this xD
I'll be sure to check out your other stories of you have any ^0^ your writing is really great