The New Kids in Town

The Kids From Seoul

Ch. 1 – The New Kids In Town


Bang Yongguk did not originally intend to form a gang when he first traveled to Seoul. However, the more of the violence he witnessed everywhere, the more he wanted to be the one in control.

The first member of his gang was a 12 year old with no home, and who was fending for himself on the bloody streets of Seoul. He had saved Choi Junhong from a couple of wannabe thugs on a rainy day in 2008. Junhong had told him about his dreams to be an Idol, but everything had fallen through when his parents suddenly stopped sending him the money to stay in Seoul, and no matter how hard he tried, he could no longer contact them. Because he could no longer support himself, he had ended up on the streets with no way to return home. Yongguk took him in, taught him everything he could, and gave him the name ‘Zelo’, after the Greek god of rivalry, when he had proven his ambition and passion to Yongguk. He quickly proved to also be a fast learner, and when taught the right things he was a Dangerous Foe, and a force to be reckoned with.

2 years after ‘recruiting’ Zelo, he stumbled upon Yoo Youngjae, who at the time had just tricked a couple of thugs into taking the fall for a crime he had committed by selling them the gun he had used. Yongguk saw the whole exchange, and immediately recruited him. Youngjae, having nowhere else to go and nothing better to do, agreed.

2 more years had passed when they met Jung Daehyun.

Yongguk had been having a discussion with Youngjae at the time about how to improve their warehouse headquarters when Zelo interrupted them, Daehyun trapped by the scruff of his neck and twisted arm. He had been caught spying on them by Zelo, and immediately spilled that he had been forced to do it, as otherwise he would have been killed. When Yongguk offered protection if he joined the crew, Daehyun was quick to accept, gladly offering his skills to be a spy for them.

About 6 months later brought the completion of B.A.P in the form of Moon Jongup and Kim Himchan.

Himchan had come knocking, asking for a meeting with the Leader. When meeting Yongguk, he asked to join B.A.P, for protection of himself and a kid he had taken in by the name of Jongup.  When asked what he could offer the crew, Himchan offered up his mechanic abilities and told of Jongup’s budding skills as a Weapon’s specialist. Having neither, Yongguk agreed. Although, he doubted he would have said no anyway, as he had noticed the similarities between Himchan and Jongup and himself and Zelo. Jongup was even only a year older than his own ward.

They quickly rose as power team, with their semi-diverse abilities and near perfect teamwork proving them near invincible. They quickly rose to power, ruling Seoul without contention.


~Present Day, 2 years later~


Yongguk was frustrated. He was on his way back to HQ after taking care of a small group of upstarts who thought they could get away with talkin’ about B.A.P with the Leader mere feet away.

That wasn’t what frustrated him though. What had, was that this was the third time this week that something like this had happened. He could see the signs of an uprising clear as day, which was why he had called an emergency meeting of the crew.

Something had to be done, and it needed to be done soon.

He was the second to last person to arrive at the warehouse. He could see Himchan’s Porsche, Zelo’s skateboard, Jongup’s motorcycle, and one of the Hummers the crew had gotten from Dok2. That left Youngjae, who would undoubtedly show up soon.

He quickly made his way inside, finding everyone he expected already settled around the sitting area. Doing a cursory check for any injuries, he was glad to find none.

Before he could ask after them, just in case they had any injuries that weren’t visible, he heard Youngjae’s car pulling in. He came striding in, closing and locking the door behind him once he saw that everyone else was there.

Once everyone was settled, it went quite, all eyes on Yongguk. He turned to Himchan first. As the second in command, any and all skirmishes would have been already been reported to him.

“Any disturbances today?” Himchan grimaced.

“Two. Zelo took care of one down by the river, just a couple of thugs who thought they could one up the youngest member of B.A.P, and Jongup took care of a group of idiots who thought it would be a good idea to try and break in.”

“. I was afraid of this.” Yongguk ruffled his hair, agitation growing.

“Boss, I know you probably already figured this out, but there’s been whispers of an uprising by some new crew along my network.” Daehyun fidgeted as his leader’s gaze focused on him, agitation clear on his face.

“Yeah, I figured. That’s why I called everyone to gather here. Has anyone noticed anything specific about these guys? Tattoos, marks, anything to set them apart from ordinary troublemakers?”

It was silent for a couple of minutes as everyone thought back, trying to remember anything before Jongup let out a noise of surprise. Everyone looked at him.

“I’m pretty sure all of the guys from earlier had a dragon tattoo on their arms. Different spots, but it was the same tattoo.” He offered.

Yongguk frowned, sitting back. Come to think of it, he was pretty sure that the loudmouth from earlier had a dragon on his shoulder… He cut his eyes back to his boys.

“Anyone else see dragon tattoos on these guys?”

One by one they all nodded.

“Alright, now we’ve got a way to identify the stupid ers. Now, the big problem is how are we going to get rid of ‘em? I can tell right now after all of these little skirmishes, that this is a huge crew we’re dealing with, too big for us to handle on our own. We need help.”

It was silent. Then-

“We could ask Zico’s gang.” Everyone whipped around to stare at Jongup with varying degrees of rage and/or disbelief on their faces. Yongguk especially was incredulous. He shook his head.

“No. NO way. Not after what they did to one of our own.” Jongup frowned.

“Then what do we do? So far as I know there’s no one else who can help.”

Daehyun uneasily piped up, the look on his face clearly saying that he didn’t want to.

“Have you heard of those new kids in town? The ones calling themselves BTS?”

Yongguk shook his head, frowning. He looked at the rest of his crew, seeing the same response. Daehyun sighed before launching into an explanation.

