The Town is Ours

The Kids From Seoul

Ch. 2 – The Town is Ours


Yongguk looked up at the old building, the abandoned school that housed the new kids; BTS. He figured if he lingered long enough someone would come out to investigate why he was there.

Soon enough, the doors creaked open, a slim shadow slipping through and approaching him. Yongguk could barely make out smooth, attractive features set into a cold expression focused on him.

“What business do you have here?”

Yongguk took a moment more to observe the man before him. He must be one of the oldest members, and strong as well, since he was the one to come out of the building and confront him.

“I want a meeting with your Leader; Rap Monster I believe is what he goes by?” The stranger frowned, shifting back ever so slightly and tensing up.

“And who are you to request that?”

“Bang Yongguk, Leader of B.A.P.”

Still frowning, the stranger stepped back another step and pulled out a cell phone and texting someone. A quick response had him gesturing for Yongguk to follow him as he re-entered the building. Twisting through the hallways and through various rooms made it hard for him to keep track of where he was in the building. They entered a dimly lit room, various pieces of furniture scattered around a table piled with paperwork, behind which was what looked to be a teenager seated on a couch flipping through said paperwork. He looked up as Yongguk and the other man came to a stop in front of him.

“Thanks Jin. J-Hope needs help with something out back, will you go see what you can do while I chat with Yongguk-shii?” Jin nodded and left.

Rap monster gestured for him to take a seat; he chose to sit directly across from him in an armchair.

“So~, to what do I owe this visit from the esteemed leader of B.A.P himself, Yongguk-shii?” Yongguk sat back, sighing.

“Just Yongguk is fine. I don’t know how well you keep track of the going-ons of the city, but we’ve noticed quite an increase in fighting and unrest among the other gangs. There’s also an unsettling recurrence of a dragon tattoo scattered among various groups of people. The way we see it, someone has decided to try and wrestle control from us, and frankly, we don’t want that.” Rap Monster nodded.

“Yeah, we’ve heard whispers of someone wanting to take you down. Who don’t know who it is though. But, how does BTS fit into this?” Yongguk leaned forward, elbows settled on his knees, hands clasped together.

“We’ve heard whispers. People talk of you, how you’re new to town and yet, you haven’t lost any fights. About how despite your young ages, you’re doing a damn good job of holding your own in all of the fights you’ve been in, whether or not you started them.” Rap Mon leaned back into his own seat, expression unreadable. Yongguk continued, unperturbed.

“What I want, is to propose a partnership between B.A.P and BTS. As much as I hate to admit it, the signs are all pointing that this upstart group is just too big for B.A.P alone to handle. We’d share the city, no questions asked, and without interference in your decisions if you help us take this group down.” Rap Mon nods, mulling over everything Yongguk had said, thinking the proposal over. He leaned forward.

“Okay.” Yongguk blinked in surprise, not expecting an answer so quickly.

“So you’ll help us?” Rap Mon smirked.

“Consider it already done.” He extends his hand to Yongguk, who clasped it in his own and sealing the deal with a handshake.

~ 3 Days Later ~

Yongguk lead the group of 7 into B.A.P headquarters and into what was dubbed the ‘War Room’ where the rest of his crew was waiting.

Everyone settled around a table that had a map of Seoul spread out over it.

“Alright. Since we’re all here and Official Allies, let’s have Introductions. I’ll go first, then my crew. I’m Bang Yongguk, Leader of B.A.P.” He nodded to Himchan to get the ball rolling.

“I’m Kim Himchan, Second in Command, and the crew’s personal Mechanic.” Himchan stiffly nodded his head in the other group’s direction.

“Jung Daehyun, in charge of Intel and Espionage.” He gestured down at the map to highlight his position.

“Youngjae, Tactician.” His unflinching stare at the new guys would’ve made lesser men cower.

“Moon Jongup, Weapons Specialist.” He smiled and gave a cheery little wave of his hand, trying to be friendlier than his counterparts.

“Zelo. I do a bit of everything, but mostly I just take care of the Dirty Work. Yongguk-hyung taught me everything I know.” He stiffly did a shallow bow, not taking his eyes off of anyone.

BTS exchanged looks at the last bit of information, knowing Yongguk’s rep of being absolutely ruthless. Rap Monster raised his hand and did a little wave.

“Yo, I’m Rap Monster, Leader of BTS.” He looked fierce, light blonde hair swept up and out of his face, eyes cold as ice. The next one to step up looked almost out of place, attractive features, blank expression, average height with no obvious muscle definition, and average brown hair.

“Jin, Second in Command and in charge of Intel.”

Yongguk and Himchan exchanged looks. SIC meant the kid had skill, and shouldn’t be looked down on or brushed aside.

Next up was another older-looking member, though he was also one of the shorter members.

“Wassup. I’m Suga, Tactician with a side of Espionage when needed.”

The next one had a wide grin on his face.

“I’m J-Hope~! I do the mechanic work, and occasionally help with the dirty work~.”

The shortest member was next.

“Jimin, Weapon’s Specialist.”

The second to last member straightened from his slouch, surprising the other crew with his unexpectedly deep voice.  

“I’m V. I do most of the Dirty Work.”

Lastly, the youngest looking member stepped forward. His eyes were dark and unreadable, posture loose and unconcerned.

“I’m Jungkook. I do a little bit of everything, since I haven’t quite found my niche yet. But just because I’m only 16 doesn’t mean you should underestimate me.”

Yongguk nodded, and clapped his hands once.

“Don’t worry about that, you’ll receive nothing but respect from us; Zelo’s only a couple of years older than you. So, what kind of Intel do we have on these guys? Any idea on how many of them are in Seoul?” Daehyun stepped up to the map on the table.

