Jaeri's adoption

Never Ending Love (discontinued)


Lee Donghae and Kim Kibum walked hand in hand along the orphanage corridors, the caretaker didn’t mind. There are a lot of boy and boy, girl and girl couples who went to this orphanage to adopt a child

“We just want a young girl who’d be open to our relationship.” Kibum said as he squeezed Donghae’s hand tighter and smiled at him.

“That’s never easy, but we always try” the keeper said as they continued walking to the office

“Donghae, you go talk to them. I’ll just take a stroll around” Kibum said as he gave Hae a light peck on the lips. Walking around the place, most kids avoided him, not even returning his smile. “This is going to be hard” Kibum whispered to himself as he sat in a corner watching the kids play

“Why so down mister?” a girl around 9 approached him. She was staring at him with a blank expression. Kibum smiled at her, she smiled back. “Haven’t found anyone you want to adopt?” she asked sitting beside him.

“No, no one yet at the moment. Can you tell me your name and why you’re here little miss?” Kibum gave another smile

“I’m Hwang Jae Ri. 1o years old. My father left me here because he couldn’t support us anymore. My mom died while giving birth to my younger brother, but he died too. And a few weeks after my father left me here, Minji unnie told me he got shot accidentally by the police”

Kibums’ jaw dropped. How could a 10 year old just easily tell all these things? He felt pity but didn’t show it. “Do you want a hug?” He asked opening his arms for her. Without another word, Jaeri went up to him.

“How would you feel if you lived with two dads?” Kibum asked after Jaeri let go. “I mean your father and mother are both guys” He was practically pleading in his head hoping that she wouldn’t mind. Kibum felt attached to the child

“It’s okay I guess. As long as they would love me” Kibum smiled. She’s perfect he thought

“Jaeri! There you are, we’ve been looking for you – oh! Mr. Kim” It was the caretaker walking with Donghae

“Minji unnie!” Jaeri ran up to the older girl. Kibum stood up dusting off his pants and went by Donghae’s side

“Jaeri-ssi, this is Lee Donghae” Kibum introduced the kid to his partner

“Hello Jaeri-ssi” Donghae said, giving her a smile and a wave

“Hello. I am Hwang Jaeri nice to meet you” She greeted bowing

“Jaeri! How do you feel about Mr. Kim and Mr. Lee?” Minji asked. Jaeri looked at both of them and smiled a wide smile

“Are they going to adopt me?” She asked beaming with joy

“Ne Jaeri-ssi. That is if you want us to” Donghae said. Kibum looked at Donghae with much affection, like the first time he realized he loved him.

“WOAH! OFCOURSE! YES! YES! YES!” Jaeri went and hugged the two of them

“It’s settled then. Mr. Lee come with us for the official signing of papers” Minji said, leading the way back into the office


“Hwang Jaeri. How many times do we have to remind you! Never fight back!” Kibum said in a stern voice. Jaeri’s head hung low. It had been the 5th time this month that she was called in the office for fighting

“Kibum… I don’t think you need to be so harsh on Jaeri” Donghae said as he tried calming Kibum down

“But appa… If you heard what they were saying! I couldn’t stand it! They all keep judging both of you.” A tear slid down Jaeri’s cheek. Kibum softened a bit. He knew perfectly well that she’d never fight without a good reason

“aish! Just. Don’t mind them next time. As long as you know the truth it’s fine” Kibum said rubbing his temple “And, you’ll be spending your last years of high school in Seoul” he added. Donghae smiled winking at Jaeri. Jaeri gave a thumbs up but immediately hid it as Kibum looked up at her again, she pretended to still look sad.

“Go to your room now” Donghae said

As soon as Jaeri was out of sight, Kibum lightly pushed Hae’s forehead “You keep taking her side”

“No I don’t, now let me take care of you” Donghae said grinning “She’s already 15 and turning 16 in a few months. She’d know what to do and what not to do”

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