Kim Yookwon

Never Ending Love (discontinued)


“So you mean to say… You have gay parents?” Key gasped. Jaeri nodded smiling, she wasn’t embarrassed by this fact “No wonder I like you the first time I saw you! Which was yesterday” Key chuckled

“Are you sure the teacher won’t scold you for being here?” Jaeri asked as she peeked at Key’s classmates, they were all busy doing dance routines

“Oh please. It’s just dance, I can do it freestyle no matter what genre they want” He said flipping his hair confidently.

“I’m envious. I don’t dance well” Key let out a laugh “What’s so funny?” Jaeri puffed her cheeks in annoyance

“Oh my god! Keep doing that and I swear that guy who keeps looking at you would burst out of happiness cause of your cuteness” Key laughed again

“Guy? What are you talking about?” She asked confused. Key rolled his eyes pointing at the group playing basketball. The one dribbling the ball had a goofy smile and was looking directly at them

“Damn! It’s Kim Yookwon! Girl I had a feeling you’d be popular but I didn’t think you’ll catch a varsity player’s eye. Not to mention one of the cute too” Key giggled. Jaeri didn’t really care. Raising a brow at him she shook her head

“Let’s not talk about him” she groaned, shifting sides so he can’t see him anymore

“Why not talk about him?” Key raised a brow staring straight beyond her shoulders

“I don’t find him uhmmm… appealing to me” Jaeri said honestly “but I guess he has looks” she admitted

“Heard that Yookwon?” Key smiled. Jaeri’s eyes widened as she turned to see if there was really a person behind her

“Hi I’m Kim Yookwon” the red haired guy greeted as he gave out his hand. Jaeri just gaze it a short glance and gave a sarcastic smile

“And I’m not interested” Jaeri stood up grabbing her things but Yookwon, by reflex suddenly got hold of her things

“And am I suppose to be invisible here?” Key tapped his food irritated.

“That’s why we have to go” Jaeri said with a bit of nervousness in her voice. Yookwon continued smiling at her. Jaeri took a glance at his group. They were all gazing at them.

“Look, I really seem to like you” he said “I guess I should be honest right? Well, I think I’ve liked you for a few weeks now.” Key made an O shape with his mouth, he seemed so impressed and amused with what was happening

“And look, I really would like to go now” Jaeri took Key’s arm and started dragging him away

“”Wait! I haven’t known your name yet!” Yookwon yelled. Jaeri ignored him and continued walking away

“It’s Hwang Jaeri!” It was Key who answered.

“Oh! Nice meeting you Hwang Jaeri!” Yookwon yelled waving.

“Kim Yookwon!” one of his teammates called out for him. As he looked their way he saw a ball being thrown towards him

“What was that for Park Kyung?!” He said as he jogged back to them

“For hitting on the new girl, well not really” Kyung answered scratching his chin

“Morelike, ditching us to hit on the new girl” Zico said grabbing the ball from Yookwon and making a netless shot.

“But she’s pretty. Hwang Jaeri right? She’s from my class” PO, the youngest of the group said

“You can help me then?” Yookwon asked with a hint of glimmer in his eyes


“You don’t really find him interesting?” Key kept asking Jaeri as they walked around the school campus

“For the hundredth time, I said I don’t” Jaeri answered stomping her foot

“Are you sure? Yookwon isn’t the type to give up easily” Key said

“Then he’d have to learn” Jaeri sighed

“No wonder he likes you. You got good comebacks”

“Uhhh. Whatever”

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