“No one knows where they popped up from, all we really know is this; They’re a seven member group, all pretty young with the oldest 2 members being 21 years old, and their youngest is rumored to be about 15 or 16. They have yet to lose a fight here in Seoul, but they also haven’t been here for long, nor do they purposely go out of their way to look for a fight. They’re currently using an abandoned school as headquarters. So far as anyone can gather, they have no other affiliations or any allies.” He looked at Yongguk expectantly, waiting for any questions. Yongguk continued to frown, going over the new information.

“Do we have names or abilities?” Daehyun also frowned.

“The two oldest go by Jin and Suga. The leader calls himself Rap Monster, and we know the names of two others; J-Hope and V. We have no idea in regards to anything specific ability-wise. We just know that they can fight.”

Yongguk slowly nodded. “And the school?”

“On the other side of Seoul, over by Itaewon. That’s pretty much all we know.”

Yongguk leaned forward, scrubbing his face, and sighed.

“Okay. I’ll see if I can meet up with this Rap Monster guy. In the meantime, I say we all crash here until things get taken care of. Don’t go out alone, always have someone else with you, just to be safe. I’ll be back later.”

He got up to leave, he had a mission to do.


Youngjae waited until Yongguk had left before turning to Jongup.

“Why the did you suggest Zico’s gang after what they did?! Did you really forget, or are you just stupid?!” He stood up and left to go to one of the rooms set up for when they needed to stay there before Jongup could respond, tears in his eyes.

Jongup watched him go, grimacing. He hadn’t forgotten, how could he? It just seemed like the only option they had at that point. He hadn’t wanted to bring up the painful memories, but he truly hadn’t thought they had any other options.

~~Flashback: 2 years earlier~~

B.A.P were seemingly invincible. The only ones to compete with them on their level was an older, 7-member group called Block B.

Zico, the leader of Block B, and Yongguk had struck a deal; they’d leave each other alone and stay on their own halves of Seoul and agreeing to help each other out if they need it, and at first it worked. But that all changed one day when Daehyun stumbled upon them trying to get away with goods that belonged to them.

There had been a commotion reported down by Han River, and Daehyun had been the one sent to see what was up, and if necessary, take care of it.

When he arrived, what he saw was Taeil from Zico’s crew and a couple of the guys from that half of Seoul arguing with a group from B.A.P’s half. They were arguing over a briefcase, which, if Taeil’s behavior was anything to go by, was quite important to Block B. He got as close as he could without being noticed, which brought him right up to the briefcase in question.

“What’s going on here?” His sudden question brought the argument to a screeching halt, with both parties turning to him in surprise. It even looked like Taeil was going to reach for the briefcase, only to stop short at the sight of it in Daehyun’s hands.

One of their men saluted him.

“Boss-man! We caught these guys dealing with Kim Sungjae and trying to cross the territory line with that briefcase! Sungjae ran, but we had these guys surrounded before they could cross over.”

Daehyun nodded.

“Good job. I’ll be sure to tell Yongguk.” The men bowed to him in return. Daehyun turned to Taeil.

“I suggest you head back into your territory. I don’t know what you’re trying to pull, but rest assured that it won’t fly with Yongguk.”

Taeil sneered at him, but motioned for his men to follow him back over the line back into their own territory. Daehyun watched them disappear from his sight before he himself left to report back to Yongguk, briefcase in hand.

Apparently one of their jewel smugglers had gotten a good offer from Zico if he double-crossed Yongguk for a couple of diamonds worth millions each.

In an effort to find out what Yongguk had done with the diamonds and how to possibly get them back, Zico had ordered for someone to kidnap Youngjae, and proceeded to interrogate him for info.

Youngjae had kept silent the whole time, even when beaten and threatened with death. It ended with Yongguk offering a trade; the diamonds for Youngjae, and the termination of their alliance. Zico agreed.

The trade went smoothly, but afterwards Block B had seemed to just disappear off of the newtwork.

Eventually Daehyun found out where they were through his contacts, and Yongguk had just asked him to keep an eye on them in case they ever tried to retaliate, but they never did.

Youngjae would never forgive them for what they put him through, and no one could fault him for that.

~~End Flashback~~


Jongup frowned as he watched Youngjae leave. He only hoped that they could still be friends, and that Youngjae would let him explain himself later. But for now, he would leave him alone.

End Chapter 1: The New Kids In Town

A/N Thanks to anyone taking the time to read this, I really appreciate it!

As usual, special thanks go to winnerbutts on tumblr for letting me write this!! <3

If you spot any mistakes, feel free to point them out to me so that I may fix them~! The next chapter should be out in a couple of day, I've got a pretty busy weekend. ^^; And now, I must go to sleep, it's almost 2am where I'm at. <3

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I was pratically screaming when I read the ending. Mostly because I was excited that there was going to be a sequel. Hwaitiiiing! Keep writing <3 I'll be reading yr fics consistently ^^
Crazycapivara #2
Chapter 7: Aehuheuhia Blockbaptan gang au fics are my life ;w; This is so so so great!! I worry for all the gangs tho, seeing my favourite groups fight against each other is... ahkskfdkf. But the fights were awesome >:oo I'll look forward to the sequel, this is so well written and I loved everything <33
Chapter 7: Oh god ><♡ this was absolutely perfect! I fell in love with the gif set and videos for it on YouTube. Ever since I first saw the gifs I've been searching to see if there was a fanfiction for it! I accidentally stumbled over this when I was waking up. You would not believe how incredibly happy this makes me! I'm totally late for school now but I seriously could not care less, this story is definitely worth it. I can't wait for the sequel, I hope it will have a lot more chapters then just 7 >< I've been trying to find a good chaptered fic lately and I hope yours will be!
Sorry for my rambling >< I'm just to excited about this xD
I'll be sure to check out your other stories of you have any ^0^ your writing is really great