“My contacts couldn’t tell me much. Whoever is leading these guys knows what they’re doing. Between the six of us, we’ve taken down 7 different groups ranging in size from 2 people up to 5. From what I could gather, these are the small fry. There’s rumors of a group 15 strong in Gangnam, and of a group 20 strong down by Itaewon. There are also supposedly several more groups 5-10 members strong each spread throughout the city. Jin-shii?”

“Just Jin, if you don’t mind. Basically the same information, but if I had a few days, I could probably find out the locations for the other groups.”

Yongguk watched as the two plotted out locations they already knew, discussing and trading info. He turned to the Tacticians next.

“Any ideas on how to drive them out?” He watched as Suga and Youngjae put their heads together to whisper back and forth for a few minutes before turning back to everyone else.

“Use Extreme Force.” The chorused answer drew attention to them from everyone else. Youngjae spoke up first, “Start with the biggest groups and work our way down the list.” Next was Suga. “Use extreme methods; guns, pipes, everything we can, and strike fear into their very blood.”

Yongguk blinked at them, while Rap Mon just grinned. Rap Mon then turned to Jongup and Jimin.

“How long do you think you’ll need to amass some decent quality weapons?” The two exchanged looks, thinking. Jongup then offered, “Well, I can see if Jay has anything we can use. His stuff is Top Notch quality, usually imported.” Yongguk nodded, satisfied.

“Sounds good. Do it, and tell him I’ll foot the bill.” He turned to Himchan and J-Hope. “Transportation?” Himchan smirked.

“I’m almost done tweaking the Hummers we got from Dok2 a while back. If J-Hope is willing to help, we could be done in just a couple days.” J-Hope looked positively ecstatic at the prospect. Yongguk gave his go ahead before turning to the last few people; Jungkook, V, and Zelo.

“In the meantime, we need to prepare ourselves for quite a few battles.” He turned to the room at large. “At the moment, B.A.P is staying here, and we’ve got plenty of room, so if BTS wants to chill here as well, you’re more than welcome to. Now, I’m heading out to scout some of these places. You know how to reach me if anything happens.”

And with that, Yongguk turned and left.



Over the course of the next week, plans were finalized, the hummers were up and running, and the weapons from Jay were in and all accounted for.

Tonight was the first raid, and they had gathered outside of the building housing the largest group of upstarts. Everyone was armed to the teeth with their weapons of choice, waiting for Rap Mon or Yongguk to call them out. They exchanged looks before Yongguk nodded for Rap Mon to do the honors. He took a deep breath, before shouting loud enough to be heard inside the building.

Listen up sick Bastards!!! From now on, this is town is OURS. Leave now, or we’ll have to kick your asses personally!!!”

After a few minutes of no activity, Rap Mon’s grin turned down right bloodthirsty. Yongguk made the signal, and all 13 of them stormed the building, guns blazing and bats and pipes swinging.

Their opponents never knew what hit them.



Over the next two weeks, BTS and B.A.P had driven out or taken care of any and all members of the opposition. Yongguk was glad to have his city back, and didn’t really mind having to share with BTS. So glad in fact, that he never noticed the calculative gleam in Rap Monster’s eyes, or the subtle, hostile tension within BTS. Something he would later regret.

~~ Unknown Bar, Seoul ~~

“Really? Huh. You don’t say. Okay, yeah. Thanks. I’ll send U-Kwon to pick them up then. Later.”

Zico hung up, a contemplative gleam in his eyes. Kyung, his Second in Command, gazed at him patiently. Zico finally turned to him.

“Those new kids are fighting by Guk’s side.”

Kyung’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Interesting. I’ve heard they know how to cause trouble.”

Zico nodded. “Time to send these children back to Kindergarten.”

Their matching, crazed grins could have frozen the blood of any normal, sane person.

End Chapter 2: The Town is Ours.

A/N Hello~!! * subscribers?! For my first story on here?! I'm touched, really I am. ;A; Thanks again to everyone who read this, I should have the next chapter up in a couple of days, just like this one. The schedule for chapter releases should sty the same, one chapter every couple of days. ^^ Fair warning, there are only 6 chapters total to the story, but they're all done, just waiting to be typed up and posted!! Besides, you may have a surprise at the end of the fic, if you like this story that is. ^w^ Y'all have a good night/day, whatevere. It's 1am where I'm at, so I won't be up much longer. <3

(And once again, I would like to give special thanks to winnerbutts on tumblr for this opportunity!)

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I was pratically screaming when I read the ending. Mostly because I was excited that there was going to be a sequel. Hwaitiiiing! Keep writing <3 I'll be reading yr fics consistently ^^
Crazycapivara #2
Chapter 7: Aehuheuhia Blockbaptan gang au fics are my life ;w; This is so so so great!! I worry for all the gangs tho, seeing my favourite groups fight against each other is... ahkskfdkf. But the fights were awesome >:oo I'll look forward to the sequel, this is so well written and I loved everything <33
Chapter 7: Oh god ><♡ this was absolutely perfect! I fell in love with the gif set and videos for it on YouTube. Ever since I first saw the gifs I've been searching to see if there was a fanfiction for it! I accidentally stumbled over this when I was waking up. You would not believe how incredibly happy this makes me! I'm totally late for school now but I seriously could not care less, this story is definitely worth it. I can't wait for the sequel, I hope it will have a lot more chapters then just 7 >< I've been trying to find a good chaptered fic lately and I hope yours will be!
Sorry for my rambling >< I'm just to excited about this xD
I'll be sure to check out your other stories of you have any ^0^ your writing is really great